How do you deal with this?

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How do you deal with this?


Post by kraziekurtis »

Rent's due, got just enough for that, then I'm running on empty, literally. Doctor's orders that I can't work this week. Don't have any sick days available to get paid time off (company doesn't give anyone any sick days). Boss won't let me use vacation time for it, but is actually considering firing me for my absence (I know it's illegal but really, what can I do about it at this point?). Bills are due. Girlfriend's hours just got cut. Blah blah blah, I could go on.

What are your problems? Ever been in a similar spot? How did you deal?
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Post by RIOT »

sounds like a crappy situation, go to family for last minute help explain yourself
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Post by mikebandw186 »

Pawn Shop? not the best plan, but still more money than no money.

But really, life is tough sometimes. I'm finding that out, financially at least. Hope it all works out well for you.
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Post by Tank »

Been there. At the time my only options was to use a credit card I had just paid off. Got me through two months then was able to get back on my feet and then my first priority was to pay that off as soon as I could. Now I make it a point to always have money in savings for at least two months expenses. Took alot of sacrifice to get that but it has been a real life saver a few times since.
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Post by The Mastiff »

I can relate. Since my wife left and took the savings my now fixed income doesn't cover all the problems that arise. I live in fear of AC repairs, water leaks and other budget busters. I've sold half the gun collection, and get rid of knives to get new ones I need ( that's how I got stretch 2, Superhawk, etc. All came from other knife sales or trades). I'm still selling stuff off as I can. 30something years of stuff I've accumulated. Heck, I can't use all the things I had anyway.

Sometimes there's no easy answer. Just try to get by and wait it out. When you're short have a priority list of things that are getting paid first. You obviously need housing, electricity, water, transportation, on down the line.

I've never let my dog miss a meal, or bought stuff not needed . Talk to the bill collectors when they call. Don't bull s#!^ them, but don't let them bother you too much either.

Everytime I started to feel sorry for myself I just looked around and I saw a lot of people much worse off than me. Sometimes you just have to endure untill things get better. Good luck, and keep your head up and be thankfull for the good things you have. Everything will get better eventually, and if you live long enough you will see more bad times too. Such is life. Joe
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Post by Shike »

Bad spot to be in. Been there. Sounds like you need a better place of employment maybe even a part time job, at least until you get back on your feet. As I have gotten older, finances have gotten easier but I have had my rough times in the past.
I recommend that people save money for a rainy day. Have an untouchable easy access account for those times. Enough to cover a couple of months rent + bills + food. I have used part time jobs for that purpose. I have also had to sell things to get me out of the hole.
I don't know what kind of job you have but sounds like it is almost illegal what your boss is doing. No sick days? Can't even use vacation days that you earned to cover that? Hmmmmn? Better jobs out there, imo.
Hope things work out for you.

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Post by ozspyder »

That sounds shithouse mate. SOrry to hear about your predicament. I see many people in similar situations such as yourself and those with families (ie: kids) seem to get the worse of it.

I can only offer the advice already given and to cut down on as much as you can afford to. Go seek help from family/ friends. If anything they might be able to help give you advice on your next best course of action. Better to move on something early than leave it too late.

I feel for you as I can see myself in that situation with a wife and 5 kids, it's not going to be pretty for anyone. Chin up mate. I find a positive attitude can go a long way, and with some luck you'll be back on your feet again.

Good luck, and keep us informed on how you get along. Your boss should be a bit more understanding unless he is in the same situation as yourself.
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Post by untamed »

FWIW I'll try to make use of the supposed Psych degree I have -

1. First, sit down, TRY very hard to be calm and BREATH deeply. If nothing else, this would clear your chest a bit so you could clear your head to think.

2. IDENTIFY what is your real PROBLEM and which is more of a difficulty, what is immediate, what is solvable, what will take compromise. We're so caught up sometimes with every minor difficulty every thing becomes a "red flag" to be immediately addressed, hence being overwhelmed with "problems".

3. PRIORITY TASKING. What's your first priority to tackle first? Expenses? Ok, which one's first? Which comes after that one? etc. Then what? Current health state? What can you do to "creatively cope" with your situation in the work place if your boss doesn't allow you time off?

4. TALK with your significant other/friend/loved one. Burdens are best taken cared of when shared (like in this forum for example).

5. Lastly, KNOW THAT YOUR SITUATION IS NOT UNIQUE. The only thing that could possibly exacerbate the state you are in now is by thinking how worse is gonna be for "poor" you. Just think about how you're gonna chuckle about this some months from now.

I sincerely hope that helps. Good luck and Godspeed.
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Post by Jakemug »

Not trying to be a dick but if you've got any Spydies for sale I'm sure some members would give you cash then sell them back to you when you get on your feet. Just a thought. Good Luck and get well
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Post by bluemist »

Shift some of that rent into fuel, pay the rent late (and the late fee) next paycheck but make sure you check the lease and local laws...


buy unprepared foods, cook in batches, stop eating out it is a money sink, public transpo if that is an option (don't be too proud to take the bus..) I've been through this, pawn something for a fraction of what it is worth so you can get it out later... sell stuff on craig's list!

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Post by Jimd »

I can't really top any of the advice that was already given here.

Knowing we're not alone often helps. My wife got laid off last month, and we're struggling like **** to make ends meet. Gas prices are kicking our asses, along with all the other normal bills. On top of that, I now have to pay part of my medical benefits at work, so I'm literally making even less money than I had been.

Finances for the past three years have been quite hellish for our household. My wife was able to go back to work last October and is now unemployed for the summer, so we just try not to spend any unnecessary money. We do absolutely nothing; no vacation or day trips this summer, we just sit home.

I had to sell off a huge amount of my stuff over the past two years just to buy food; my knife "collection" is a mere joke of what it once used to be.

Hang in there, things might get better. We'll still keep being raped on gas prices and fuel oil prices, though. Nothing can be done about that. But you're certainly not alone, many of us are suffering.
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Post by Billy »

Lots of good advice here for you to think about. Also, think about all the times you've stressed hard before whether it was about school, work, sports, your parents, an illness, a girl, whatever. Guess what, it all worked out for you and if you just keep doing the right things, this will work out for you too. Sacrifices may need to be made and lifestyle choices may need to change, but I've found these situations to be merely temporary. Again, if you're doing the right things and working at pulling yourself out of the situation you're in, it WILL work itself out.

I've been there...more than once. I may go there again, but I know if I do, I can get back out again. I know you can too and you'll be a better, stronger, wiser person for it. I'm a firm believer in the ol' saying, "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger". :)
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Post by itxploded »

try being nearly homeless ive been there many times and its no fun :(
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Post by Piercieve »

Go on a walk with your wife. Enjoy it. Find pleasure in simple things. I know this doesn't apply to this situation, but when I feel down or I'm worried about things, I drive around with my windows down, maybe smoke a cigarrette, listen to music, and try to enjoy myself. It always puts a smile on my face. Find your equivalent. I know some of you guys sharpen knives to escape. :D
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Post by bluemist »

Piercieve wrote: Find your equivalent. I know some of you guys sharpen knives to escape. :D
I worked with a guy who told the boss he liked to clean his guns when he felt stressed out.

That guy survived two lay-offs and seemed to get away stuff the rest of us would have been fired for.. still works there too
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Post by snuffaluff »

Hoping not to cause a stir, but try Jesus. ;)

He's pulled me through many a tough time. Just something to think about ontop of all the great advice that has already been given.
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Post by Fred Sanford »


Been there bro. I have to stop worrying and give my concerns to God. When everything else goes to crap, He is who I go to. He has never let me down even once. I have a regular very good relationship with God. All I can say is do your best, don't worry (because it does absolutely no good at all) and talk to God. Give your concerns to Him and he'll take care of what you cannot.

God Bless bro.
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Post by psimonl »

In psychology, there is an official term called "resilience". It comes from physics where metals, after a shock or a violent bend, take its shape back....

In psychology, it describes the level of stress on can endure and get beck on their feet like nothing happened....

Have you ever noticed how some people reacts at a funeral, or any stressfull event?....

You always have those who panics and those who are calm and control peacefully the situation.... Those last ones are very resilient......

A piece of metal that is not resilient brakes.... One that is, won't....

We have to learn how to deal with stress in our lives.... Will it brakes us or will we bounce right back on our feet???

Be resilient...

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Post by kraziekurtis »

Thanks for all the kind words everyone. I'm trying to sell some of my tools that I don't really use on another forum and Craigslist. If that works, cool. If not whatever. I am still most worried about losing my job; but even if that happens despite it being a tight market I'm sure I could find something somewhere.

I know selling is against the rules here, and that I could go to bladeforums, I'm just not sure what to ask for the models that I would sell or even what models I would sell. But I'll ponder over it for a day or so and try to come up with something via eBay or other forum.

As you all have found out in your own cases, so I am finding out in my own: I'll make it. ;)
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