Youngster looking for concealment tips

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Youngster looking for concealment tips


Post by Knifestyle »

This being a first post, let me just say I'm a young but avid fan of this company and everything it has done for the industry. I pop up around on various forums about the obvious, finally got the nerve together to try conversing on this particular board.

I'm currently stuck between two lifestyles. Throughout the academic year, I'm 'Knife the RA at Blank University'. This identity has me doing everything from counseling, setting up events and benefit concerts, doing tours and promotional work, handling emergencies that vary from burst pipes to domestic violence, and plenty of mundane tasks that require a sense of humor to survive. I'm known for a ridiculous hairstyle, a fedora, and the pink Delica FFG people love to borrow and giggle at. Why yes, I' fact male. Yes, I chose the pink specifically, I'm also a Relay for Life organizer who considers it a tribute to breast cancer awareness. Party? Sorry, can't make it, I'll probably be off fencing.

Summer rolls around. I do research and humanitarian work with a few groups, always ending up in third-world countries typically recovering from a major social or natural disaster. I've had a couple trips called off because of major headline events that I hope those closer to me don't hear about. I'm not an a thrill seeker or 'survivor' in it for the bragging rights, I'm there for a reason whether it's research to help the rest of the world understand, or getting the project off the ground to help these people. This required I delve into quite a bit of training in skills I both need and never want to use, I've been extremely lucky in that people skills and common sense have kept me intact when things get unscripted. I'm once again known for my taste in blades, couple natives have tried talking me away from my (pink) ESEE Izula, Hideaway Knives, Leatherman, etc.

While I prefer fixed blades quite a bit and have been EDCing them for years, my recent advances in the academic-corporate world have forced me to polish up the rougher edges and make my image and decisions count. Being flat broke, the Byrd line became my savior, the Meadow Lark won me over. Eventually I passed it along to a female fledging blade nut, saving up for a couple months for my trademark pink Delica and a trainer to replace it and make training myself and others easier. Living off ramen and store brand cereal, do realize how much quality it took to make that purchase. Been EDCing and training with it for a few months, going backwards from fixed blades to folders is quite a transition. However, the smaller overall size has me appreciating in-waistband carry, for general use at a liberal arts college in a sleepy farm town I'm very pleased with the convenience. For PR and social reasons, however, both my Delica and Byrd Robin (Don't judge me, it snuck into my online shopping cart by itself) must be completely hidden. So, I ask the experts.

What are functional but discrete ways to carry a Delica-sized or Dragonfly-sized folder in various outfits? I have more outfits than GI Joe, each day I'm in a full suit, the next a polo and khakis, tee shirt and jeans, athletic wear, hiking gear, or some flashier combinations for parties. In all cases, the knife is very allowed, just not quite familiar to some demographics out here. It doesn't have to be strapped in a thigh rig, I'm fine digging a bit for it if it can be done in a smooth manner. Also, once I head abroad again, I would like to keep the practice going to keep a back-up or lighter duty knife around for when a fixed blade gives the wrong impression. I've been carrying IWB at 2 and 3 o'clock, being a burly 126 pounds at 5'7 this is a bit more of a challenge than usual. This is Illinois, either you're wearing layers or you already froze to death. I'd prefer my Delica for its easier opening and the reactions the color gets, but the Robin will also suffice if the option requires that small a knife.

Thank you in advance for any responses, do be assured I read more than I post.
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Post by gijoe945 »

Remove clip from delica and place alone in off hand front pocket.
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Post by Slash »

Get a necker or try out an ankle strap sheath type system using a thin blade and wear tube socks if concealment and fixed blade is what you want.
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Post by CanisMajor »

Loose in pocket. That's how I carry most days. Especially easier with the Delica or Dragonfly size knife. Doesn't take up much room.


p.s. Welcome to the Forum :) .
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Post by Dr. Snubnose »

Here is a few tips for you. I Posted this some time back in another thread about how to conceal a knife when you don't have pockets...hope this helps.....Doc :D

Without Pockets Huh?....Well I do consider myself the Concealment King (as I have been known to carry a whole mess of knives and some handguns to boot....So what do I suggest or better yet what have I done in the past and sometimes even now, specially when SD is a concern....well here goes....
I do like neck carry but understand your concerns....
I sometimes wear a fixed blade or folder in an ankle holster
Sometimes I clip a Spyderco inside my baseball cap or other hat
Sometimes I wear an ace bandage on my forearm and clip one there
Sometimes I wear a knee brace on the thigh and clip one there and have even carried larger blades like the Rock Salt and Hissatsu there as well, easy to reach if wearing long jogging pants if you don't mind fishing around inside the pants for the handle, sometimes I cut the pockets out of my jeans or pants and carry this way, and reach through the pocket hole and pull out a big knife
Sometimes I clip a small Spyderco to my socks, re-enforced with a rubberband at the top of the socks.
Sometimes I wear a groin holster made by "Thunderware" and I can conceal up to eight knives with clips of various sizes in the two pockets
Waistband carry is always an option
Sometimes I clip a Spyderco under the tongue of my sneakers
Try clipping a Spyderco to the top of your T-shirt front or back
I have attached with a little extra heavy duty velcro a knife under my shirt collar, works real great
Don't laugh at this one till you try it.....But with a little bit of plumbers tape you can just about attach any folder to most parts of the body, Cover the entire knife and then an emergency rip tape off and grab knife.... I once tapped a Delica (don't try this one at home without supervision and only use a folder) between my butt checks, during a Defensive Tactics class for Law Enforcement Agents, I was patted down by 20+ officers and no one could find a knife....even after telling them I was still armed.
During cold weather times The inside of a glove is a great place to hide a knife.
Running with one inside your closed fist is another option.
Putting a head band around a water bottle is another great place to clip a knife when running, The water bottle can be used as a first line of defense as well.
Gun Belly bands work great to conceal a knife under garments and are a very cheap to purchase
Now if you don't care if your friends laugh at you, you can always buy a training bra from your local department store, and clip a knife in the middle, but you have to be a real man's man to get away with that one or be must assured about your manhood, also clipping one under the armpit with the bra works terrific.
Ever see one of the those weight lifting chest garments...remove the weights and you have countless places that will now hold knives, ankle weights will also work in same fashion, as long as you can remove the weights.
If you want to carry a fixed blade (or a folder) a simple belt under you shirt will work as well, with the fixed blade, that will be down inside the pants.
Fanny packs do the trick as well as the old shoulder bag carried by well dressed men, placing the bag just under the armpit, and when you run they don't flop around like a neck knife does.
Sometimes I wear a guessed it a knife can be clipped there as well.
Smaller knives can be placed inside the brim of most hats, a razor seems to work very well in this position.
The underside of a tie if you are so inclined to run in formal wear, is another place to carry a small knife. (my favorite place for a Chad Los Banos Subcom or Spyderco Lava, and Meerkat.
Camera bags or Ipod cases that clip on is another good hiding place.
Smaller knives can be placed under medical gauze and taped to your neck, and no one will ever think about removing your bandage to inspect for weapons., A neck brace will also work in this capacity but makes running with one uncomfortable.
Placing a knife inside a package of cigs will work, but make people wonder why an avid smoker would want to run with one in hand.
While running a Knife tapped to those hand held runner's hand weights won't draw any attention, and gives you that extra workout.
I could probably think of a dozen more but I'm getting tired...I'm sure there is something in my post that will work for you...Good Luck and happy running......Doc
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Post by Creepo »

Well played Doc, just as expected. :D
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Post by Knifestyle »



I...Uh...Wow. Just, wow. Thanks for all the welcomes so far, back to rereading that list to take notes and make a graph.
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Post by Dr. Snubnose »

I can see it now there is going to be a run on training bras :eek: :p's a breast cancer awareness thingy.... ;) Doc :D
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Post by racer88 »

LOL! Doc Snubnose... I don't know if I'm impressed or aghast! ;) LOL! That's some creative stuff!
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Post by Freediver »

First off, welcome to the forum. The delica rides perfect in the pocket without a clip.

Doc, you are amazing. I can just see it now, a Maxpedition line of training bras.
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Post by c.joe »

I believe one of the most practical places to conceal carry is deep in your pocket or in your waistband of your pants. I waistband carry my Dragonfly and Small Sebbie (on rotation) for school. Even when my shirt is tucked in, my belt covers the rest of the knife that is sticking out. I usually carry it at my 1-2oclock with an SF lx2 at my 4-5. Forgot to mention, I have a small lanyard attached to both my dragonfly and seb to make it easier to access.

They also make Kydex sheaths which you can hang from your neck or clip it to your belt via tek-lok or g-clip. Here are some pictures.

Dragonfly in my waistband / shirt tucked in.


Military in kydex held with a tek-lok. (open carried and concealed picture)


Of course this would be behind my shirt.


And the rest of the gang.


About that pink delica, I always wanted one too for humorous purposes. You're not alone : o
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Post by defenestrate »


Are those a Kershaw Chive and one of the tri-color Coleman Max lights? They look very much like them as I have one of each. Just curious. That coleman is a solid and bright light for the money.
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Post by Evil D »

I sometimes carry my Delica like the first pic c.joe posted. It works well since it isnt a deep carry knife so just enough sticka up to grab.
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Post by c.joe »

defenestrate wrote:c.joe,

Are those a Kershaw Chive and one of the tri-color Coleman Max lights? They look very much like them as I have one of each. Just curious. That coleman is a solid and bright light for the money.
Yes it is the Chive! Lovely little knife but my keys has replaced my necklace edc. And no, the flashlight is not a tri-color Coleman. It is a Surefire lx2 LED dual output.
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Post by DaBird »

WOW Doc --- taped BETWEEN your "cheeks" :eek: ---- no wonder nobody found it during a pat down -- I wouldn't have found it either --- YOU Sir , are VERY SNEAKY :D

And in life -- one can often learn a thing or two from a "sneaky" person --- THANK YOU for the laugh AND the great advise !!!

EDIT ---- I often carry a NAA Mini-Revolver in a Ace type Elbow Brace and/or a empty cigerette box pack.
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Post by SteelDragon »

Welcome to the forum Knifestyle!

Great stuff Doc!!!

Mental note to self: If Doc ever has a Delica for sale, Don't Buy It!!!!!
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Post by kawr »

So how big of a knife can you go with the ITA (in the ***) carry method doc? LOL
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Post by SteelDragon »

Brings a whole new meaning to NIB
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Dr. Snubnose
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Post by Dr. Snubnose »

Well when SHTF you'll be happy your butt is well armed.... ;) :p Doc :D
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Post by chuck_roxas45 »

I'm thinking that there has to be a balance between concealment and deployment speed.

But there I go thinking again....
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