Now...about my absence...

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Now...about my absence...



Aloha All!

Been a long time...too long. I hope all of you have been well.

As for me, let's just say that the ending of last year was...not so good. To keep it brief, in the later part of 2009, a facility here on the Big Island closed down, thus enabling the CO's from there to come to my "****". However, our union and such did this in a way that the Labor Board have found violations in the process of sending the CO's from the closed facility to ours. We had a few vacant positions they could fill, but our weak arse Director proceeded to bump out CO's in my **** to accomidate the CO's from the facility that closed before filling all vacant positions statewide...which would have been the right way to do things. I have nothing against the CO's coming down from the closed facility, but cripes...I still dunno why we are getting raped for it. A lot of CO's that I have been in SHTF moments have left everything to go and work off island, and I still do not know if I will have a job until all this is settled...

In August, I broke my right hand pretty good...but I still reported for duty and no...I did not go to a doctor because I knew my hand would have to be casted. Going out on TDI, or being found unfit for duty was something I could not afford to go through. I used some liniment from the Dragon Tiger Kung Fu Center (Thanks SSifu Miller!) to get the swelling down, as well as a brace and wraps to "heal" my hand. To show what a chicken sh*t outfit I work in, I almost got written up for wearing a brace and gloves in **** because, "It won't look good if you have to take down an inmate wearing gloves that have knuckle protection (Hatch Reactor) and a brace!" WTF..?

Then in November I caught of all things: Chicken Pox! That totally sucked, and my doctor was totally freaking me out because a politician had died from catching "cp" at a later age. However, she died from catching pneumonia...something to worry about when old folks like me catch "cp". After my doctor told me about this, I had to go for a chest x-ray and blood tests. Man alive, if I did not hear from the x-ray tech, " know that "so&so" died from dis, ah?". Then when I went for my blood test right after, the lab tech says, "Didn't someone die from this because they caught it late?"
Great. I have since healed up, but man if it doesn't look like I took a direct shot from a 14 gauge in the face and torso! Ah well...I'm still alive, but I tell ya...I was fortunate to to have the "itchys"...but I was walking around running a fever of 104.7+ and the body aches were pretty friggin' irritating...

In the beginning of this year, I lost one of our cats. She got hit by a car and she was like one of my best friends. She acted more dog than cat. One day going to ****, I saw a little head peep out from the passenger side fender weld of our car, and heard a tiny "meow". I was like, "Hey! Who the heck are you lil' one? Come here!" and she came bouncing out. I named her Tiggy (short for Tigger) because she was literally "bouncing around" happily...we became very close, and to this day, I will freely admit that I sometimes cry like a b*tch when I sit by her grave marked with a concrete Japanese temple...All the outdoor strays know it as, "Tiggy's Temple". She was such a character...

Anyway, now I am trying to get some debt relief because I missed a few CC payments and they are calling my house and job like crazy. I swear, I never missed payments prior to missing work due to my broken hand and pox episode...but these bastards act as if I never made a payment at all over the years I have been dealing with them! Cripes...

I just wanted to say that I will be back again soon on the forums, and I also wanted to thank you all for your support. I have really missed you all, and hope to see you guys soon. Until then though, stay safe and God bless!

PS: My apologies to all of you whom I have not yet responded to via email or here on the forums... :o
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Post by raven »

Hey RAD Chad,


You owe me a phone call little mister :D :D :D !!! Take Good Care and Be Safe Always.

God Bless and 3/N/P :)

ISAIAH 40:31 But those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; They will mount up on wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.

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Post by A.P.F. »

I am very sorry to hear of your trials and tribulations, my friend. Good people frequently seem to get the wrong end of the stick, as I am sure you know. Having read many of your posts over the years, it seems to me as if you frequently find yourself in a world of harsh contrasts. It has been my observation that those 'tempered' in such fires become morally stronger and wise beyond their years.

Know that you have my admiration and support through these difficult times.
Regards, Al

The "soul" of hi-tech materials like G-10, H1, ZDP, Titanium, carbon fiber, etc is found in the performance. That appreciation of the "spirit" comes out in time, after use. It's saying, you can depend on me! I'm there for you no matter what! - Sal Glesser
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Post by tonydahose »

sorry to hear about your crappy year Chad. i hope 2010 is alot better for you. I feel for you too about your cat, it sounds like she was just like mine, he was more dog than cat. We had to get rid of him when my we found out that my newly born daughter was allergic to him. He didnt pass but it still sucked and still does, he was with us for 14 years. Anyways im glad to hear that you are all healed up. I hope the job situation gets worked out and you have many new knives coming out this year.
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Post by Donut »

Welcome back. With all of that bad luck it sounds as if you are due for good luck for a long time. :)
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Post by Th232 »

Welcome back Chad, sad to hear the crap that's been happening to you. Hope it all gets better soon!

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Post by Jimd »

Chad, I'm terribly sorry to hear of the tough times you've endured! It just plain sucks!

I can sympathize with the work situation, as we both work in ****, and we both have incredibly "soothing" management teams overseeing us.

If you need anything - shoot me an email or a PM. I'm here for you, bro'.
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Post by Tank »

Welcome back Chad, Good to hear from you. sounds like a pretty F-ed up year sorry to hear about all that. Hope things get better for you.

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Post by BWPerdue »


I only know you through your products and your presence on the Web, but I'll keep you in my prayers. We've been in similar situations in the past; it does suck, but someone will always help you find a way out. :)

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Post by TheKnifeCollector »

I hope and pray that things get better for you. I will keep you in my prayers.
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Post by araneae »

Welcome back and here's hoping for some good happenings in 2010. Don't be a stranger...
So many knives, so few pockets... :)

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Post by Sequimite »

Best wishes bro', I can relate. Got into credit trouble after becoming disabled and having to fight the evil insurance company for almost two years before collecting my disability; and Social Security was so backed up it also took over two years to go through their system for disability. At least SS didn't try to cheat me.

We had a number of cats before we had children and one was very special. Spot was an all black cat who, like yours, acted like a dog. When he got killed by a car I really surprised myself by crying like a baby.

Take care and may much better times be right around the corner.
Our reason is quite satisfied, in 999 cases out of every 1000 of us, if we can find a few arguments that will do to recite in case our credulity is criticized by someone else. Our faith is faith in someone else's faith, and in the greatest matters this is most the case.
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Post by dialex »

Hi Chad, always glad to hear from you, although the news aren't that great :( . It seems that 2009 was a tough year for many of us. Hopefully this year will be better. We'll keep you and yours in our prayers.
God bless, bro.
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Post by 224477 »

Glad to hear about you again Chad. I hope 2010 WILL be better for you :)
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Post by The Mastiff »

Welcome back Chad. In my state us C.O.'s aren't allowed any unions or representation of any kind so it's often worse dealing with management than the inmates.

Sometimes I think that the stronger the good lord makes somebody, the harder his trials are going to be.

Hang in there and remember the old " not my will, but thy will be done Lord".

"A Mastiff is to a dog what a Lion is to a housecat. He stands alone and all others sink before him. His courage does not exceed temper and generosity, and in attachment he equals the kindest of his race" Cynographia Britannic 1800

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Post by SmoothOne25 »

holy **** bro YOU MADE THE LAVA?!?! :eek:
i love the lava, own two. wish i had the forum lava, always on the look for it! never ever seen it, not once for sale on the ebay/forum/store/etc. where did you come up with that design? :D it is truly off the wall. the blade shape and ergo's are amazing. the shiny stainless steel with its small size and sharp bite makes it a truly amazing amazing amazing knife. :) i had no idea you were here (or ever here) on the spyderco forum. im so glad your here and very pleased to hear your back and are going to contribute your ideas/thoughts with us. were all so thankful! im sorry you have had a bad last year. as stated above 2009 has been a bad time for a lot of us, including me. i hope everything goes well and things start to stabilize in your life. anyway nice to make your acquaintance, love the lava (carry it a lot), hope things work out for you, and very pleases your back at the forum. oh yeah i have a small favor- maybe you can help me with it:

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Post by SmoothOne25 »

....oh yeah... the blade kind of reminds me of a tulip. :)
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Post by FIMS »


I knew of you before getting into Spyderco and your LAVA was a must have for me, so I bought two.

Im a former C/O and we referred to our place as "The Shits" since it was the shittiest place on Earth, if not in Canada.

Been through the gambit as well with Unions and the closing of jails and the accomodating of staff.

I contracted Meningitis three years ago and had to be quarantined. Work left me out to dry and my sick time came out of my own pocket.

Im a Police Officer and the city could care less.

Finances aint nothing new either.

We all over come and become stronger for it.

1-***-to-Risk Brother.
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Post by JaM »


hope things will go better fom now on. Good to see you back :)

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Post by buglerbilly »

My sincerest wishes for a much happier 2010 mate! :)

You know you have a lot of respect from your Aussie buddies and aquaintances...........sh_t at work is such a strain on the psyche~ keep your morale as high as you can mate and don't let the idiots grind you down. YOU are worth more than any number of them! ;)


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