Sharpening a Cigar Punch

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Sharpening a Cigar Punch


Post by Hobnob »

I have a couple of inexpensive punches that I use for my stogies. Noticed on one of them that there was a burr on the outside edge. Grabbed a Spyderco pocket stone and used the medium side to clean it up. Worked pretty good removing the burr.

I'm curious if anyone has sharpened a punch and how did you go about it? If you are a Cigar smoker, you know how important it is to have a sharp punch.

My thoughts for the inside are to use something tapered like a pencil and wrap it with fine sandpaper. Then turn it around the inside edge. Open for suggestions.
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Re: Sharpening a Cigar Punch


Post by VashHash »

I usually just use my pocket knives for cigars. I used to use a punch back in my younger days. I find I get better flavor if I just cut the cap off completely. I have a tapered diamond file from DMT that would probably work well on the inside. If you ever tire of the pencil and sandpaper method you could look into that. Also the military has that nice pinky swell at the end. It's a good place to rest a cigar and close the blade on it. Done that a few times.
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Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2004 10:33 am

Re: Sharpening a Cigar Punch


Post by Hobnob »

Thanks for the suggestions Vash. I've tried the cutting, but prefer the punch. Keeps the shoulder intact. I just got a Smith tapered diamond rod that I will try.
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Joined: Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:49 pm
Location: Louisiana

Re: Sharpening a Cigar Punch


Post by VashHash »

I've used my knives in the past to just cut the cap off and leave the shoulder intact. Gives a bigger hole for the cigar. I usually angle the knife slightly and then roll the cigar around it. I guess it just depends on the size of the cigar.
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