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Hello from a New Member....

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 1:54 pm
by Chopping Broccoli
I just signed up for this forum. I have spent the past couple days reading many of the older threads. Lots of good information on this site. I look forward to reading and contributing to the board.

A bit about myself. I am a real estate appraiser and SCUBA instructor living in Charlottesville, VA. When I find a hobby I enjoy, I tend to go all out. Right now folding knives are at the top of my list (Fossil and Mineral collecting, SCUBA diving, and recording live concerts are some of my other hobbies). I have owned several cheap knives throughout my life, swiss army style knives, imitation bone handle knives, etc. Most have been knives I just somehow acquire either by finding them, they are gifted to me, or someone leaves one in my house or car and forgets about them. A few years back my dad bought me a Spyderco for a Christmas gift. I became attached to this knife pretty quickly and started carrying it everywhere I went. When I left the house I always made sure I had my keys, wallet, cell phone, and knife. If I didn't have the knife clipped into my jeans or belt, I felt naked. After carrying this knife for three years I lost it while camping. I was pissed. I searched high and low looking for it. Since that time I have gotten over the loss of this knife but never got around to replacing it. Two+ years has passed since I lost that knife. This past week I began researching knives and asked for a few for Christmas gifts. The girl friend bought me one and I bought a few (okay more than a few) for myself. I felt like a dog each day waiting for the mailman to arrive. When those boxes arrived I tore those suckers open before I could even get inside the house. Between my Christmas gifts and what I have ordered I will soon have 15+ knives. I think this hobby is already becoming a problem. I am taking comfort that my little collection is nothing compared to some I have seen in the photo gallery section on this board.

My collection (so far) consists of 4 Benchmade and 13 Spyderco's. I have ordered an assortment of blade styles, handles, steels, etc. I plan on finding 3-4 user blades that I can rotate in my EDC. The rest will just be for flicking open while sitting at my desk or watching the tube. My girlfriend is already tired of my Benchmade Mini Barrage. That knife has been getting a lot of attention since it arrive this weekend. I wanted a few auto's and assisted open blades although I don't think they will make a good EDC knife. The manual Spyderco's I ordered will be much better suited to carry with me on a daily basis.

As soon as all my knives come in I will try and post a few pictures in the gallery even though my collection seems to be pretty standard stuff. Since this is a Spyderco forum, here is my growing list of Spydie's.
Captain G10
Persian 75mm
White FRN Spirit Run (Endura, Delica, Dragonfly, Ladybug)
Delica 4 (Black Combo Blade, Gray Wave, British Green ZDP)
Ladybug (Yellow Salt, Green, Black)

My Benchmade's include the Mini Barrage Assisted, Vex Manual, AFO Tanto Auto, and Benchmite.

I like plain edge blades and I also like black coated blades. My wish list (which will need to wait a good while after all the ordering I just did) is a Lava, Yojimbo, & Orange Ladybug. Sage and Para are also on my short list. Oh yeah, I'd also like to find the large Persian to match my 75mm.

I ordered and returned a Tenacious. I know a lot of people are very pleased with this knife but I just didn't like the look, feel, or sound of the knife. I also returned a Benchmade Pika II (awful looking knife). Both felt cheap in my hand.

I also have a favor to ask of the board. I am going to try and figure out the exact model knife I lost and I would like to try and replace it with the same model from the same year the knife was given to me. As soon as all my knives arrive I will have a better idea of which model I lost. I suspect it was a Dragonfly or Delica. What I remember about the knife is this. Black, FRN, Combo Blade, AUS 8, Seki, Clip was plastic and molded into the handle (no screws). The box was plain blue with a yellow sticker on the side. Knowing my dad this was probably a standard no frills production knife. I think I received it as a gift in 2002 +/- a year. The knife was very lightweight which leads me to think it was a dragonfly because it does not have any liners (I don't remember if my lost knife had liners). Once I can handle a Dragonfly and Delica side by side I will know right away which one it was. Anyone that thinks they might have old new stock of this exact knife please send me a message.


PS. Chopping Broccoli is the first thing that came to me when trying to select a username. Its from the Dana Carvey skit on SNL. Funny stuff. For the record, I enjoy Broccoli only when it is served with a good cut of beef :)

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:02 pm
by CanisMajor
Welcome to the Forum, Enjoy your time here.


Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 4:19 pm
by nuubee
Welcome, CB!
The Dragonfly (with the exception of the new G-10 model), has a molded plastic clip. I am not enough of an authority to know whether there were any early versions of the Delica with a plastic clip, but someone far more knowledgeable than I will probably weigh in with more information.

I probably shouldn't mention either SureFire brand/other high-performance flashlights or That can get to be a rather compelling and expensive hobby also.

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 4:48 pm
by Sequimite
If that Sag eon your list is CF, this is the time to pull the trigger for $69.50 shipped: ... _500wt_781

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:05 pm
by Chopping Broccoli
Sequimite wrote:If that Sag eon your list is CF, this is the time to pull the trigger for $69.50 shipped: ... _500wt_781
Your killing me....

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:08 pm
by Chopping Broccoli
nuubee wrote:
I probably shouldn't mention either SureFire brand/other high-performance flashlights or That can get to be a rather compelling and expensive hobby also.
Been there, done that...with underwater dive lights that is. You would be amazed at the thousands spent on underwater illumination. Machined delrin canisters with Lithium Ion battery packs, HID bulbs, etc, etc. It adds up quickly.

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:13 pm
by Chopping Broccoli
nuubee wrote: The Dragonfly (with the exception of the new G-10 model), has a molded plastic clip. I am not enough of an authority to know whether there were any early versions of the Delica with a plastic clip, but someone far more knowledgeable than I will probably weigh in with more information.
Dragonfly is my leading best guess except I can't find a combo blade Dragonfly anywhere. Does anyone know if they used to make a combo blade Dragonfly?


Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:09 am
by Simple Man
Here are pics with both the FRN Dragonfly (one up from the botton) and the old style Delica FRN (four up from the bottom).

It sounds like what you had was an old style Delica or Delica I (called both) FRN. I don't think the Dragonfly was ever offered in PS.

Much information in this link

And even more in the Spydiewiki


Credit to Sharpy_swe in this post ... stcount=22


And some Dana Carvey because your screen name gave me a chuckle first off, I have not thought of that in quite a while, thanks.
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" ... fs=1&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 1:36 pm
by Chopping Broccoli
Simple Man - Nice video....thanks for posting :p

The picture line up is has to be either the dragonfly or delica. The clip is spot on how I remember it. If the dragonfly was never produced with a combo edge...than delica has to be it. I just received a delica and ladybug in the mail this afternoon and the delica handle feels slightly larger than what I remember. Once my FRN white dragonfly arrives, I will know for sure which one it is.