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How many here ?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:14 pm
by kankryb
How many here on this forum keep reptiles and what what do you have ?
I´ll start with what I have.
15 geckos
2 milksnakes
2 boas
5 spiders

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:53 pm
2 hours ago i just bought a 20 gallon long tank for a ball python ill be buying at the end of the month.

as a kid i had boas & pythons, thought it would be cool to get a ball python again since they dont get so big.

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 4:31 pm
by Simsmac
Spiders aren't reptiles... ;)

Only two dogs for me. Although I'd kinda like an iguana. Maybe.

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 6:40 pm
Simsmac wrote:Spiders aren't reptiles... ;)

Only two dogs for me. Although I'd kinda like an iguana. Maybe.

fyi, i had an iguana in grade school, took it to school for a project and the sucker bit me, about a week later i got real real sick and turned out i had salmonella poisoning, didnt know how i got it till decades later, turns out 98% of iguanas carry salmonella in their saliva.

it wasnt fun.

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:00 pm
by SmoothOne25
two. lavender rat snake and albino (white-ish-pink-ish like bubblegum)___called him bazooka, as in the gum, corn snake. both big, almost 4 foot and a child's wrist thick. but this was ten years ago. my friend worked at petco and as they were closing he stole, well reduced and then reduced again with employee discount a huge enclosure with all the lights and heat rock and waterfall filtration water bowl etc etc. i fed them huge mice, pinkies, furries, etc etc and he constricted them and eyes popped out and the"faux" tale wrattle thing and was very much loved!

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:51 pm
by Water Bug
As a kid I had a pet hog-nosed snake my father once caught and brought home for me. I fed it flies that I plucked the wings from and it seemed happy. It eventually died. My father thought it was because I kept playing with it and didn't let it hibernate.

My brother and I (again when we were kids) had those little green turtles you used to could get at the pet store. Well, one day I was trying to give them a bath as my mother had taught me, only I apparently didn't pay close attention to her instructions. Instead of mildly warm water from the sink, I got the water up to as hot as it would go, put it into the plastic container for the turtles' bath, and dropped them in. Next thing I know these two turtles are on the bottom of the container with their eyes closed and mouths opened... I'd cooked them! :eek:

My mother came to the rescue by taking them out of the water and placing them upon the larger rocks in their now cleaned terrarium/aquarium. In spite of me, they somehow survived and eventually died a couple of years later.

To say the least, I don't have pets anymore. I don't even keep plants because I manage to kill them, too.

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 10:47 pm
by redyps04
Just one Leopard Gecko named "Rowdy". It's pure sarcasm, as he sleeps 25 hours a day.

I've owned most every reptile though- frogs, snakes, iguanas, anoles, etc...
But... what I really want is a Bearded Dragon or a Uromastyx- all the personality and omnivorous tendancies of an Iguana, minus the large cage.

So what kind of Geckos do you have, Kankryb ?

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:34 am
by kankryb
I keep 3 kinds of New Caledonia geckos ( Rhacodactylus ciliatus,R auriculatus,R sarasinorum ) Really cool animals and very easy to keep as they don´t need heat and light or insects.

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:46 am
by Samwise
I have a high-yellow jungle-phase leopard gecko by the name of Leo, that I got for my 11th (I think) birthday. He looks awesome, but doesn't really do much outside of lay around and do nothing. My cats kept trying to eat him, so I gave him to a friend to take care of.

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:47 am
by tortoise
Testudo kleinmanni. :cool:

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 8:32 am
by Qcrazy
I know not quite reptiles! Though I keep Poison Dart Frogs 2 Lukes and 2 Imitators. I also have a Tiger Salamander.

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:09 pm
by 2cha
This little escape artist is living in the house somewhere. Picked him up in the middle of the road, fed him twice, and he pushed the masonite lid off the terrarium about 2 weeks ago. Black rat snake.

I have the kind of large old home that is difficult to mouse proof, so his escape should help keep the numbers down.


Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:17 pm
by kankryb
Very cool, I wish I could go out and pick up snakes but it´s too cold here in the north. :(

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 10:44 am
by kankryb
Here is some pics from last night and a old spydie one
and the old one

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:06 pm
by araneae
I had my share from various geckos (I bred leopards and panthers for a few years), to beardies to corn snakes and assorted amphibians. My last remaining herp passed this summer, an african fat-tailed gecko I had for about 15 years.

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:29 pm
by ozspyder
Wow ! you guys have cool pets. When I was younger I wanted to keep reptiles and was thinking of a crocodile. But they are a bit dangerous and really eat too much :p

Might get a snake from a pet store just for fun. Not a wise move collecting reptiles from the Australian bush as they are almost always quite lethal !!!

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:44 am
crazy cool pics,

It took me a few days to set up my ball python tank. i ended up getting a 20 gallon long but short tank. wasted a bunch of money on crap that doesnt even really work from the pet shops, i learned alot from youtube and trial & error. after 2 days of tinkering around with bulbs, placement of light etc.. i think i finally got it. my hot side of the tank is 88 degrees and the low side is 80 degrees with 60% humidity, the guy thats selling me the python said thats what it should be, although there are tons of different temps all over youtube and books.

tomorrow im placing the order for a 120 gram beautiful pinstripe ball python for $245.00 and $ 55.00 overnight shipping.

ill take some pics right away then let him chill for a week or so. then hopefully he will eat with no problems.

heres a pic of the actual pinstripe im getting from the sellers website.

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 2:29 am
by jabba359
I've had several anoles when I was younger, a jackson chameleon, and most recently had a panther chameleon. The chameleon died a few years back and then I moved and left all my supplies (cage, lights, etc) up in Washington. I keep thinking about getting another panther chameleon, so I may get one next year. Once you own a chameleon, it's hard to go back to anything else!

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 1:00 am
jabba359 wrote:I've had several anoles when I was younger, a jackson chameleon, and most recently had a panther chameleon. The chameleon died a few years back and then I moved and left all my supplies (cage, lights, etc) up in Washington. I keep thinking about getting another panther chameleon, so I may get one next year. Once you own a chameleon, it's hard to go back to anything else!

awesome pic of your chameleon, they are the coolest creatures that slowly grasp your fingers when cruising around.

my python arrives in 10 and a half hours via UPS, cant wait....

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 5:23 am
by NoFair
kankryb wrote:Very cool, I wish I could go out and pick up snakes but it´s too cold here in the north. :(
Hoggorm and snok? We have them here and it is even colder ;)

Have is your Spydie eating lake doing, hope you aren't feeding it :p :D