Fake eggs from China

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Fake eggs from China


Post by Doc Dan »

The Chinese fake olive oil by using other types of oil and adding flavoring. They fake honey, and a major American honey manufacturer got caught a year or two ago importing it. The Chinese will export these to another country where they change the labels so the product seems to come from Italy, Thailand, or wherever. They have been caught numerous times collecting used cooking oil from the sewers and after straining, repackaging it and reselling it.
Now, they are selling fake eggs. These look like fresh hen's eggs but the shells are actually wax and calcium carbonate. The insides seem to have a yoke, but once you break the egg and let it set, or fry it, the yoke will blend into the white without you touching it. This is because they are made of the same stuff. The egg whites are just sodium alginate, gelatin, benzoic acid, and other chemicals. The yokes are made by injecting yellow food dye. The instructions to make these are all over the internet.
They have started showing up at the major chain grocery stores, here, and I am certain some stores in other countries are being duped, as well.

One more reason not to do business with China. You never know what you are getting, no matter the assurances.

(disclaimer: This is not an attack against Chinese people, as Chinese in other nations do not act this way)
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Re: Fake eggs from China


Post by enduraguy »

Like I told my mother a while back when she shared a forwarded email about how Einstein supposedly once argued with one of his professors about the existence of God, please do your research. This is old news and a hoax from several years ago.
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Re: Fake eggs from China


Post by tvenuto »

Yea I knew not to trust this when it only had one color and font size.
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Re: Fake eggs from China


Post by Doc Dan »

Actually, some people recently bought some of these eggs in a local store. We will see what the authorities make of it all. Perhaps they came from rubber chickens :D
It could be a hoax, but the claim against the store is real. Also real are the other scandals that I listed.

Still, that rubber chicken...
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Re: Fake eggs from China


Post by JD Spydo »

Whether or not this fake egg story is a hoax doesn't mean much to me but it does call attention to the fact that the Chinese have imported many inferior if not dangerous toys, hygiene products and other items that have had serious problems to America in the past 10 to 12 years or so. I do remember back around 08 to 09 in that time slot there was a scandal about the Chinese importing a toothpaste that was mildly poison and many American kids got sick from it. There have also been a lot of food products coming from China that have had serious problems. About a year or so ago we started getting a lot of top quality coffee beans donated to where I work at. I told my boss not to buy any coffee bean grinder from China>> but he blew me off and went to RIp-mart and got one of them that lasted about 10 days. He returned it and got what Rip-Mart told him was a better unit also China made and it lasted about two weeks of normal usage. So then he went to one of the Target stores and got another Brand Chinese made ( with an old American name) and it lasted about 10 days as well.

I finally sat down with him and told him of an appliance store here in Kansas City that sold German made, Swiss made and other top notch coffee bean grinders and he finally came to his senses and bought a German made KRUPS coffee bean grinder and it has been excellent with no problems. He was so impressed with it that he even bought another one new in the box as a back up unit just in case this one was to have problems. But so far it's been excellent. I wish these Rip-Mart refugees as I like to call them would realize that you truly do get what you pay for and that is the bottom line.

My heart goes out to the people that live and work in China :( It makes me very thankful that I live in the USA. The Chinese people live under a very oppressive regime and I doubt if we see any high quality stuff come from that country for quite a while in the future :(
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Re: Fake eggs from China


Post by enduraguy »

There are actually many better quality products being made in China these days. Sure, many big box stores here sell inferior quality goods from China, but that does not mean all Chinese made goods are low quality. Apple products anyone? My newest switchblade which is a high quality replica of a custom Microtech "halo"is made in China. Similar materials, a tenth of the cost. Not all laborers work in slave like conditions either. That's often a matter of perspective anyway. How many Americans work 40-60 hours a week and take home $300-$500 a week after taxes?
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Re: Fake eggs from China


Post by JD Spydo »

enduraguy wrote:There are actually many better quality products being made in China these days. Sure, many big box stores here sell inferior quality goods from China, but that does not mean all Chinese made goods are low quality. Apple products anyone? My newest switchblade which is a high quality replica of a custom Microtech "halo"is made in China. Similar materials, a tenth of the cost. Not all laborers work in slave like conditions either. That's often a matter of perspective anyway. How many Americans work 40-60 hours a week and take home $300-$500 a week after taxes?
Well thanks for the reply Enduraguy because there is always more to learn about concerning a controversial subject. Could you give me an example of some of these high quality products you mentioned in your first sentence? I know what I deal with first hand and my own personal experiences with China made products has not been good for the most part. But in all fairness the Japanese did have that same stigma as recently as the 60s/70s and I've discovered they truly have some of the highest quality knives (mainly culinary) on the planet. The high quality of Japanese electronics speak for themselves.

But I personally have had nothing but bad luck with anything I've bought with a China made label on it. Some of the clothing items I've got from there didn't hold up at all. And like I said it's pretty pathetic that out of 3 coffee bean grinders and all three made in China and all three supposedly made by different manufacturers were all defective. With that said it sure doesn't bode well as a testimony to China made products. But I would like to hear the good side and what they do make that is high quality?
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Re: Fake eggs from China


Post by enduraguy »

I shared my knife recently here. I also have a video of it on YouTube. Look for "Microtech halo titanium carbon fiber chinese" there and again most Apple products are made in China, but you won't see people admit the double standard in putting down other Chinese made products while their iPhone is made there lol.
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Re: Fake eggs from China


Post by akaAK »

Tenacious, Resilience, Ambitious to name a few. For the price I consider them to be very high quality Chinese made products.

Every country on Earth has craftsmen. The big box syndrome is driven by people wanting products at the lowest price possible. I think everyone on this forum understands that price is one aspect of a purchase and if you want the cheapest price there will be sacrifices in quality. I would rather pay and cry once than do it over and over again. You can't blame producers for supplying what is requested of them, when the priority is price over quality you get what you pay for.
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Re: Fake eggs from China


Post by OldHoosier62 »

Surprised nobody here has mentioned the epidemic level theft of intellectual property being perpetrated by the Chinese industrial/governmental complex....oh, wait enduraguy did....but as a positive manner and not a negative one. Gee, thanks....I think.

Anything more I have to say would probably veer into the political arena and Taz has reinforced the "no politics" rule lately, out of respect for Sal, Kristi and the rest of our hosts I shall stop while I am calm.
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Re: Fake eggs from China


Post by enduraguy »

Google Robbie Dalton Ranger otf Vs Microtech Halo, or Microtech OSS copy of Mikov to name two. If we want to split hairs over "copying" designs. We can all be calm and have an intellectual discussion.
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Re: Fake eggs from China


Post by TazKristi »

We're not going to do this.... corrupt people can be found in ANY country. This is not the place for this discussion. Shiny Footprints extends across the entire forum and does not pertain only to knife discussions. We have forum members from China who are valuable members of this community just like everyone else. We have vendors in China who have proven themselves worthy (both in their ethos and production quality) of manufacturing select products for Spyderco.

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