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The on-going Stretch 2 review thread: Rust Review!

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 8:58 pm
by spoonrobot
I won't lie, I've been salivating over this knife since the first pictures were posted by Mr Blonde quite a few months ago. My anticipation reached a fever-pitch at the Blade show when I got to handle the prototype and could feel the knife just wanting to cut something, yearning to show off how well it does it's given role.

I recently managed to capture a second-hand ZDP Stretch 2 from a nice gentleman up in Michigan. The knife arrived today, in almost new condition, and I immediately set about messing with it.

First up was a quick dissection to clean, check for perfect function and apply my own thread locker. The last is generally just an extravagance I like to perform but it was a requirement on this knife. I'm unsure if all the S2s or perchance all the ZDP S2s are like this but my example had no thread locker on any of the fasteners. Not a big deal I suppose, just something to be aware of. Lest you be unduly surprised when your pocket clip gets loose.


I am intrigued by the interesting lock-cutout pattern.

Once the knife was all back together (thanks to Mr. Blonde's excellent reassembly thread) I did some cutting. Writing about a specific hobby always brings some inherent problems, there are only so many ways to praise a folding knife. I recently made the mistake of declaring a knife "the sharpest out of the box I've ever seen." Only to have the next two knives prove to be even sharper. This makes it quite hard to be taken seriously, so in light of this I've decided to make slightly less grandiose claims when describing my newest slicey thing.

I don't know if you've ever attempted to do this but it's actually pretty difficult with a very sharp knife. The S2 had those hanging tails popping off the paper.

Couple this with the fact that I was readily able to bisect hairs, not to mention the phenomenal shaving ability, and I think it would be safe to say that the ZDP S2 is sharp enough. You may find a sharper knife out there somewhere but I sincerely doubt it will have come from a factory that way.

Swinging around to the whole knife I would like to clarify my intent. A large part of this review is going to consist of a comparison between the S2 and the Delica 4 and the Endura 4. Quite simply because they share enough in common to be contenders for any serious purchasing recommendation and partly because they make a cute line-up of increasing size and ability.


I've been EDCing an Endura for the past month or so and have spent some time with the Delica as well, making a comparison of the three easily within my ability. I have yet to do more than a small about of cutting with the S2 so actual use updates will come in the future. Just based on handling and appearences it is clear that the S2 serves perfectly in the middle role between the D4 and the E4.

Overall, it's ever so slightly smaller than the E4 and a bit larger than the D4 but the blade of the S2 is actually thinner (due to a significant distal taper) and ground much acute than the D4/E4. Well, it's a FFG, obviously.

(Top to bottom: D4, E4, S2)

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 8:58 pm
by spoonrobot
In the hand the S2 is bumpy in some places and skinny in others. It's familiar, but somehow different. Exciting in a way, it tends to have more of an idea of where your hand should go over the laissez-faire, go anywhere, attitude of the E4. The bi-directional texturing, is of course, the best non-G10 handle type ever devised. So that's good.


That's it for now. I'm going to play with it some more before retiring for the evening and should have some idea of how it feels/cuts in the light to medium role by the end of this weekend. I'll try to pack some sharpening in there as well.

So those are my thoughts, anyone else have any input on this phenomenal model?

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 9:11 pm
by jzmtl
I've had mine for a few days and love it, the handle fills hand better than endura's, which I guess is due to the bulge in handle. Wish the handle is a bit more blue thou.

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 9:17 pm
by spoonrobot
jz, have you seen this thread? How's your grind?

Mine is ever so slightly more acute at the curve but it's barely perceptible and will probably be gone within the first sharpening. I'm with you on the blue, it's kind of boring. I'm used to my Spydercos having very loud handle colors that the rest of the community finds annoying. Electric blue would have been cool. :D

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 10:31 pm
by jzmtl
I did see that thread, mine isn't uneven like that but is the same as your where the front portion is more acute. I can sharpen the front maybe 65% with 30° but the back portion is too obtuse for that.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 12:59 am
by THG
I just got mine in VG-10 today. Very nice knife, very comfortable. I haven't had a chance to use it yet, but I look forward to it. My only complaints are that the clip is a little stiff (no big deal) and that the thumb hole is too big. I prefer the size of the Delica/Endura's, or even as small as the Native's.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 11:18 am
by CanisMajor
Nice pics, and thanks for the info. I'm a big fan of the Stretch and I absolutely love the Stretch FRN in ZDP-189. Perfect knife.


Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:45 pm
by spoonrobot
THG wrote: and that the thumb hole is too big. I prefer the size of the Delica/Endura's, or even as small as the Native's.
Why would you prefer the smaller hole? It makes the blade a smidge less wide but I can't see any other advantage. Small thumbs? :D

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 3:18 pm
by carrot
Very nice. I eagerly await Day 2 and am as intrigued as you by the new lock cutouts.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 4:39 pm
by spoonrobot
I don't have enough for a full update yet. :p

I've been using the knife quite a bit and haven't much new info to report. It's showing a little corrosion on the side of the blade that faces my leg while being carried in the pocket. This is common in folders I carry since I bike daily and usually get pretty sweaty by the end of the day.

The edge is showing some wear in the form of light chipping and some rolling of the edge. I won't have a good bead on how the ZDP really wears until I get rid of the factory edge and resharpen it a few times. As of right now the wear is typical of a factory edge.

I think the lock cutout may be a cost saving measure. :D

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 4:44 pm
by Blerv
Thanks for the update. This thread and layout is very interesting.

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 8:10 pm
by spoonrobot
A little more than two weeks into my SFRN experience and I've had some things worth reporting.

First, let's talk sharpening. Edge degradation occurred through chipping of the edge.The first two pictures show a chipped section under magnification, the third shows the light reflected off the chip.

I used a fine diamond Lansky hone with the Lansky clamp system to sharpen the knife. Overall it was similar to other premium stainless steels. Took about the same time and was of the same difficulty as S30V. Notable difference was that the burr raised in the ZDP was huge! Very easy to feel with the finger and very easy to see. I don't feel the fine stone did a very good job. The edge I put on did not feel as sharp and did not cut as well as the factory edge, I feel I need a finer medium to finish the edge with and will be ordering some Norton stones to try to improve my sharpening of this blade.

Here is a little test I did to make sure it was at least a little sharp. This is acceptable for now; it's a learning process. :D


Next up; the slight corrosion/staining.

I carry the SFRN in my front pocket, down in the pocket. Over the course of the day it is not uncommon for me to pull the knife out and note condensation from the humidity in the pocket on the blade of the knife. The staining is occurring only on the parts of the blade that are exposed when the knife is closed and is noticeably worse on the side that faces my leg. This leads me to conclude that it is from my method of carry and personal biology.

And just to show some of the stuff I've been doing: Other than cardboard and some vegetation; I used to SFRN to section some Salmon for dinner earlier in the week. I found it cut through the usually tough skin very well and the bi-directional texture made for a very secure feeling grip.

While washing I covered the knife in dish-soap and tested some grips. It was a little slippery (duh!) but the rear texture felt like it was catching my hand from slipping too much and the jimping up front provided very good purchase, wouldn't want to cut a bunch of cardboard like this but at least I know it would be at least fairly secure.

So that's it so far! :)

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:03 pm
by dc50
Thanks for the review!
You say, your going to order some Norton stones, water stones or oil stones?
Some were saying that we must use diamond stones on ZDP, If oil stones work, I can save a bundle :eek:

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:25 pm
by spoonrobot
I'm planning on ordering the Norton Oil Stones. I've found the 11 inch stones provide enough surface area to make up for being non-diamond but I guess we'll see if this makes a difference with ZDP.

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:36 pm
by dc50
I will be wating for your thoughts using an oil stone :D
I'll hold off on ordering DMT stones, till I see how you make out.
Ha ha what a schmuck I am :p

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:24 am
by jzmtl
spoonrobot wrote:The edge I put on did not feel as sharp and did not cut as well as the factory edge, I feel I need a finer medium to finish the edge with and will be ordering some Norton stones to try to improve my sharpening of this blade.
This interesting. My usual sharpening method of sharpmaker/strop always give a better edge than factory, but not in this case. No matter what I try I could not get the edge as sharp as factory edge which easily split free hanging hair. Can't figure out why, maybe ZDP189 requires a different sharpening?

I'm still kicking myself for not picking up some retired microscopes for $20 each from the microbiology dept. when they bought new ones, they cost couple of grand each easily... :(

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 2:05 pm
by 805surf
Very nice review. I too am intrigued by the cutout pattern for the lock - does anyone else know the who/what/when/why's of this?

Do you EDC your stretch every day? I'm wondering how long it took for that corrosion to form.

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 2:28 pm
by Blerv
That patina forms quite easily. My Chinese has never seen water and still has a faint patch of it.

It's cosmetic more than anything. As for the chipped blade, sorry bud. :(

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 2:32 pm
by Noble
I wish my D2 Para wouuld show some of that nice discoloration already! Anyway, I wipe all my blades after a day of carry with simple mineral oil. Super light coat, just to displace any and all moisture that could have occured on the blade throughout the day. I never let it get into my pivot though. Anyway, thanks for the pics. How did you get the micro-scope pictures?

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 6:15 pm
by THG
spoonrobot wrote:First, let's talk sharpening. Edge degradation occurred through chipping of the edge.
That's what happens to my ZDP Endura, too.
spoonrobot wrote:Notable difference was that the burr raised in the ZDP was huge! Very easy to feel with the finger and very easy to see.
Same with my ZDP Endura. Must be a ZDP thing.