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Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:55 am
by dgulbra
Andreas wrote:Mule
Manbug (G-10)
I forgot about the YO2, and I am just assuming it will be a folder. Manbug G10 is made in Seki i believe

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:19 am
by Heespharm
how much do these normally run? how are these paid for?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:39 am
by dgulbra
It depends on what model they use

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:22 am
by The Deacon
Thanks for letting us know Kristi! :) And a huge thanks to Spyderco for deciding to offer us one this year! Image
jabba359 wrote:In for one no matter which model it is! Thanks Kristi!
+1 on that. :D
dgulbra wrote:
Andreas wrote:Mule
Manbug (G-10)
I forgot about the YO2, and I am just assuming it will be a folder. Manbug G10 is made in Seki i believe
True about the Manbug, but the online catalog lists it under US made knives, so I can understand Andreas' confusion. As for the other, while I'm inclined to agree that it won't be a Mule, they do have the advantage of being pretty much universally legal to own. As for other US models, while I doubt Spyderco would choose either as our Forum knife, nobody's mentioned the P'kal or Embassy yet.
Heespharm wrote:how much do these normally run? how are these paid for?
As dgulbra noted, it will depend on the model they choose. The last one (2009 Forum Native) was offered at a 40% discount off MSRP and, while I can't guarantee that price structure will hold true again, I'm fairly sure that if you use it you'll get a ballpark idea of what a Forum version of any current US made model would probably cost.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:29 am
by dgulbra
Thanks for the info Paul

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:37 am
by chuck_roxas45
Needs to be a knife that attracts my interest as a wannabe steel head for me to get it.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:41 am
by ChrisR
Rwb1500 wrote:I'll throw some fuel on the fire... Lightweight UKPK anyone? Image
+1 I'd love it to be the UKPK lightweight ... actually it's the only one that I could afford at the moment.

Also, if I may, Kristi ... can you investigate ways to make the knife accessible to forumites in the UK? I think the SFO postage here was a bit pricey last time I looked and to pass British Customs someone would have to tighten the pivot. All US traders do this when asked so I hope you can too :D

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:51 am
by DRH
I would be in for one regardless of which model is chosen. However, being relatively new here, this begs the question ... just how long does it take to produce a forum knife? I mean, this forum has nearly 12.5K registered users. Even considering only a fraction of the registered users would commit to ordering, production would need to fit into Spyderco's ongoing manufacturing schedule. Just curious.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:24 am
by The Deacon
DRH wrote:I would be in for one regardless of which model is chosen. However, being relatively new here, this begs the question ... just how long does it take to produce a forum knife? I mean, this forum has nearly 12.5K registered users. Even considering only a fraction of the registered users would commit to ordering, production would need to fit into Spyderco's ongoing manufacturing schedule. Just curious.
Registered user count for any forum that has been in existence for more than a year is deceptive and this one has been around for over 10. Folks register on a whim, post once, twice, or not at all, then never return. Folks forget passwords and register again under a new user ID. Spammers register, get quickly banned, but still show up on the RU count. Folks interests change over the years and they drift away. A few pass away. I doubt that more than 10% of those 12.5K users have visited the forum even once in the past 12 months. FWIW, Spyderco produced 300 pieces of the last Forum knife. It sold out rather quickly, so they MAY decide to make more this time but I'd bet against them making more than twice that.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:30 am
by Slash
ChrisR wrote:+1 I'd love it to be the UKPK lightweight ... actually it's the only one that I could afford at the moment.

Also, if I may, Kristi ... can you investigate ways to make the knife accessible to forumites in the UK? I think the SFO postage here was a bit pricey last time I looked and to pass British Customs someone would have to tighten the pivot. All US traders do this when asked so I hope you can too :D
how light of a knife do you need. I thought ukpk is pretty light to begin with. Plus, there already is a lightweight ukpk. In either words. It wouldn't be anything special.
pretty sure native 5 w/s110v or another high end steel is the consensus.
if that's not legal where you're at. There are other ways to get it passed customs.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:43 am
by The Deacon
Slash wrote:pretty sure native 5 w/s110v or another high end steel is the consensus.
Wouldn't get my hopes up too high for that. The purple C41 Native wasn't what most folks expected last time. Time will tell, but Spyderco went with relatively affordable models for the last few and the Native V would be on the expensive side even in S35VN.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 6:00 am
by dgulbra
I wouldn't be surprised if it was a lightweight Manix 2 or Native 5 with different color scales and possibly a slightly upgraded steel. I am sure they want to keep the price reasonable. As much as I would love something with S110v, a lot of people probably couldn't afford it.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 6:04 am
by Slash
I like the way benchmade handled their forum knife by putting various features/materials up for vote. With only one up front if you commit to buy. Not, pay when it gets here. That way everyone who wants and can afford one will get one.
Only forseeable problem is perhaps you'll have some trolls making up multiple accounts and putting votes in for a knife they have no intention on purchasing. Highly unlikely that will happen though.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 7:08 am
by ChrisR
Slash wrote:how light of a knife do you need. I thought ukpk is pretty light to begin with. Plus, there already is a lightweight ukpk. In either words. It wouldn't be anything special.
Not sure what you mean here ... I'm saying that I'm happy with the existing UKPK Lightweight as a platform for the forum knife. :)

My only query is getting it shipped to the UK in a cheap way that meets the UK's over-zealous Customs regulations. It's perfectly legal to own a folding knife in the UK as long as it isn't an automatic, a gravity knife or a balisong and they can be carried too, if they are a sub 3-inch non-locker or you have a good reason. The problem is that the Customs department that handles international post are going for high seizure rates and seem to have decided that they have an issue with any knife that is smooth opening. So to keep them happy people have been asking US traders to tighten the pivot before posting ... or we buy through UK traders at an inflated price.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 7:31 am
by 4 s ter
Thanks for the info Kristi and thanks to Spyderco for keeping the "Forum Knife" tradition going!

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 7:33 am
by 46Alpha
Shakyamuni wrote:Image
Yep, that sums it up!

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 7:51 am
by xceptnl
dgulbra wrote:I wouldn't be surprised if it was a lightweight Manix 2 or Native 5 with different color scales and possibly a slightly upgraded steel. I am sure they want to keep the price reasonable. As much as I would love something with S110v, a lot of people probably couldn't afford it.
I could really enjoy a Manix 2 lightweight in almost any other color with maybe Cruwear blade steel. I have not taken my MT12 mule out of the daily EDC since it arrived.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 8:02 am
by phillipsted
Love it! Thanks, Kristi!

BTW - my personal choice would be a G10 UKPK - maybe earth brown or dark green?


Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:10 am
by bartvdb
stop talking and start shipping HAHAHAHAHA i am in .

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:35 am
by pdptrow
Very cool! Starting saving now.Thanks Kritsi.