Common Sense: Nearing Extinction Unfortunately

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Common Sense: Nearing Extinction Unfortunately


Post by JD Spydo »

First off I want it to be known that in my younger days I was guilty of doing some really stupid things. Yeah the money I spent on attorneys and for repairing and replacing things because of not using good judgement would have probably really fueled a good mutual fund. So right off I'm letting you all know that I'm not trying to be self righteous in the least and I've truly had to learn the hard way many times when I was in my late teens and early 20s. But the news I've been getting here lately really has me worried about young people and their total lack of common sense. It does seem like most young people ( and baby boomers too :rolleyes: ) especially have tossed their basic common sense out the window so to speak.

Here in my area recently we've been having torrential rains and a lot of local flooding. People have been warned and warned by the authorities and the national weather service not to drive through moving water in these floods but in spite of the warnings people are drowning and losing their vehicles at an unbelievable rate in spite of the warnings. And in most cases it was a "no-brainer" had they just used their basic common sense. It seems like a lot of young people are so cell phone addicted that little else in life matters to them at all anymore. Just in the past two days here in Missouri we've had several people drown in their own cars and having a wide variety of other tragedies that could have easily been avoided.

When I was younger I was truly afraid of flood water and even violent storms too for that matter. But now according to the local news we've got young people trying to drive through water that is all the way up to their car windows :eek: There was a couple over in the St. Louis side of the state that both drowned in that type of scenario and there was a couple here last night in the KC part of the state that drowned in similar circumstances. Also there were also reports of people doing things in these storms that truly made me drop my jaw when I heard it. Are people becoming so captivated with their high tech toys to where they no longer have any common sense reasoning? It would appear that is the case. And I bet it's all over the USA too. Should common sense be listed on the "Endangered Species" list ???
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Re: Common Sense: Nearing Extinction Unfortunately


Post by Doc Dan »

Common sense and the development of the frontal lobe of the brain seems to be going the way of the Dodo. Just look at all of the idiotic videos on YouTube where people do very dangerous things, and moronic things, get hurt, and everyone laughs. Are their lives so worthless to them? Perhaps they simply have not enough to do. Maybe they need to get another job, or a job, anything that will stop them from being so brainless.
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Re: Common Sense: Nearing Extinction Unfortunately


Post by JD Spydo »

Doc Dan wrote:
Sat May 25, 2019 5:18 am
Common sense and the development of the frontal lobe of the brain seems to be going the way of the Dodo. Just look at all of the idiotic videos on YouTube where people do very dangerous things, and moronic things, get hurt, and everyone laughs. Are their lives so worthless to them? Perhaps they simply have not enough to do. Maybe they need to get another job, or a job, anything that will stop them from being so brainless.
That's a great point DOC. Because some of the stuff I heard last night on the news while we were having a storm of close to Biblical proportions and the things that people were reported doing just had me shaking my head for hours. And we have some pretty brutal flooding conditions here where I live when the ground gets totally saturated and the creeks, streams and rivers go out of their banks just make travel so dangerous. The rapid currents in some of the streams and creeks that get flooded are truly dangerous beyond belief. And to think that anyone would try to drive through them can't be thinking at all.

The flooding we've had in the past two days I wouldn't even attempt to go through any of that even with a 3/4 ton pickup that sets high off the ground. But a lot of these young people are taking small compact cars through these streams to where they get almost completely submerged>> and in a few cases they do and some of them just don't get out of the car in time to save their lives. They risk their vary lives for something so stupid it is just baffling when you think about it.

From what I've been told by friends is that all of these drownings and all of the cars that were lost to flood water and rapid currents we've had this past week were all avoidable by just using basic common sense.
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Re: Common Sense: Nearing Extinction Unfortunately


Post by Doc Dan »

I think that video games, TV, and movies, have a lot to do with the poor danger appreciation that many people have. It seems people's brains are not developing normally, for whatever reason. Even rational thoughts, like it is wrong to kill a child, simply do not compute.
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Re: Common Sense: Nearing Extinction Unfortunately


Post by JD Spydo »

Well DOC with that last comment you made you really opened a big can of worms :rolleyes: I've thought for years that a lot of these young people that are totally addicted to those electronic video games are truly in a diverted form of an artificial reality. Take that North Korean dictator for instance. With all the pure **** he puts his people through I just don't believe that guy is connected to what we know as "reality". I believe he was raised on nothing but the worst video games out there. Therefore he doesn't have any hands-on perception of what everyday people suffer.

Now take that same principle and apply it to America's youth who have been detached from an authentic reality into an idealistic video game of what they ideally think that reality should be>> and thus they refuse to accept any form of a true life's circumstance via the mind control that most video games have on most young people. Take all of the school shootings we've had in the past 10 to 15 years being one prime example. It's very similar circumstances common in all of those video games that give them a feeling of what they think is real power and then they apply it to their material everyday life>> with horrible results in most cases.

I've said it before you can truly equate stuff like FACEBOOK and other social media as being a narcotic>> because for all intents and purposes those websites are a narcotic. If you don't believe me then take one of them off of any of those sites and see if they don't go through a brutal withdrawl. And that's just one aspect of what cyberland has done to a big percentage of our youth.
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Re: Common Sense: Nearing Extinction Unfortunately


Post by James Y »

It's not only in the Midwest where people drive into floodwaters. Even here in southern CA, whenever it rains heavily, the exact same thing happens. People keep being warned that pools of floodwater can be deeper than they appear, and that if you come to a section of the road that's completely submerged, stop and find another way. Around here, what usually happens is the car stalls in the water and the person has to be rescued. People do that every time it rains heavily.

I truly think a lot of people believe that they are invulnerable inside of a car or a truck. They think that because there is so much metal and weight that they're inside of a cocoon that will protect them regardless, and they can power through any obstacles, especially "mere water".

There's also a lot of YouTube videos with kids/young people playing around recklessly with martial arts moves. Like one person standing there while the other person chops him in the side of the neck/brachial nerve. Another popular one is using a rear naked choke or "triangle" choke to choke somebody out for fun. Sometimes the one being choked submits to it voluntarily and sometimes they don't. The person doing it (and whoever might be watching or filming it) is always laughing. This is stupid in the extreme. Nobody knows if the receiver has an undiagnosed health condition, or might even develop one as a result. They play around with this stuff like it's a new toy, when in reality the only thing they know about it is what they've seen watching UFC on TV.

Something else I've noticed over the years that involves "smart phones" is pedestrians engrossed in them while approaching intersections, and crossing without breaking stride (often against the light) without even looking up from their phone, expecting everyone else to look out for them. Or their attitude is, "If I don't see it, it can't hurt me." This attitude of entitlement has run rampant.

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Re: Common Sense: Nearing Extinction Unfortunately


Post by JD Spydo »

James Y wrote:
Sat May 25, 2019 9:48 am

Something else I've noticed over the years that involves "smart phones" is pedestrians engrossed in them while approaching intersections, and crossing without breaking stride (often against the light) without even looking up from their phone, expecting everyone else to look out for them. Or their attitude is, "If I don't see it, it can't hurt me." This attitude of entitlement has run rampant.
Oh Jim you've hit on a big one there for sure. I was out walking yesterday to an appointment I had and I was stopped at a red light on 7Hwy here in Blue Springs which is an ungodly busy road in which a lot of serious accidents and a few fatalities take place almost on a daily basis during the course of a year. I always stop and wait until that indicator light is on letting me know that it's safe to walk across the highway. And then I look both ways while I'm walking through there because in the last two years I've had two occasions where these cell phone addicts blatantly run a red light with everyone in the other lane obviously stopped. Had I not watch both ways I could have been maimed or killed on both occasions. Traffic lights are better than nothing but they are not a 100% guarantee of safety nor can they keep someone from running a red light.

Well on that light this guy comes walking from the other side of the highway not once looking to see if the traffic was stopped by a red light nor was he trying to see if anyone was coming from either way. That headphone set up had him totally oblivious as to the potential danger he was in. Thank GOD for him he didn't have anyone coming from either way that didn't see him>> but the green light was in the direction that would have killed him had a car went through it. There are many cases in which a cell phone junkie driving would have killed him or seriously injured him for sure>> and then probably the driver wouldn't even be cognizant of the fact that they hit someone because of being in a trance created by those cell phones :( This guy was truly in another world all together. I have an earphone/headphone set up on my Android phone but I never use it when I'm out walking. Because so many times had I not been paying attention I would have been seriously hurt or killed. It just completely blows my mind how these electronic toys put people in another dimension or another reality. No I'm not exaggerating either.
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Re: Common Sense: Nearing Extinction Unfortunately


Post by SpyderEdgeForever »

Doc Dan wrote:
Sat May 25, 2019 7:12 am
I think that video games, TV, and movies, have a lot to do with the poor danger appreciation that many people have. It seems people's brains are not developing normally, for whatever reason. Even rational thoughts, like it is wrong to kill a child, simply do not compute.
Good points, Doc. And like yourself and others have pointed out in other threads: People have become very morally relativistic; they have double standards when it comes to justice and mercy. Most seem to want mercy for themselves and those they like, and harsh justice for those they do not like. They puff themselves and their own actions up as great and good people.

Here is an example I heard of from someone who experienced that: They were in a major modern urban city on the West Coast of the USA on a bus and there was a very loud and obnoxious person who was making alot of noise and being overly boisterous; being a general nuisance of a person towards others on that bus. Someone a little later accidentally bumped into this person, and this loud and obnoxious individual made a whole stink of it; yelling that they are being "disrespected" and demand an apology, even though the other person on the same bus had already apologized courteously. The way I heard it, it could have precipitated into an all-out physical fight but thankfully other people on the bus intervened and the situation calmed down.
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Re: Common Sense: Nearing Extinction Unfortunately


Post by Naperville »

I'm only 59, but big cities scare the crap out of me. It's like, "No Country For Old Men." Any town with more than 100k people, I want to know where I am and why I'm there. I grew up in Chicago, but I can't take it anymore.

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Re: Common Sense: Nearing Extinction Unfortunately


Post by JD Spydo »

Naperville wrote:
Sat May 25, 2019 5:01 pm
I'm only 59, but big cities scare the crap out of me. It's like, "No Country For Old Men." Any town with more than 100k people, I want to know where I am and why I'm there. I grew up in Chicago, but I can't take it anymore.

Too much lawlessness, and I am not Superman.
That's interesting Naperville. Because one of my best friends who I got know about 20 years ago told me he grew up in Chicago back in the 60s and 70s. He is about the same age as I am (65). He said that all through the 60s, 70s and partway through the 80s Chicago wasn't all that bad of a town like it is now. The crime in Chicago at this time is truly off the hook and almost completely out of contol. I've heard that the Chicago school system is one of the very worst in the entire USA. That is really sad that such an iconic city went down the toilet so to speak.

My friend told me that from about the mid 90s onward the street gangs of Chicago just all but took over the city. In this case I would have to say that the leadership of the city is completely out of touch with their constituents. They have some of the most astringent knife and gun laws but yet they got one of the highest crime rates in the entire USA. I've also heard similar stories about Los Angeles and San FRancisco too.

Bottom LINE: Those are examples of major cities losing their common sense :(
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Re: Common Sense: Nearing Extinction Unfortunately


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My family still has property in Chicago on the South Side. If it comes down to it, and I am forced to decide, live in Chicago or live in a car, I'll probably sell the property and live in a car outside of any dangerous city.

Right now I'd work in Downtown Chicago, preferably during the day time. But after I retire, I don't see the need to be there for any reason. Way too dangerous and as you get older, a lil beat-down can cost you your life.
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Re: Common Sense: Nearing Extinction Unfortunately


Post by SpyderEdgeForever »

Naperville, what do you say to those poor souls who have a "rural attitude" but due to various circumstances in their life, they live in the ghetto areas in big cities that are prone to violence and the problems you and others mentioned? What are their alternatives?
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Re: Common Sense: Nearing Extinction Unfortunately


Post by JD Spydo »

SpyderEdgeForever wrote:
Sun May 26, 2019 3:37 am
Naperville, what do you say to those poor souls who have a "rural attitude" but due to various circumstances in their life, they live in the ghetto areas in big cities that are prone to violence and the problems you and others mentioned? What are their alternatives?
I can't speak for Naperville himself but I think I can sort of answer your question. I spent a long time as a caretaker of a house used by a Lutheran ministry that helped really poor and down trodden people in Northeast Kansas City. And dude that's about as ghetto as you can get. The year I resigned and went on to another job there were 3 murders within a football field of the house and I was living there full time while I was working there. I can't tell you all how many times I slept with one eye opened.
The quality of life in these ghettos is beyond most people's imaginations>> and we're talking about stuff here in the USA. Which probably doesn't even compare to ****-Holes like North Korea or many other third world nightmare places to live. In other words the place where I was living probably isn't even half as bad as many of the nightmare third world regimes.
Most of the people I got to know in that neighborhood just resigned themselves to the fact that they were trapped in their dismal living conditions with little or no hope of ever leaving. The ghetto mentality is just to survive one more day>> they literally can't focus on any future>> and it's sad that most of their kids usually have a felony on their record before they get out of high school :(
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Re: Common Sense: Nearing Extinction Unfortunately


Post by Daveho »

Young people do dumb stuff and the old people complain about it, has anything changed really?
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Re: Common Sense: Nearing Extinction Unfortunately


Post by JD Spydo »

Daveho wrote:
Sun May 26, 2019 1:42 pm
Young people do dumb stuff and the old people complain about it, has anything changed really?
Yeah Daveho I really do believe it's gotten much worse. Especially in the usage of cell phones and other electronic devices that impair a person's judgement and horribly affect their driving especially and it also tends to diminish the overall quality of their lives. Now to be fair about it I do think it's a bigger problem in some areas of the globe where it might not be in other parts.

But your fellow countryman Brother BLOKE chimed in and said that the cell phone junkies where he was living has gotten much worse. I guess you might be living in an area of the outback and may not be getting it as bad as people who live in metropolitan areas. And I hope you do have it good where you're at>> because it's getting really bad here where I'm living. And it's not so much of an age issue as it is a problem of people across the board just using bad judgement.

No here where I live there a lot of people 50 years old plus that are just as addicted to these electronic "**** phones" as many of the young people do. In some cases the older people are even worse. The older ladies for instance are really bad. And if you lived here in my area you could just go to the grocery store and to Rip-Mart and it wouldn't take you long to see what I mean.
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Re: Common Sense: Nearing Extinction Unfortunately


Post by Daveho »

JD Spydo wrote:
Sun May 26, 2019 1:55 pm
Daveho wrote:
Sun May 26, 2019 1:42 pm
Young people do dumb stuff and the old people complain about it, has anything changed really?
Yeah Daveho I really do believe it's gotten much worse. Especially in the usage of cell phones and other electronic devices that impair a person's judgement and horribly affect their driving especially and it also tends to diminish the overall quality of their lives. Now to be fair about it I do think it's a bigger problem in some areas of the globe where it might not be in other parts.

But your fellow countryman Brother BLOKE chimed in and said that the cell phone junkies where he was living has gotten much worse. I guess you might be living in an area of the outback and may not be getting it as bad as people who live in metropolitan areas. And I hope you do have it good where you're at>> because it's getting really bad here where I'm living. And it's not so much of an age issue as it is a problem of people across the board just using bad judgement.

No here where I live there a lot of people 50 years old plus that are just as addicted to these electronic "**** phones" as many of the young people do. In some cases the older people are even worse. The older ladies for instance are really bad. And if you lived here in my area you could just go to the grocery store and to Rip-Mart and it wouldn't take you long to see what I mean.
Well as I live in the capital I would hardly say that I’m cut off from civilisation but if you look at history you will find example after example of the older generation complaining about what the new generation is doing and while the mobile phone is a bit unique in its pervasiveness in modern society it, in my opinion speaks to a larger issue of people wanting so badly to belong and not finding it in their non digital lives so they retreat to Social media even to the point they walk themselves into traffic and while the usual get of my grass rant about the darn kids and their darn phones may be the popular opinion I for one hope that this will in due course will be the catalyst for a new era of things like fraternalism and spiritually liberal religious institutions which will see a net positive for communities.
Im seeing it a bit happening now through a local Masonic lodge in my area and they are booming!
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Re: Common Sense: Nearing Extinction Unfortunately


Post by James Y »

Daveho wrote:
Sun May 26, 2019 1:42 pm
Young people do dumb stuff and the old people complain about it, has anything changed really?
If you think that's all it is, check out my post in the "Driving/Traffic Rant" thread. I'll criticize anybody, young or old, who engages in dumb, reckless behavior that puts other people at risk. I'm not saying I'm perfect, either. When I was young I did some stupid things. The worst was once when I was 19, I fell asleep for several seconds while driving down the highway at 70 mph at around 3:00 a.m., and began drifting into the lane of an 18-wheeler. I had even started dreaming(!). It was his blaring horn that woke me up.

I also got into a few fights, most of which could have easily been avoided with a little common sense, and although usually getting the better of them most of the time, having to spend weeks or even months paranoid about possible repercussions.

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Re: Common Sense: Nearing Extinction Unfortunately


Post by JD Spydo »

Going back to the main "Title" of the thread i.e. Common Sense, Nearing Extinction. Here in the year of our Lord 2019 you have ball games with tickets costing around $200 To $300 each, You have people buying new cars or vehicles every 2 to 3 years needlessly paying the prices of what some homes here in this area used to cost. You have people racking upwards of around $60,000 to $80,000 on credit card debt, which is actually more common than you might think according to a lawyer I talk to frequently.

You have adults literally risking their lives with crap like "Bungee Jumping" off of bridges and paying outrageous fees to do so :rolleyes:

You have adult men and women following the NASCAR circuit like they are big time rock stars paying hundreds of dollars to go those stupid races you can often see on TV for free :confused:

You have women having their fingernails done at professional salons racking up fees of about $200 to $300 a month :rolleyes:

The sad thing is that I could go on for at least an hour listing some of the most outright utterly ridiculous stuff imaginable being done by educated people that work extremely hard just to maintain an existence in this world gone insane and spending money they really don't have>> in the meantime they are in essence literally bankrupting the future of their children and their offspring.

Truly I'm seeing less and less common sense from people spending money like water with virtually nothing to show for it. If common sense was to show up at the local Emergency Room they would immediately have to put it on Life Support :( And I'm sure you all could add to the list :o
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Re: Common Sense: Nearing Extinction Unfortunately


Post by The Deacon »

JD, hardly a day goes by in my area without the local news reporting a fatal accident. Nine times out of ten, the folks who died were not wearing seat belts.
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Re: Common Sense: Nearing Extinction Unfortunately


Post by James Y »


I'm sure there are people out there who would say similar things about knife aficionados spending so much on knives we "don't really need." I know my late dad, when he saw I had 7 pocketknives (that he saw) asked me, "What the heck do you need so many pocketknives for?" Although he himself always carried a pocketknife, he was the type who carried and used only one knife until it needed replacing, then threw the remains in a toolbox and bought another. He thought the idea of accumulating more knives than you actually needed at a time was lacking in common sense.

As long as someone is living within their means, I don't see much wrong with pursuing their interests, as long as it's not hurting anybody else. If they are doing it beyond their means, that's a different story. I've heard about supposedly "poor" inner city kids who walk around in $300-$400 basketball shoes, and who seem to have more disposable income than I do.

What really grabs my attention is totally stupid stuff that makes no sense at all, but ends up being so costly. Just the other day in the local news, some young guy fell off a pier at the beach trying to take a selfie. The last I heard, searchers were never able to find his body yet. This is not the only time someone has fallen off a local pier in a selfie attempt and died. Or gotten too close to the edge of a cliff and died for a selfie.

I'm also tired of these motorized scooters which people leave everywhere. They are also a hazard to pedestrians, as too many scooter riders speed down the sidewalks and boardwalks with no consideration for others. The city council seems very hesitant to pass any regulations to make the non-scooter using public safer. Then when people are done using the scooters, they just leave them anywhere, like in people's front yards or lying in the middle of the sidewalk.

Another issue is people leaving shopping carts free-standing right in the middle of the parking lot, right in otherwise empty parking spaces, or vulnerable to start rolling into other parked cars. When all they had to do is take the cart about 10 to 30 feet and leave it in a cart rack. I once had to run to stop a cart someone else had left behind from hitting the side of another parked car. How lazy are you that you can't put the damned cart in the rack?

Also, the people who leave their car with the key in the ignition and the motor running in the parking lot to go into the store, often with a baby left in the car. There have been several cases of car thieves jumping in and driving off with the owner's baby and or children inside.

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