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Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 3:19 pm
by SaturnNyne
Cave Dave wrote:The problem being its a lot faster and easier to hit the pay now button than post for sale threads and all the associated headaches of managing a sales thread. I have yet to sell a single knife :( So I am hoarding because I'm lazy, not because I can't let go.
That's about where I'm at with a couple flashlights.... If selling were as easy as buying, they'd have been gone a couple years ago.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:18 pm
by Cave Dave
Ha, don't even get me started on the flashlights ol' CPF budy, but at least knives don't become obsolete technology every few months.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:25 pm
by dj moonbat
Knives are one of the products that I am pretty committed to running into the ground. I just don't want to have to baby a knife, you know? (I have adopted this attitude toward several used Honda automobiles, back before I made any money to speak of, and toward turntables used for the purpose of spinning records, so this isn't just because I'm a cheap bastard.)

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:51 pm
by MCM
I try to buy at least (2) of a sprint / LE I I like.
If I don't think too much of it, I will trade one or both.
If I really like it, I will keep the two & maybe add a 3rd+.
(Example S90v Military, S90v Manix)

If a model of a discontinued knife I like pops up in a new blade steel, or one I
carry daily, I might buy several.

Hoarding is such a strong term. :p

To me, Hoarding is buying a limited run knife in a large quantify you don't really like or do not intend to carry. Hope for a run up in price then scalp or just gloat on knife forums.

That's hoarding to me..... ;)

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 9:25 pm
by O,just,O
Going with the philosophy of, He who dies with the most toys wins, then hoarding should be mandatory.
If any of you ever see me selling something you are welcome to come around & skull crack me, because I'm a gonna need it.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 9:32 pm
by gbelleh
I like variety, so I dislike having multiples (the money spent on a duplicate could go toward something new and different). I don't really understand the desire to have more than 2 of the same knife (a user, and a collection piece), unless it will actually be used so hard that several will be worn out.

But, to each his own. I might not understand it, but I would never condemn anyone else's ways.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 10:03 pm
by HotSoup
I buy as much as I can afford. Pretty much sums up my philosophy. I have 2 Red Persians on order. I'd have gotten 3 if I could.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 11:47 am
by J32A2
Random question, say one was hoarding spydies for years, now they are looking to sell their collection, where would be the best place to do so?

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 11:59 am
by SteelDragon
J32A2 wrote:Random question, say one was hoarding spydies for years, now they are looking to sell their collection, where would be the best place to do so?
I presume you mean selling them individually? If your willing to ship Intl then then ebay is probably a good choice but you have to be willing to live with the % of the sale they take. As you probably know there are several knife BST sites that are always good as long as you have a set price.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 1:04 pm
by 2cha
I don't know if hoarding is really the right word for what I do. Hoarding makes me think of Great Depression past or Armageddon future with some beyond run-of-the-mill pathology thrown in for good measure,... I think I read on Deacon's website a perspective on collecting vs. accumulating. Accumulating is buying stuff you like. By distinction, collecting is buying stuff with discipline and purpose. I *used* to accumulate knifes and other edged tools, buying and holding onto whatever struck my fancy. For the past year-really since I really discovered spyderco--I moved along the spectrum more towards collecting. I've tried to acquire an example of all of Spyderco's USA made knives, and buy at least the main version of whatever comes out of Golden. I still accumulate other spydero knives and buy almost everything that doesn't come from either Taiwan or China, but there is less focus there so it isn't fair to say I "collect" other types of Spydercos, but I sure as heck accumulate 'em. Hoarding? No. From time to time when I think personalities match up (knife and person), I give (non-US) spydies away without remorse or regret.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 1:53 pm
by v8r
I had a nice size collection, but I have recently started to sell/trade a few away. I think I am going to try and concentrate on the Ethnic series models primarily.I am almost half way there now. Have a Jot, Shabaria, Kris, Chokwe, and hopefully my Persian will come in soon(Fingers crossed).All I need is a Barong and kuhkri. I don't have to have every variation so I don't guess I'm Hoarding knives? I do have one of each generation of Chinook also.