The Craziest Situation Ever!!!

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The Craziest Situation Ever!!!


Post by Forrest »

Hello fellow knife community, I have an important question that im sure will bring up many good stories! What is the craziest situation that you have been in where you had to use your knife to help the situation or maybe even fix it entirely? did you have to survive with it? did you save a life with your knife some how? Share your interesting stories, all are welcome! :spyder:
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Post by kbuzbee »

We were on a tour group in Hawaii. The guide wanted folks to try a papaya and a mango right off the tree but had no tools with her. My DPFGUKPK saved the day!

Does that count?


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Post by polyhexamethyl »

unfortunatly it was no spyderco But a SAK!
i opened a can at a hostel in Costa Rica for the most amazing woman in my life!
she was pretty impressed and I lucky because she's my girlfriend now!
does that count? :)
aogami super blue dragonfly!
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Post by Forrest »

haha, Those are good stories! all stories count on this thread! :D
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Post by Rwb1500 »

I got a Christmas present I was really excited about. Let me pause right there and warn you this gets a little graphic and very embarrassing.

So I got a Christmas present. I don't remember what it was, probably a knife. I was at home by myself... Come to think of it it may not have been Christmas at all. Either way, I got a knife in the mail. The problem was I really had to use the rest room, but I really wanted to open this knife. I figured there was no reason I couldn't do both at the same time. I took the package into the bathroom and got comfortable. It was a blister pack of some sort, so I reached down to my pants and pulled out a FFG Delica 4. I started to work around the edges of the packaging and then I slipped and stuck the tip of the Delica right into my naked thigh.

Well crap, I thought. It was one of those moments where you brace yourself for things to go horribly wrong, breathe in sharply and tighten your entire body. For a split second after I pulled the VG10 splinter out of my thigh there was no blood, so I breathed a huge sigh of relief. I was very much mistaken in thinking I was out of the woods because no sooner than I started feeling better a geyser of blood shot out of my thigh. Thankfully I had been thinking about bleeding a bunch so I grabbed some TP and stopped the geyser. The only thing really injured was my pride.

The moral of this story is use a Dodo or a Cricket for blister packs. So who wants to send me a Dodo? ;)

Also, as men it's usually better if we don't try to do more than one thing at a time unless one of those things is drinking beer.

I guess I didn't really fix anything in this story. Oh well, it was a crazy story right?
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Post by Forrest »

That is an awesome story! :D
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Post by Bladekeeper »

Not a knife but bladed in respect , as a child of around 6 I recall the old man and his friend chopping up something in the yard .
Now in one house we had a huge yard/garden and there was a washing line right across the garden at a diagonal angle.
They were using a large axe the old man knew the line was there so was taking gentle swings at shoulder height , it was just getting slightly dark .
So the lines became very hard to see , "stop hitting like a girl " I recall words to that effect .
Que the axe raised above the head and yup brought it down on the line which went with the axe , then as it was so tightly wound it recoiled and the axe hit the guy square in the forehead .
Just thankful it was a one side axe he got a face full of blunt steel looked like he'd been hit by a train :D .
Again not a knife but a sharp although not there to witness it , couldn't be made up and wouldn't have belived it had I not seen the pics .
A mate was walking into his brothers room who had a dart board on the back of the door (you can see where this is going).
As he opened the door the dart was already mid air and hit him right in the pupil , his pupil actually leaked into the rest of his eye.
Blinded in that eye and has a black trail from the pupil :eek:
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Post by w3tnz »

I got pretty crazy and cut the top off a zip lock bag once :eek: :p
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Post by SpyderEdgeForever »

When I was about 14 years old I was already into knife collecting and I was just then discovering Scandi knives, such as Finnish and Swedish ones. I did not realize how sharp the edges were on some of these knives and I rubbed my thumb against the edge of a Fiskars fixed cut deep...nearly into the muscle tissue. I had it wrapped up and covered in ointment and it healed up.

That is one of many stories.

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Post by Forrest »

All great stories!
sadly I dont really have any yet hahaha. :D
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Post by tonydahose »

I have used my spydies to cut more than a few seatbelts in accidents. I have cut alot of battery cables with my Jumpmaster (it cuts through it like butter). The one that sticks in my mind is that i had a millie in my pocket, mind you i have always carried tip up knives, I was bringing it out to cut something and we get a fire run. I push it back in my pocket but the blade had started to open. It sliced into my thigh. Sure enough we get a hit (legitimate fire) and we go to work. When i got back to the firehouse and checked my whole leg was full of wet and dried blood. It wasn't big or deep cut but with the all the physical activity and no pressure on the wound it just kept bleeding. That is the last time i ever carried a tip down knife. My millies that i carry have all been switched.
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Post by ginsuwarrior »

This morning it got a little crazy while in my barn pretty early I was attacked by a yellow jacket, stung on the hand, and I usually swell up pretty good when this happens, so I went outside to gather some wild plantain. I then pull out my freshly sharpened Endura (put a hair popping edge on it last night) to do some chopping of herbs to rub on my wound. Well maybe it's cause I only had a couple of sips of coffee and I wasn't seeing things straight, but I managed to slice a pretty decent chunk of left hand index finger off!!!! :eek:

So as I sit here, of course my whole left arm is almost 20% bigger than normal, and my index finger has some pretty large bandaging on it. This is the craziest situation of today. Still managed to do a bunch of farm work though, mainly one handed!
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Post by Per-Sev »

I was just packaging up the Spyderco Native 5 forum knife I sold today on eBay and I was cutting up some bubble wrap to pack the box with using my Domino and I set the Domino on my bed and it slid off and hit the side of my heal being my feet are numb I did not feel it till I looked down and saw a crime scene. The blood had shot about a foot from where my foot was and blood was just pouring out. I grabbed some micro fiber towels I was using to wipe the Native off with and stopped the bleeding long enough to get in the bathroom and bandage it up. I used pet cleaned for the blood in my carpet and I removed all of it so all that remains is the bloody micro fiber towel. I guess the Native got even with me for selling it. Keep in mind its midnight here and everyone else is in bed so I did not want to wake them up and I have a hard time walking let alone with a gash in my foot. Here is a pic for your viewing pleasure, I wanted to get more blood but I had sprayed it with pet spray before I thought of taking pics.
I Have A High Art: I Hurt With Cruelty Those Who Wound Me. Archilochus 650 BC.
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