Another knife ban Massachusetts style

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Another knife ban Massachusetts style


Post by greencobra »

While recovering recently, I got the chance to pour over the newspapers and saw an article regarding Lawerence, MA, which is about 15 miles north from where I am. The city council passed a bill to ban all knives over 2 1/4" or 2 1/2" (I forget which). The reason was anything longer will penetrate body vests LEO's wear. For those who don't know, Lawerence is a high crime city with a, and I guessing here but I'm close, 50+% Hispanic population of mostly Dominican origin. No racial implications here, just how it is. This law scared me awake. If I can find the article online I'll post it.
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Post by greencobra »

Should have put this in off topic, sorry. Taz, move it if you want, please.
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Post by brainus »

That is scary and it is always sad when violence grows so much. I see that it well help them apprehend people that they have nothing on except their knife size, but it is too bad that it has to effect everyone there.
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Post by D13 »

Awesome. :mad: I live on the South Shore. Guess I won't be going to Lawrence with my millie.... Or basicly any of my other knives either. Pretty soon they'll be banning sharpened pencils over 2.5 inches.....
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Post by MacTech »

but they're missing the point, it's not the "weapons" that are to blame, it's the "ingenuity" of the Human mind that's the problem, with the right mindset, *anything* can become a weapon, even fresh fruit or pointed sticks.... ;)

i know, they should ban concious thought, that'll stop it cold (and hopefully solve the politician problem as well....) ;)

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Post by Plowboy »

Yes, it does seem to this farm boy that criminal acts are behavioral. Maybe another way of saying this is that crime is not hardware dependent, but rather software dependent. I must say I agree with MacTech that the good folks of Lawerence, MA are missing the point. It all comes down to behavior. If behavior is not addressed in any crime fighting policy, then it seems the policy is rather impotent.

Now, I don't carry a knife as a defensive weapon. For me they are tools. However, it does seem to me that a basic human right is the right of self-defense. If this right is decreased in its effectiveness by legal constraints, then I believe the legislative body inacting this constraint is denying basic human rights to it's citizens. Another way of saying this is that the governmental body is not trusting its citizens to be responsible and thus not permitting them to be free.

The event in Lawerence seems very unfortunate. I suspect it's effect on criminal behavior will be unimpressive.
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A very scary trend


Post by JD Spydo »

Hey GREENCOBRA it's good to hear from you again my friend :) . What really scares me about your report is that it is not just a Massachusettes problem it is really a trend that is about to encompass the entire country. Here you have a state with some of the most draconian of gun & knife laws in the entire country but yet you have soaring crime and people living in fear with virtually no means of self defense. Here is another sterling example of Law Enforcement having the means of self defense while they seem want to render the rest of us completely helpless.

Unfortunately this is a trend that is eventually going to sweep the entire country if something isn't done fast. There is something horribly wrong with this picture when our brave men & women are overseas in a hellish war to defend our rights and freedoms while these "whore" politicians do all they can to eviserate the Constitution in which our great veterans have fought and died for. The Second Amendment is a RIGHT; not a privaledge. How do these despicable scumbag lawmakers have the gall to castrate our rights and also leave us completely defenseless. :mad:

It is so hypocritical when they themselves are armed to the hilt as well as the Police but deliberately strip us the citizens of any way to facilitate any viable form of effective self defense. The more laws they pass the more crime you will have. The criminals and crooked lawyers are just loving this depravity. How can the American people stand for this much longer. How can people fly a plastic flag made by Chinese slave labor while claiming to be patriotic in the meantime all of our rights are being turned into privaledges and then the privaledges are being revoked. All the while our fighting men & women believe they are there to protect our freedoms while these whores are stealing them from us. What's it going to take to wake people up? :mad:
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Post by greencobra »

I just saw they amended the new law to allow swords and the like for reenacters, OK???? and they will be allowed to leave the "pointy ends" atop flag poles. Oh man....pointy ends on flag poles? Never thought in a lifetime to hit a 7-11 with a flag pole.

And thanks JD, Missed the forum greatly. A ton of stuff to catch up on. As soon I get to 100%, look for the Sox thread Part II!!!
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Post by EarthDog »

I just want my Bill of Rights, man.
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Post by Cameron23 »

MacTech wrote: don't come any closer, i've got a basket of Loganberries and i'm not afraid to use them!!!
Hey man that's not funny!!! Those Hurt...I mean...I 've never had them thrown at ME!...Ah, nevermind.

S.S.D.D. as far as laws against the law abiding. Personally I think most areas have enough laws on the books already (for most topics, not just "weapons"), they just need to look at enforcement. But, you might argue, "How then would the politicians justify their existance...or at least, their big paychecks?"

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Post by zenheretic »

Hmmm, last time I checked, a two inch blade will still penetrate a vest. Granted a bit difficult to hit a vital organ but that jugular and the femoral artery are still open season. Of course you can still stab sewing machine style and a person will bleed out. Yet another pointless law. By definition city, state, and federal lawmakers make laws, and therein lies the problem. You sit around a table making laws 40 to 50 weeks a year, avoid personal responsibilty, and fail to learn above the ignorance curve, you are bound to enact stinker after stinker.
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Post by Havatoo »

It's stupid laws like this that had me move out of California. California is better than Massachusetts when it comes to blade length (so long as the knife is a folder) but California's infamous penal code 12010 makes illegal almost everything else. If I carried in California what I carry in Washington, I'd be a felon.
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Post by Patriot »

Havatoo wrote:It's stupid laws like this that had me move out of California. California is better than Massachusetts when it comes to blade length (so long as the knife is a folder) but California's infamous penal code 12010 makes illegal almost everything else. If I carried in California what I carry in Washington, I'd be a felon.
I think you mean section 12020. Yeah, it's stupid (especially about FB carry :mad: ), but comparatively it isn't that bad. No blade limit, the only things you have to worry about is balisongs and "flickable" knives that don't have a detent. We :spyder: fans are pretty well off in CA, all things considered. Now gun laws are a different subject altogether :mad:

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Post by TheKnifeCollector »

Don't get me started on the gun laws here!! The long list of guns I can not buy here!! It infuriates me everytime i think about it!!
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Post by Patriot »

TheKnifeCollector wrote:Don't get me started on the gun laws here!! The long list of guns I can not buy here!! It infuriates me everytime i think about it!!
I don't want to hijack this thread, so this will be my last comment on the subject of gun laws :D What can I say? I completely agree with you.

"A well regulated populace being necessary for the security of the state, the right of the government to regulate and ban arms shall not be infringed." :mad:

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Post by yablanowitz »


i know, they should ban concious thought, that'll stop it cold (and hopefully solve the politician problem as well....) ;)

Since when have politians and concious thought been related?
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NH laws


Post by sublime422 »

Sorry about your problem about the knife laws. Thats why will most likely stay in New Hampshire where you can walk down the road with a 12 gage in hunting season with out being stoped or put in jail.
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