Odd discussion: Vampires

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Odd discussion: Vampires


Post by SpyderEdgeForever »

I had a discussion with someone who appeared somewhat rational and who insists, and I am not kidding you, they insist that real, Bram Stoker Dracula-type vampires exist. (I do not believe this, just so you know.) I told them there are humans who are physiologically human like us, but who, due to mental illness or life choices, THINK they are vampires, and may even drink blood of other humans (gross!) but I affirmed to this individual, there are no "supernatural vampires" in the movie/novel sense.

They believe these do exist, and have existed for centuries, and are very good at concealing their presence.

I know some here may think its a waste of time to even engage in discussion with the said person who believes this, but, just for argument's sake, what are some scientific and logical and other reasons, as to why your classic movie style supernatural, undead vampire, with super strength and healing powers, as well as long-lifespan, and weaknesses could not or do not exist?

As an aside, I also believe that in ancient times people saw the effects of actual diseases, such as ultra sensitivity to sunlight, anemia, and other conditions, and mistook it for vampirism; and add a lot of superstition and other aspects and there is the myth right there.

Are there actual, tangible scientific-medical reasons that would prevent the existence of a vampire such as portrayed in "Dracula" and related films?

One of their arguments, in favor of the existence of said things, is this: They claim "It is possible for there to be a rare virus that, once one is infected with it, transforms the person from the cellular level up, and gives them extreme-resistance to physical damage, extreme sensitivity to ultra violet radiation, rapid cellular-regenerative healing, and requires copious amounts of blood to keep their body sustained." Ofcourse, I pointed out, no such virus has ever been discovered.
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Re: Odd discussion: Vampires


Post by remnar »

This is all I have....

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Re: Odd discussion: Vampires


Post by JAfromMN »

The things some people do to stay young I don't understand. :D
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Re: Odd discussion: Vampires


Post by Evil D »

I blame Twilight.
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Re: Odd discussion: Vampires


Post by Monocrom »

You guys noticed that Taylor Swift doesn't age. She's practically 30. But can still pass for a teenager. Think about it..... ;)
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Re: Odd discussion: Vampires


Post by enduraguy »

Well,the same people who will argue to the point of tears that angels and demons can exist and can even possess people, will tell you vampires cannot. Makes complete, rational sense to me.
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Re: Odd discussion: Vampires


Post by MattinLA »

Sal needs to make the SpyderStake...and fast!
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Re: Odd discussion: Vampires


Post by The Deacon »

SpyderEdgeForever wrote:Are there actual, tangible scientific-medical reasons that would prevent the existence of a vampire such as portrayed in "Dracula" and related films?
Even if we ignore the biology, there's still the physics. "Matter can neither be created or destroyed". So, if a 150 lb. man turns into a bat, you can justify the smaller size by arguing that the atoms would be arranged more compactly, but you still have a 150 lb. bat, which would render it incapable of flight given its wingspan.
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Re: Odd discussion: Vampires


Post by demoncase »

I suggest that we go read Terry Pratchett's Carpe Jugulum on this very subject.

One exceptional point made therein Is that every method used for affecting the permanent death of a vampire (Stake through the heart, cut off the head, cremation and scattering the ashes) also happens to work perfectly well on normal human beings too.....So, should your angry mob of pitchfork wielding peasants accidently kill a perfectly innocent reclusive castle owner, then you can ex facto claim they were a vampire....Then move from your hovel with the leaky thatched roof to the nice warm castle on the hill that's entirely coincidentally empty.
Warhammer 40000 is- basically- Lord Of The Rings on a cocktail of every drug known to man and genuine lunar dust, stuck in a blender with Alien, Mechwarrior, Dune, Starship Troopers, Fahrenheit 451 and Star Wars, bathed in blood, turned up to eleventy billion, set on fire, and catapulted off into space screaming "WAAAGH!" and waving a chainsaw sword- without the happy ending.

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Re: Odd discussion: Vampires


Post by Mike Blue »

Look up porphyria as it relates to the folklore.

And Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter.
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