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Why is the PM2 more popular when the Manix 2 is objectively better?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 1:29 am
by kennbr34
Ok, part of that is tongue in cheek to tick off the PM2 fans :P

But seriously I really don't understand what people prefer about the PM2. I suppose the one advantage it has is that it has more configuration options for tip-up or tip-down carry. But that doesn't really make much difference to me since I don't care about tip-down carry, so the Manix 2 already gives me what I want with that.

Meanwhile I have no idea why anyone prefers the compression lock. I mean, it's a fine system, but the CBBL is better in every way. I have heard a lot of people complain that the spring is too stiff, but that seems like a quality control issue because mine is perfect.

Then there's the action... I don't know if it might just be my own QC experience, but the PM2 I got is just nowhere near as smooth opening as the Manix 2. The Manix 2 feels like it's on bearings it's so smooth. I can pull the lock back and let gravity open or close the blade. With the PM2, not so much. Maybe if I adjusted the pivot a little, but I expect it would then induce blade play. The Manic 2 is butter smooth and solid as a rock.

Then there's the comfort of the handles. This is definitely an area where I can see the PM2 appealing to a wider array of hand sizes, but for my hand size in particular, the Mannix 2's shape is perfect. It fits like a glove.

The blade shape of the PM2 is intriguing and probably the biggest stand out feature to me. I haven't really used it enough to find a reason to prefer it over the leaf shape of the Manix 2 yet though. The PM2 is every so slightly thinner at the tip, which is kind of nice, but it's not as if it's so much thinner that it makes a huge difference. The thing that gets me is that even if I found a reason to prefer the PM2's blade, I would probably end up just wishing I could get it with the Manix 2's handle and lock up.

In any case, I realize it all comes down to personal preference, but one thing I wonder about is how many people were diehard PM2 fans that were won over by the Manix 2 vs how many still prefer the PM2. I expect the fact that it's been around for so long has something to do with it; people just get really used to the models they're familiar with. It's like sticking to an older model truck even though you know the newer models have more bells and whistles that actually make meaningful improvements, but you just still know the older model so well it's more like an extension of your body than something you're operating.

All that said... How cool would it be if we were able to mismatch our favorite handle/lock configurations with our favorite blades? Have some Frankenstein Spyderco models of PM2 handles with Manix 2 blades, Manix 2 handles with PM2 blades, etc. and so forth. I'm sure I'm not the first to think of that but why hasn't it come into fruition yet!

Anyway thanks for reading my flamebait :P

Re: Why is the PM2 more popular when the Manix 2 is objectively better?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 1:52 am
by Evil D

And the Paramilitary name itself was crushing sales before there was a 2 behind it.

Re: Why is the PM2 more popular when the Manix 2 is objectively better?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 2:04 am
by amateur blacksmith
I personally don't like the lock. If it was a back lock or a compression lock I would own more and use them more. Also It's a pretty big and heavy knife in the pocket. The ergos are hard to improve on though.

Re: Why is the PM2 more popular when the Manix 2 is objectively better?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 2:47 am
by aicolainen
David has a point. The Manix is a good knife, but it's not objectively better.

In their G10 offerings, which is the only fair comparison, they are both (subjectively) falling short of other offerings IMO.
The PM2 has an objective advantage over the M2 in that it offers more edge length at a full oz. less weight.
All other comparisons fall on the subjective side.

Personally I prefer the ergos of the M2 and lock manipulation of the PM2. Overall the Manix design appeal more, but the weight kills it for me. I'm putting my trust in the inevitable magnacut Manix 2 LW Salt, and hope that will be the Manix for me, but then again... PM2 Salt seems closer to realization at this moment, so I won't totally write it off.

Re: Why is the PM2 more popular when the Manix 2 is objectively better?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 2:51 am
by horzuff
Those are different enough models that I think it's impossible to state one is better/worse than the other.

However I would be very much interested in a hybrid (Para Milix? Para Manixtary? Not there yet maybe... :D). A Para 2 with an almost Manix blade just slightly narrower, but keep the leaf shape and 3mm spine. Keep the Para lock and handle as the Manix's handle is a bit too wide for me (due to the lock) and maybe squeeze a tiny bit more blade into the handles and I'm 100% sold.

So basically a para 2 with leaf blade and couple more mm edge length and less spine thickness

Edit: I guess I just want a compression lock Caly 3,5 / Calypso with a slightly beefed up handle...

Re: Why is the PM2 more popular when the Manix 2 is objectively better?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 5:19 am
by GarageBoy
Big and heavy will be the number 1 complaint. Pocket hog and the jumping being excessive too. More of a use for extended periods of time kind of knife

Re: Why is the PM2 more popular when the Manix 2 is objectively better?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 5:28 am
by elena86
OP has the right to be subjectively wrong. That being said the PM2 is objectively the better knife :winking-tongue

Re: Why is the PM2 more popular when the Manix 2 is objectively better?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 5:36 am
by Cowboyfromhell
Also, why is the g10 manix so much cheaper than a g10 pm2?.......hmmmm

Re: Why is the PM2 more popular when the Manix 2 is objectively better?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 5:49 am
by prndltech

One is not better than the other. Just different.

Re: Why is the PM2 more popular when the Manix 2 is objectively better?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 5:55 am
by Urkilnmesmalls
I like my PM2, I gave my Manix 2 to a friend because I hated it. I never could put my finger on why I hated it but I just couldn’t stand to use it. I loved the lock but that’s the only thing I liked about it. My
Pm2 on the other hand, that thing is a workhorse.

Re: Why is the PM2 more popular when the Manix 2 is objectively better?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 6:08 am
by Wandering_About
Both good and quite different. I like them both, but carry the PM2 more because it's lighter, carries a bit slimmer, and doesn't have the excessive jimping. For me, I like how the PM2 works with an aftermarket deep carry clip, but not the Manix. And I actually really like the compression lock, and its open back design for easy cleaning. The Manix 2 does still work very well, and has some excellent design features. Carrying my 15V Manix regularly until getting a 15V PM2 did give me a refreshed appreciation for the model. But when it comes down to it I much more often choose the PM2.

Re: Why is the PM2 more popular when the Manix 2 is objectively better?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 6:12 am
by Larry_Mott
I'm glad i got the Manix 2 back lock, and sad that seemingly i was the only one who liked it :p
IMHO it's much better than the CBBL (not necessarily better mechanically but ergonomically to me)

Re: Why is the PM2 more popular when the Manix 2 is objectively better?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 6:27 am
by olywa
I've always preferred the Manix and could never warm up to the PM2. Then I modded a PM2 safe queen with contoured micarta scales and it became an instant favorite. Now it's a toss up for me, I love 'em both.

Re: Why is the PM2 more popular when the Manix 2 is objectively better?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 6:33 am
by ladybug93
🤫 if people start liking the manix better, it will likely get a bump in price. let them keep thinking the pm2 is better. you and i know the truth.

Re: Why is the PM2 more popular when the Manix 2 is objectively better?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 6:47 am
by Brock O Lee
PM2 for me, by far.

The Manix is a good knife, and I can understand why some people prefer the BB lock. I own a few.

My biggest gripes are the excessively jimped (IMO) liners, and the flared lanyard tube to provide handle integrity at the tail end. It carries very wide in pocket too.

Re: Why is the PM2 more popular when the Manix 2 is objectively better?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 7:00 am
by LeeARB
I just don't care for the blade shape of the PM2. Never bothered to even consider it.

Everything about the G10 Manix2 suits me well. I also think the jimping is about perfect. I will admit it is wide in the pocket as it's one possible issue for me.

Very happy Spyderco makes so many knives.

Re: Why is the PM2 more popular when the Manix 2 is objectively better?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 7:18 am
by benben
I have both, both are excellent knives just completely different from each other. To me the only common trait they share are materials, manufacturer, and the fact that they're both knives! ;)

Having said that I personally prefer the Manix, and I don't dislike the PM2!

Re: Why is the PM2 more popular when the Manix 2 is objectively better?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 7:21 am
by Traditional.Sharpening
I will say that having just received my first PM2 in the BBB flavor, I was expecting to be floored and instantly fall head over heels. That didn't happen, actually I ended up feeling a bit underwhelmed by it considering how popular they are. I always find myself coming back to a comment a friend of mine used to make fairly regularly... "If it's popular, it's wrong". I don't know if that's actually true but I do think sometimes there has to be some truth there. I have a Manix 2 LW coming today along with Para 3 LW and I expect that these will be much more to my liking.

I didn't like the way the G-10 was left with very hard corners that would dig into your hand in heavy cutting on the PM-2. The weight seemed great from a carry perspective but it just seemed off to me in holding the knife, felt like there is nothing you're actually holding. I like the blade shape in general but do feel the leaf shape is hard to beat in general for most tasks. As noted the action is rather stiff, which I liked from a carry perspective because it seemed to strongly resist accidental openings. My Lil' Native TKJ is much weaker here and it means I have to carry it wedged at the corner of my pocket to feel secure enough.

Re: Why is the PM2 more popular when the Manix 2 is objectively better?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 8:30 am
by bearfacedkiller
I find the Manix2 to be a chunky pocket hog with mediocre ergos and superfluous jimping. I think the Para2 is over hyped but I definitely prefer it over the Manix2.

Why is the Para2 more popular? The internet says so. Hype, hype and more hype.

Re: Why is the PM2 more popular when the Manix 2 is objectively better?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 8:45 am
by JRinFL
The only downside to the Manix 2 is the crazy amount of jimping. I strongly prefer the Manix 2 over the Para 2, but when I pick up a Para 2 I can see why it is so popular. The Para 2 also seems to appeal to people who otherwise have little interest in Spydercos in general. I think it might be due to the Para 2 having a look much closer to more traditional knife designs but still offering Spyderco's unique touches.