Spyderco knife saves lives

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Иван Логан
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Re: Spyderco knife saves lives


Post by Иван Логан »

Hello. I am writing from Russia. With a translation service. I spoke to this guy in person today. His name is Yegor. It was a male bear weighing 350-400 kilograms. The guy managed to inflict 6 stab wounds on the bear. The last 2 wounds entered the full length of the blade, after which the bear moved away. It was the Spiderco Resillians knife. The bear did not break his bones and pulled out the meat, he only bit him, leaving holes. I have a photo ... I do not know if it can be published here? Later in the evening, the hunters shot at the bear, wounding him ..... It was already night. They spent the night by the fire, and early in the morning they went to pick up the bear. They found him and killed him. It turned out to be a cannibal bear - he ate a guy 16 years ago a few hours ago. Before he attacked Yegor. You can ask any questions, I can ask Yegor, I am in correspondence with him now.
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Re: Spyderco knife saves lives


Post by skeeg11 »

Wish him well from all of us in Spyderville.
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Re: Spyderco knife saves lives


Post by Higher »

Иван Логан wrote:
Wed Jun 30, 2021 5:44 am
You are welcome. I hope you stay with us.
And take care of yourself. From bears including
I use translator most of the time.

There was a link to the old Spyderco catalogs.
Иван Логан
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Re: Spyderco knife saves lives


Post by Иван Логан »

The story of when a man escapes from a bear with a knife amazes me! This is a primal horror. Below I will give a story that Yegor himself told: "And now I will tell you about the third day in the Ergaki mountain park))) our detachment of yellow ducklings coped with the next route and returned to the base camp at about 17:00, we had supper heartily, the bath was heated. Having poured myself half a mug of cognac, and turned on the metallic in the player, I dissolved the top of the mountain in cigarette smoke and it was great ... ... a guide came up (we have two) and said that they were going to look for Max, a 16-year-old boy who was supposed to reach our camp from the track by about 16:00. The clock is 18:30. The guides gathered, we got together and Vanya and I to help, it's a serious matter, slipped on a rock or something else, we take flashlights, gloves, put on membranes, well, that's all, ready, threw a knife into his right pocket. We walk along the stream, step up, not in a long group after all ... we decided to walk along the paths that Max could take, we split up: I and Artyom (guide), Vanya and Nikita (guide), agreed to meet at the same place. Our route with Artem was about half an hour shorter, and we had to go to the meeting place before the guys and wait for them there, no matter with what result. We quickly coped with the task, interviewing all the people in the tent camps on Lake Bright, but to no avail. Let's go back, go, chat about everyday life, I catch a glance at the movement on the left, at the same time turns his head and Artyom ... .. BEAR, 20 meters away and is moving towards us, we are numb, I whispered: do not move, took out an ordinary children's whistle, whistled how much forces, the bear does not change trajectory, accelerates, I raised my hands, began to shout, the same song. I heard Artyom start running from behind me, the bear rushed. Guys, one word comes up here, and that word is] fucked up [. I take a couple of steps after Artyom, I understand that the bear is right behind me, I abruptly go to the right, I take literally 10 steps and the bear drops me on my stomach ... ..to say that it's scary, to say nothing. He starts to tear me up, paw-right buttock, hellish pain, plows through to the bones, yelling like a cut: Tyoyoyoyomaaaaa !!! Tears his back in the lower back, wild fear and adrenaline. It weighs on me, movement is out of the question. I'm not yelling anymore, my back is all wet and warm, the snow around is red. He bites his left shoulder blade with his teeth and at the same time throws my body up and to the right. I fly, fall on my stomach and immediately remember about the knife in the membrane pocket, my right hand slid over the zipper of the pocket, the knife is in my hand, the motion of the thumb-blade is thrown out. A blow with a paw on the leg. I lean on my left elbow, the bear still tears its back. I intercept the knife with a reverse grip and hit at random, the bear bit through the palm, did not drop the knife, I hit again and again in the neck area, 5th, 6th blow, I thrust it on the handle, it tears me, I stopped it, I stopped first, resigned myself to death, lay down on my head down, waiting until it finishes, scary. A couple of seconds pass, I hear the bear breathing - I moved away a couple of meters, walked in the direction where Artyom ran about 30 meters iiiiiiii, lay down on the path, does not move (I see all this, lying on my stomach and turning my head to the right, lying ... , hot and wet, I take out a false flare from another pocket of the membrane, slowly I take it out (you won't even scare children like that, but there is simply no other, maybe you will be scared, you unscrew it, I lie there waiting for 10 minutes, the bear does not move, I understand what is pouring out of me with every second red liquid, I roll over back onto my stomach, crawl away from it, it's scary when you can't see what's behind, crawled about 30-40 meters, crawled behind a thick pine tree, lay down, trying not to breathe loudly.I have to get up. Scary. It’s not clear what’s wrong with my back and whether I’ll get up at all. I got up, fine, but everything flows. Looking at the bear, I step back about 20 meters, then fear and adrenaline finally creeps through me and I break into a run, observing with a peripheral vision how the bear begins to move, horror, terrible primitive horror, overtake in several jumps, fly out of the forest onto the curtain (a large pebble ), I stop in its center, I wait until it comes out. There is no bear. I am going downstream along the stream and with horror I realize that this is not the stream along the bed of which we are going about a kilometer to the base camp ... sweep and horror, the feeling that the animal is not letting go will fly out at any moment. I need to go up the stream, or I will go out to people on a bright lake, or I will find our stream, which flows into this big one, but it turns out that I need to go back to the place of the bear attack, despair, with the wild sound of breaking branches I run upwards along the stream meters 100, and I see a board through which we pass to our stream at the confluence of the big and ours, I almost cried with happiness. I constantly look around, my back and right leg are abundantly soaked in blood, I walk a kilometer to the camp, at the same time I look at the traces of a bear (did he follow Artyom to our camp, there are no traces, I ran, after a kilometer I go out to the camp. I scream with my own people, but my cry is not heard because of the clink of dishes in the camp (they frighten the bear), it means Artyom got there ... with the last of my strength I overcome the steep ascent to the camp, everyone turns at me and looks with round eyes, not a sound, a knife in his right hand, in his left a squib that has not been lit , red blood on the green membrane. Everyone is looking at me in a stupor. I shout: peroxide and bandages, faster !!! Washed, shook my whole back as best they could, it hurts, it hurts wildly. We lit a fire, sat down at him. Artyom, according to my cries (bye I was running away from the place of the attack) thought that I was finished, but to tell the truth, and I thought so at that moment. Having come running to the camp, he immediately called the rangers and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. What if Vanya and Nikita came to the meeting place, not knowing that our meeting place and there is a place for a bear attack. It remained to sit by the fire and wait, some of the girls sometimes convulsively tapped the iron dishes. Everyone is around the fire, they are afraid to go to the tents, they hid themselves in sleeping bags, we sit and wait. We walked the trail to our camp in the light of day in about 2.5 hours. The Ministry of Emergency Situations and the huntsmen coped in 3:20 (night and weight of weapons and equipment). The Emergencies Ministry officers rewound me normally and said that I needed to be taken out to the highway, there was an ambulance there. There are 6 km of challenging trail to the trail. Vanya took both my and his backpacks, but they are not light. Artyom went with us to show the rangers the place of the attack (it was on the way). They came, the huntsmen stopped Artyom and me, rearranged themselves in a triangle, turned on the nightlights and went forward, their eyes flashed in the light of the lantern, the guys worked very competently, shots rang out, the bear was wounded, but left. And then the voice of one of the gamekeepers rang out: Here your boyfriend lies ... .. we all turned pale. There is no head and neck, one leg is gnawed. Yes. It was 16-year-old Maxim, whom we were looking for in the evening ... there were no words. After negotiations on the radio, it was decided to evacuate the entire group from the camp. The guys grabbed everything they needed and came to us, accompanied by one of the gamekeepers. It was not safe to walk along the trail at night, given that the wounded Misha lay down somewhere. We waited for dawn by the fire, the huntsmen followed in the tracks of the bear, after half an hour we heard several shots in a row, and after 15 seconds another, control. The huntsmen have worked. The entire group, accompanied by them, returned safely to the track. That's how guys, you can judge in different ways, I was wildly lucky to fight off the bear with a knife (the huntsmen did not believe until they saw stab wounds on the neck and muzzle). Then they patched me up in the hospital, nothing serious was hurt. Gave explanations to various law enforcement agencies. Sorry for the guy, only 16 years old. Something like this, take care of yourself. And do not believe the press, it turns the info as it wants."
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Re: Spyderco knife saves lives


Post by skeeg11 »

I can relate, so Kudos & much respect. Serious stuff, but I got a chuckle out of his last comment about the press. We've got the same issue with the press over here. :o
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Re: Spyderco knife saves lives


Post by Featherblade »

Thank you for sharing this amazing story.
The story told in detail by the participant in the events makes it exceptional.
My respect and admiration for Yegor who has found the strength to fight the bear.

... and I know, but once again I am convinced that Spyderco team gives us the right tool in any kind of situation.
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Re: Spyderco knife saves lives


Post by James Y »

An amazing account. Thanks for posting it.

Иван Логан
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Re: Spyderco knife saves lives


Post by Иван Логан »

I do not know if it is possible to add these photos? I apologize if this cannot be done. But with photographs, the picture is clearer. You can congratulate me, I bought a knife from Yegor.) Now it is in my collection.
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Re: Spyderco knife saves lives


Post by atv223 »

WOW! What a story!
My family and I just got back from Yellowstone and my wife was completely freaked out about all the bear warnings. If she had seen this she would have never gotten on a single trail. In Yellowstone, no one hikes a trail without carrying bear spray. Whenever we were hiking, my wife wore a bear bell. we had the kids making noise, and I led the hike carrying bear spray and my SE Pacific Salt We saw 5 (1 Grizzley and 2 black) adult bears and 4 cubs (2 Grizzley and 2 black) on the trip, but all were along the roads, never on a trail.
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Re: Spyderco knife saves lives


Post by Rinzler »

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Re: Spyderco knife saves lives


Post by Higher »

Иван Логан wrote:
Fri Jul 02, 2021 1:25 am
I do not know if it is possible to add these photos? I apologize if this cannot be done. But with photographs, the picture is clearer. You can congratulate me, I bought a knife from Yegor.) Now it is in my collection.

https://www.ebay.com/itm/Spyderco-Resil ... 632-2357-0


Dude. You are a marketing genius
I use translator most of the time.

There was a link to the old Spyderco catalogs.
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Re: Spyderco knife saves lives


Post by Leksy »

Salute to Yegor.
Shame on that "collector".
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Re: Spyderco knife saves lives


Post by Albertaboyscott »

Wow amazing story. Thanks much for sharing. You were so lucky to have survived.
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Re: Spyderco knife saves lives


Post by Salty Dog »

Awesome story, bet he's happy he took the resilience instead of the man bug that day.
Sal might have to rename the resilience, 'the bear slayer' :)
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Re: Spyderco knife saves lives


Post by Salty Dog »

Иван Логан wrote:
Wed Jun 30, 2021 5:44 am
Hello. I am writing from Russia. With a translation service. I spoke to this guy in person today. His name is Yegor. It was a male bear weighing 350-400 kilograms. The guy managed to inflict 6 stab wounds on the bear. The last 2 wounds entered the full length of the blade, after which the bear moved away. It was the Spiderco Resillians knife. The bear did not break his bones and pulled out the meat, he only bit him, leaving holes. I have a photo ... I do not know if it can be published here? Later in the evening, the hunters shot at the bear, wounding him ..... It was already night. They spent the night by the fire, and early in the morning they went to pick up the bear. They found him and killed him. It turned out to be a cannibal bear - he ate a guy 16 years ago a few hours ago. Before he attacked Yegor. You can ask any questions, I can ask Yegor, I am in correspondence with him now.
Welcome comrade, thanks for sharing this incredible story, your post had me on the edge of my seat.
Yegor is a Legend!

What Spyderco is Yegor buying next?
Is he a knife person or collector? does he have any other spydercos?
Will he go hiking again?
What made him choose to take the resilience that day?

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Re: Spyderco knife saves lives


Post by JAS777 »

All Gods critters have knives!
Thanks Sal for leveling the playing field ! 🙂
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Re: Spyderco knife saves lives


Post by S-3 ranch »

Leksy wrote:
Tue Jul 06, 2021 3:09 pm
Salute to Yegor.
Shame on that "collector".
Out of my price range and a little Macabre for my taste, curious why they Put a spyderco link
To verify the story :rolleyes:
“”Think of an edge as a living thing that comes and goes, born, get's old, is reborn.””
SAL :spyder:

“ The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men” :bug-white-red :bug-white-red
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Re: Spyderco knife saves lives


Post by JacksonKnives »

S-3 ranch wrote:
Wed Jul 07, 2021 3:40 pm
Leksy wrote:
Tue Jul 06, 2021 3:09 pm
Salute to Yegor.
Shame on that "collector".
Out of my price range and a little Macabre for my taste, curious why they Put a spyderco link
To verify the story :rolleyes:
Ivan's wall-of-text rendition of the story does kind of convince me it's authentic more than the photos of the bear, TBH.
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