Knife Laws

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Knife Laws


Post by StevieK »

I'm sure this topic has been discussed a few times, but I just wanted to say that I hope you guys outside of the UK realise just how lucky you are with regard to Knife Laws.

Since becoming more interested in lock knives and especially Spydercos I have been doing some reading on exactly what is and isn't legal over here in the UK, and unfortunately the outcome isn't good. <img src="sad.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle>

Not being very adept with Laws in general I had to do a fair bit of reading, but what I found out is outlined below :

Under Section 139 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 it is not lawful for anyone to carry in a public place any article which has a blade or is sharply pointed (except a folding pocket-knife with no blade which is longer than three inches).

I understood this, and excepted that at least I'd be OK with models such as my Navigator, Delica or even Ladybug.

WRONG ! In their infinite wisdom the powers that be in the UK decided that any knife with any locking mechanism does not constitute a "folding pocket-knife". The original law was amended 23 November 1987 to state that a knife is NOT a "folding pocket knife" if it has "a blade which, when the knife is open, locks automatically or can be locked manually".

Oh dear ! <img src="sad.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle>

I did get my hopes up when I read that amendments to this law were considered between November 1987 and July 1988 to exclude from selection "locking pocket knives" as these items "are now widely sold and used because they are safer for some purposes than non-locking knives. There is less risk of the blade closing accidentally on the user's fingers." but unfortunately this grey area was (to my knowledge) never resolved.

If found in possession of a knife that does not fit within the above criteria, i.e. with a blade of over three inches or with a locking mechanism, the onus is with the individual to provide a reasonable excuse for having the article with him. According to the information I have read "reasonable excuse" would constitute one of the reasons below :

(a) for use at work;

(b) for religious reasons; or

(c) as part of any national costume.

Again, it does not appear that there are any clearly defined guidelines as to which professions, religions or nationalities would be excepted within the exclusion and really it seems as though it is down to the individuals involved and the situation as to whether the individual would be charged with a criminal offence.

As I said earlier, it's pretty tough for Knuts living in the UK, and I don't really foresee any change for the better ever arriving. The one thing that does kind of annoy me though is that knives with locking blades are widely available in all manner of stores, from gift stores that sell the tiny key ring lock knives to outdoor stores that sell Leatherman and Gerber models. All of which, if the above information is correct are illegal to carry in public places, and what is the point of owning an item such as a Leatherman or Spyderco knife, if when you need it most you have had to leave it at home !

I would be very interested if any of you guys could confirm or correct any of the above information and also relate any personal experience with this topic.

I would also be interested to hear about how laws in other parts of the World differ.

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Location: United Kingdom


Post by StevieK »

Oh yeah BTW, I haven't found anything that says I can't collect Spydies though ! <img src="wink.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle>

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Post by earthworm »

I just shake my head every time I read or hear what you Brits have to put-up with in the name of crime control,altho technically in some areas of the U.S. lockback knives are illegal(I'll give you 3 guesses how strongly enforced the law is,tho!).Stupid questions:?Is it illegal to possess or just to carry lockbacks over there? If the former how can they be legally imported?Respects.
Posts: 39
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Location: United Kingdom


Post by StevieK »

Hey earthworm
As far as I have read, it is not illegal to either own or sell lockbacks. (Being a Spydie fan. I'm kind of glad about that <img src="smile.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle> )The only stipulation that I have found with regard to selling knives is that they must not be advertised as suitable for combat ! (go figure !)

If anyone has any info to prove me wrong, I'd be interested to hear.

We do have quite a few importers and even some high street stores over here that sell locks, but no where near the quality you guys have.

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