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Schempp Kukri?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:11 am
by Reject
Is the any chance that Mr Schempp may consider creating a Kukri version of his Schempp Rock?

I don’t mean a full-sized kukri.
I’m thinking something around the size of K-bar small Kukri, based on the original K-bar combat knife.

The Rock is almost there already in shape, just a bit more blade length, more belly and some forward weight in the blade. Yes: :woozy I know that is a vast simplification of work required to design a new knife.


In the case of the K-bar; the small increase in size over the K-bar combat, does not make it more difficulted to carry around. The bit of extra blade length and front blade weight adds so much versatility to the knife.

It’s doesn’t turn it in to full-sized Kukri or a machete; but with a few more wacks, it will do the job.

The small increase in weight and size work without lose any of the qualities of the original K-bar as a utility knife. (Maybe not for stabbing. :flushed If you are really into stabbing, it’s maybe not for you. Although; the handle and tip orientation are spot on.)

Ok; :smirk I get it. The Schempp Rock/Rock Salt is designed to be a large, light weight, easy to carry and extremely versatile knife and it works well. (You are going to hate me for this one.) :woozy To me it looks like a knife that really wants to be a Kukri.

Even without lengthening the blade and just adding the weight and belly to the front of the blade. I think just making it front heavy would make it a much more efficient light chopper and add to its usability.

:thinking On reflecting on what I have just typed here, perhaps I am missing the point of the Schempp Rock. In that it was design for martial uses rather than the light weight, do it all, multi tool of a bush knife, when you can only carry one knife, that I am thinking of.

The Schempp Rock / Rock Salt would certainly fill both roles. :smiling-cheeks But I do like Kukris and I was just thunking.

:yawn I’ll just wander back up my gum tree now and have a sit down.

Re: Schempp Kukri?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:46 am
by sal
Hi Reject,

You are a funny guy.

I guess we'll have to see what Ed thinks? I have the Schempp Rock in it's original prototype which is an excellent light chopper. Easy to carry and very effective. Mostly on small branches on a tree I'm cutting up for firewood. I also have all of the variations that also get used. (I don't use the Salt much n the Rockies).

I can see the interest. We'll hide-n-watch.


Re: Schempp Kukri?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 1:00 am
by Reject
sal wrote:
Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:46 am
Hi Reject,

You are a funny guy.

I guess we'll have to see what Ed thinks? I have the Schempp Rock in it's original prototype which is an excellent light chopper. Easy to carry and very effective. Mostly on small branches on a tree I'm cutting up for firewood. I also have all of the variations that also get used. (I don't use the Salt much n the Rockies).

I can see the interest. We'll hide-n-watch.

:hushed-face I just feel that the you get that get a lot more impact with less effort with a Kukri design than you do with a light blade. And the less effort involved, the longer you can use it.

But :smirk You already know that don’t you.

Re: Schempp Kukri?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 1:17 am
by sal
I do, and I'm sure that Ed does. Even if he thinks it's a good idea, it will take some time to design, build a proto, or more than one if necessary. And then go from there?


Re: Schempp Kukri?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 1:50 am
by Reject
:eye-roll Just from an uneducated end user view and comparing the Schempp Rock to the K-bar Kukri. The K-bar is good example of how I am thinking about it.

The Rock already has far superior handle to the K-bar in so many ways. So, I think the handle is ok to go.

Thicker metal stock required? Not by much.

Bush knife; carbon steel maybe?

I don’t think I have seen many knives like the K-bar kukri. :thinking If it were me; I would grab a K-bar and see what I like and what I didn’t like about.

Very different knives, but in some ways every much alike.

Re: Schempp Kukri?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 1:52 am
by Cl1ff
I’d be rather interested in this myself!
Love kukris, love Ed schempp designs, have always wanted a Rock.

As a side note, I have many ideas regarding a kukri design and function, including sketches, as always :grin-sweat, of a “Spyderized” FRN handled kukri pretty much directly inspired by parts of the Shempp Rock and an old Kukri I own.
My Kukri is well loved and using it often has taught me a lot about knives including the different ways to hold the handle, chop with the blade, etc. I learned that a lot of it is surprisingly subtle. I’d love be to talk about it all if nothing else.

Re: Schempp Kukri?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 1:55 am
by Wartstein
I never even held a Schempp Rock and I am normally all for longer edges, but in this case to me it looks like just adding a bit of blade length and weight could potentially result in a kind of "worst od both worlds" tool:

As it is I figure that when using the choil the Rock is still well enough balanced for even finer cutting tasks.
Adding weight and length to the blade could ruin that.
So if going longer and heavier at all I'd personally go all the way and add quite a bit material to the blade and not just a little so it becomes a real chopper.

Re: Schempp Kukri?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 7:32 am
by ChrisinHove
I’ve always had a thing for Kukri’s. I would love to see this.

Re: Schempp Kukri?

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2022 10:42 pm
by Ed Schempp
There are some great attributes of Khukris that I have great respect. I have used some of these attributes in my designs, why reinvent the wheel? One of the best I have seen is designed by Jason Knight, a true gentleman and a very accomplished designer and knife maker. Jason an I share a love and an understanding of fullers, please check out Jasons work! If I were asked to do a Khukuri it would have slight modifications of Jasons design.

Re: Schempp Kukri?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 12:02 am
by Matus
I absolutely love Ed's designs and have been intrigued by kukri for a long time. I would be very interested to see/try a Ed's implementation of such a design. I would prefer one that was on the smaller side (as long as still usable, of course).

Re: Schempp Kukri?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 1:19 am
by sal
Hi Ed,

'Bout time you got here.

Rather than think of the design as a "Khukuri", I would rather think of it as an Ed Schempp version. The best possible performer in that type of blade? I have learned over the past decades that Ed's thought process runs deep. So yes, I'm asking you to design one. We're a bit behind, but I'm game and as long as Reject and others can be patient, We'd be honored to build another Schempp design. Clean sheet. "Tabula Rasa". "Best of the Best". Design, Steel, Handle Materials, Sheath. Your best work? Interested?

Yeah, it's a rather unorthodox way to commission a design, but......................


Re: Schempp Kukri?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 1:51 am
by Matus
Dear Ed, please ...

Re: Schempp Kukri?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 6:47 am
by Kevinim82
Ed Schempp wrote:
Tue Mar 29, 2022 10:42 pm
There are some great attributes of Khukris that I have great respect. I have used some of these attributes in my designs, why reinvent the wheel? One of the best I have seen is designed by Jason Knight, a true gentleman and a very accomplished designer and knife maker. Jason an I share a love and an understanding of fullers, please check out Jasons work! If I were asked to do a Khukuri it would have slight modifications of Jasons design.
Jason Knight is an artist. His Bowie knives are something to behold.

I’m an outsider, I’d reckon Ed would be giving his endorsement here for Jason to do a collab with you Sal.

Re: Schempp Kukri?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 8:18 am
by Blerv
Or maybe just a bit of length? If the Rock grew a bit it likely would likely get the length and arc of a traditional Nepalese Kukri while remaining very “Ed” (which I love about the original). That would also push the center of gravity into more of a chopping tool and less of a knife. Maybe even justify use of a more tough tool steel?

Fun to see the talk on this! New stuff is always fun but the old model was far ahead of its time.

Re: Schempp Kukri?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 3:21 pm
by sal
Hi Kevin,

I would not be opposed to doing collaboration with Jason. We've spoken with him a number of times at shows, but to my knowledge, we've never discussed doing one of his designs. Always best if they approach us.


Re: Schempp Kukri?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 4:34 pm
by Buddafucco
Not sure if it matters but Jason Knight has a company with AJ of Tactical Elements ... Knight Elements... I believe they are manufactured by Fox Knives.

Anyways... I have no affiliations and I'd like to throw my hat in the ring! It's a little rough around the edges but you get the idea.
I call it the Buddafukri...


On second thought... Better stick with Mr Schempp! :beaming-face
Definitely stick with Mr Schempp!

Re: Schempp Kukri?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 4:48 pm
by sal
Ed Schempp is always my first choice.


Re: Schempp Kukri?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 5:30 pm
by knivesandbooks
Ooo do it and I'll buy one.

Re: Schempp Kukri?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 5:32 pm
by amateur blacksmith
Steel would make or break this for me. I have no interest in a 1095 type of steel. There are plenty of tough steels to choose from that can hold a decent edge and aren't to hard to sharpen.

Re: Schempp Kukri?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 6:27 pm
by Reject
:hushed-face Would you be looking at the build, as a full-sized kukri?
Or a smaller version; as an enhancement of an existing knife?

My thinking :thinking with the example I put forward. (For what it is worth.)
30 years ago; I spend time with the Australian Infantry. My bush knife was a K-bar combat, we didn’t carry matchets. The K-bar was used for anything and everything.

If the K-bar kukri had been available back then and I had enough sense to try one. it would have served me a lot better than the combat.

Still a compact, light weight carry, but so much more versatile in uses.
I think they got the balance right without adding to much weight.


Question: How many versions of the full-sized kukri are out there
How many quality, well designed compact Kukris are there?
Just from a sales prospective.

Had look at Mr Knight’s work; :smiling-hearts who said tools can’t be beautiful.
Everything you need is there and nothing you don’t.
:hugging-face Simplicity as an art form.