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I am mad as **** and I don't want to take it anymore.

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:09 am
by P40_Warhawk
Yesterday, I thought I bought a long sought after Ocelot from a unnamed dealer. I placed the order then received an email confirmation. Several hours later the dealer sent me another email saying he would not fulfill the order because of I live in NY State and he sited the knife debacle in NY City.

As a resident of NY State (not New York City) I wanted to raise this subject again as I just wrote an email that I thought many of you would want to see.

Further, if you live anywhere in New York State and you buy knives you may have found that many Internet dealers and Knife Companies that you used to be able to buy from are running scared (for logical reasons) and will no longer ship to you even though you live outside of New York City.

Please take the time and write some kind of letter to these supposed keepers of the law in NYC. I was able to attain their info via They are:

The Chief Assistant District Attorney in charge supervising this case is Daniel R Alonso. His email is:
Assistant District Attorneys involved in the investigation:
Dan M. Rather –
Hilary Rosenburg –
Mike Kitsis –
District Attorney of New York County (Manhattan) – Cyrus R. Vance Jr. –

My Letter...
Dear Mr. Vance and Mr Alonso:

As a citizen of New York State and the city of Eastchester, NY, I object to the methods used in the recent confiscations of knives from legitimate New York businesses and law-abiding citizens.

I am a frequent visitor of Manhattan and the four other boroughs of the City of New York as my Mother lives in The Bronx and Daughter lives in Manhattan and I have friends I visit in the rest of the city.

I STRONGLY object to your misinterpretation of the knife laws. For over forty years I lived in New York City or visit relatives and friends and have always carried a legal locking pocket knife. I have used it for opening boxes, cutting paper, cutting apples, but never for committing a crime. Your interpretation of the law will force me to leave my pocket knife at home and instead carry a large exposed Bowie style knife of four to six inches in length. Did you want that?

By doing what is described below you leave me no alternative to look further into the law and find what is legal to carry until you decide to pronounce it illegal.

Demanding “contributions” in exchange for avoiding prosecution is unacceptable behavior for elected officials and inappropriate use of government resources. Asking for sales figures and other confidential business information is an infringement beyond government authority. If actual crimes are committed the role of government should be to punish the criminal, not collect money to balance shortfalls in budgeting or create new government programs.

Retail businesses have been forced to make a decision to “contribute” to avoid costly and lengthy trials for selling a legitimate product and valuable tools available throughout the rest of the state of New York and the entire United States.

Your office has interpreted “gravity” knife as ANY folding knife which can be opened with one hand – no matter how difficult. The knives you have called illegal gravity knives are used daily in activities including hunting, fishing, camping and other outdoor activities as well as by electricians, construction workers and emergency personnel. These are NOT opened by gravity and your interpretation is a misunderstanding of knife design mechanisms.

Even the New York State legislature recognized the utility of gravity knives by including the exemption for their possession in §265.20(6) for legitimate hunting and fishing use.

I urge your office to stop this campaign against honest New York businesses who are being discouraged from doing business in New York. I will be exercising my right to vote to ensure that my individual freedoms are protected.

Joe (on this post, last name left out on purpose)

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:27 am
by StangBang
I think your letter is very well written. I also think it was smart of you to write a letter because it will be read, and if we are all lucky they may think twice about their actions.

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:47 am
by ChrisR
I'd advise sending it as an open letter to a few of the major New York newspapers too - see if you can get some higher profile backing for this. If the only people that see the letter are the very politicians who are causing the problem then I predict that you will just be fobbed off. But involve the media and you might be able to find a reporter who is willing to run with it.

Remember that they will pander to the knife-crime angle so you must keep reminding them that knives are tools and have been carried by law-abiding, freedom-loving Americans for time immemorial and to restrict this on the basis of a bogus crime-reduction agenda is going against your civil liberties and the American way ;)

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:49 am
by P40_Warhawk
ChrisR wrote:I'd advise sending it as an open letter to a few of the major New York newspapers too - see if you can get some higher profile backing for this. If the only people that see the letter are the very politicians who are causing the problem then I predict that you will just be fobbed off. But involve the media and you might be able to find a reporter who is willing to run with it.

GREAT IDEA... I will get the emails for the editors of The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Daily News, The New York Post.

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:04 am
by ChrisR
I would do a bit of reading-up on their websites to see if there is anyone on the staff with a sympathetic bias towards outdoor activities (hunting, fishing, hiking etc.) , old-school freedoms (rights to carry etc.) and Constitutional rights etc. They might be the kind of reporters that will pick it up and help you ... for as long as they think it will make good reading for their target audience. But don't under estimate the cynicism of the media ... they might seem friendly but they are only interested in readership numbers so they'll get bored easily unless you can keep the message fresh. ;)

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:18 am
by P40_Warhawk
ChrisR wrote:I would do a bit of reading-up on their websites to see if there is anyone on the staff with a sympathetic bias towards outdoor activities (hunting, fishing, hiking etc.) , old-school freedoms (rights to carry etc.) and Constitutional rights etc. They might be the kind of reporters that will pick it up and help you ... for as long as they think it will make good reading for their target audience. But don't under estimate the cynicism of the media ... they might seem friendly but they are only interested in readership numbers so they'll get bored easily unless you can keep the message fresh. ;)
Good thought. I am all riled up on this and am ready to pull the trigger too quick. Thanks Chris

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:35 am
by Zendemic
Very well written!

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:40 am
by 26.2Madness
One day we will all realize that elections have consequences. New York City and New York State have been electing these types of politicians for a very long time. What did you expect?

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 11:09 am
by P40_Warhawk
I appreciate the supportive remarks. But I can't take credit for the entire letter. I went to this web page ... nfiscation
then added a few paragraphs on top.


Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 11:21 am
by P40_Warhawk
26.2Madness wrote:One day we will all realize that elections have consequences. New York City and New York State have been electing these types of politicians for a very long time. What did you expect?
You are absolutely correct. And in New York City the people have no say, unless you say what the Prince wants to hear.

The ultimate culprit is the politically correct so called Mayor Of New York City The Honorable Prince Blumberg.

The same guy that's all for building a Masque one block away from Ground Zero, in my opinion defiling the Holy of Holies.

Also, he repealed term limitations in his second term of office. Thus getting himself elected for a third time. He thinks he is the likes of the greatest Mayor of NYC Fiorello La Guardia, the same guy who put term limits into place. But he is not, he has more money than God and can buy the election for the rest of his life.

Most of his Judges, DAs, Commissioners and City Council Members are just a bunch of puppets.

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 11:30 am
by dorfinator
I'm sure you don't want to hear this but your last resort may be to move to a more knife rights/gun rights friendly state. I don't think much will change until that state runs out of taxpaying citizens.

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 11:45 am
by The General
Today is not the day to discuss such topics, I have thus removed my comments.

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 11:48 am
by cosmo7809
Guys, be careful on what you say.

Kristi just deleted a thread in off topic for this reason

"Thread deleted by TazKristi
Reason: Political & Religious Topics are Not Allowed... Please DON'T post them."

Please note: Not to start any trouble, just do not want a perfectly good thread to veer of topic and get locked.

I live in NYC and I have to say I hate it.
The laws here are terrible.

I went to home depot the other day to buy some "primers" for this type of tool ... ogId=10053

could not find them... umm stange, have bought them in the past. Then I look up a see a sign that says something like "These cartridges are no longer sold at this homedepot due to NYS law, please go to New Jersey"

Are you kidding Jersey for a 5$ item!

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 11:56 am
by v8r
Sounds like somebody is padding their pockets.....

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 12:04 pm
by P40_Warhawk
My objective is to get everyone involved for two reasons; 1) I don't like the idea of our society turning into the likes of a third world country where in an individuals constitutional rights can be stepped on just because a government official feels like it. 2) I like legal capitalism. Knife makers, and dealers should have the right to make and sell what is legal by definition of the law.


Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 12:20 pm
by Donut
I wrote an email months ago when the issue first started to appear and I have not seen any response, I simply got added to their mailing list to hear about things that I am much less concerned with.

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 12:32 pm
by gmand16
This is a sore subject for me as well, except in the venue of guns. Obama is trying to pass a bill where you have to register any purchase over $600. It is attacking firearms subtlety, or any very expensive knife!

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 12:49 pm
by P40_Warhawk
cosmo7809 wrote:Guys, be careful on what you say.

Kristi just deleted a thread in off topic for this reason

"Thread deleted by TazKristi
Reason: Political & Religious Topics are Not Allowed... Please DON'T post them."
OK, I just deleted my comments on NYC's governing powers. But I left them on Blade Forum.

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 1:08 pm
by Jay_Ev
This is not good. It won't be long before district attorneys in other states and municipalities refer to New York and try to have the same laws and restrictions applied in their respective cities.

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 1:40 pm
what dealer turned you in like that?