Rising Ocean Levels?

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Re: Rising Ocean Levels?


Post by JD Spydo »

OK let's get down to the title of the thread. And that is the potential for rising ocean levels. And I'm meaning a significant rise in overall ocean levels like maybe let's say a meter or higher ( 3 feet plus in standard U.S. measurements). The extra water has to come from somewhere and I would assume it would be from the melting ice caps in the polar regions ( North Pole and Antarctica). And I'm guessing that the melting ice in those regions would probably be the main source but not necessarily the only source.
Because I've heard of glaciers in different regions all over the planet are melting but in some areas glaciers are getting thicker as documented in a book written by Robert Felix i.e. "Not By Fire, But By Ice". In which he documents that there are places on the globe that are getting colder and thus glaciers are getting thicker. Which is one of the reasons I subscribe to the concept of a global climate shift rather than an overall global warming.

There's no doubt or dispute that the climate in the polar regions especially in the Northern Hemisphere are getting warmer and and it's making it hard for Polar Bears to find their prey because of the ice disappearing earlier and earlier as the years go by. I've also heard of bigger icebergs breaking off in the Antarctic region as well. It's going to take huge volumes of water to make the ocean levels rise. Now I have heard a couple of scientists say over the years that we've had more than one polar shift over the past thousands of years and I'm wondering if that might be what's taking place now?

Because it would seem that something that drastic would have to occur for that kind of rise of ocean levels to take place.
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Re: Rising Ocean Levels?


Post by JD Spydo »

Hey folks I just ran into something that will reinforce what I talked about earlier in the thread. I made mention of extreme weather anomalies and I just found one that literally floored me when I read it :eek: . There is a website that I frequent i.e.>> www.strangesounds.org << just today they had an article about the country of Italy having it's coldest may in decades :confused: > in that same article they also listed the countries of Dalmatia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. They also mentioned that those particular countries are having record snowfalls and record low temperatures for this month of may. And folks!! we're already past the middle of May.

See this is what I'm trying to get across. While other parts of the globe are most definitely getting warmer there are other places on the planet that just can't get out of winter. Also I've heard that some northern states like Montana, North Dakota and recently parts of the Great Lake states have had late winter conditions in the past few years. Again I'm no scientist and I'm not trying to say that these unusual events necessarily prove or conclude anything beyond a doubt. But on the other hand it's very difficult for me to believe in a total, complete global warming concept. But again I'm open for any information that would shed light on these strange happenings in the weather system.

Because I'm firmly believing that it would take a very radical overall rise in global temperature to melt enough fresh water ice to actually rise the ocean water levels to any significant proportion.
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Re: Rising Ocean Levels?


Post by soc_monki »

Global warming is kind of a misnomer. The term that should be used is global climate change. Weather will change around the world, and be cold where it was once hot, and vice versa. A very long time ago, many of the deserts of the world weren't deserts, Antarctica wasn't covered in snow and ice, there was an ice bridge between Alaska and Siberia (I think? My geography isn't the strongest).

The fact of the matter is climates are changing, the rate of change is accelerating, fueled by places that were once cold and trapped greenhouse gases in the crust. It will only get worse I fear.

I believe that mankind has had a hand in the acceleration of climate change. We never could have prevented it, because the earth always goes between periods of warm and cold. During the dinosaurs it was very warm, and oxygen content in the atmosphere was very high compared to our time. Huge insects, huge animals, lots of plant life. During ice ages the planet was a big snowball. We're lucky we've been in the middle for so long.

What can we do? I don't know. I fear we have passed the tipping point and just have to grin and bear it. I do know Mississippi has had some pretty mild summers the last couple years and that's nice, but hardly any snow during the winter. Not like we got a lot to begin with! Lol but it would be nice sometimes. I like driving my car in snow!
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Re: Rising Ocean Levels?


Post by MichaelScott »

Every time man messes with nature there are unintended consequences. It won’t be any different if there are massive human climate “interventions”. Given our track record, that will only make things worse. For us. The planet will be just fine.
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Re: Rising Ocean Levels?


Post by Doc Dan »

Here's the true cause of the ocean's rise.

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Re: Rising Ocean Levels?


Post by The Mastiff »

The climate model projections have pretty much all been way off so why should we give credence to projections of 1-4 feet rise. As I understand it there has been no rise in a few years just like there has been no rise in global temps over the last ? years .

The fact that the data has been tampered with and the continued inaccuracy of past predictions illustrates there are a bunch of problems with the science. We need a do over and one not done where the data gets altered to fit the conclusions. It is very difficult not to bring politics into it but it is necessary because the climate "crisis" has been used to demand a change to everything including our government as well as our way of life. Climate change has been co opted along the lines of "You never let a serious crisis go to waste".

Many experts are now predicting not warming but another mini ice age. There is good science behind that too and it's not something thought up by "deniers". Carbon is being called "pollution" now too. It's the basis of our very life yet it is now a pollutant?

The climate has always been changing and it always will . If you look at the ice core data it looks almost like a heart beat of regular ups and downs. Our earth has seen everything including greenhouse conditions with jungles at the poles. It has frozen completely over into a snowball earth at least once maybe more times than that.

We have just begun our study of the earth as a whole climate and we for sure do not have that figured out. It will be a long time before we do. Pretending we do have it figured out just hinders real progress.

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Re: Rising Ocean Levels?


Post by soc_monki »

Carbon is a pollutant because of carbon dioxide. All the hydrocarbons we spew into the atmosphere, along with the trapped hydrocarbons now being thawed and released are causing levels of greenhouse gases to rise at an exponential rate. It's a self accelerating situation, and it's not going to get better.

The last few years have been the warmest on record. The temperature has gone up many times faster in the last hundred years than it has in the past thousands. That is evidence that can't be ignored imo. Antarctic ice sheets melting and breaking off the main continent... If that happens (and it has) you know there is a huge problem.

Science is not perfect, neither are scientists. But many do the best they can with the information they have, and continually refine as they get better tools and more information. Models are constantly getting better and more accurate.

But I also know you can't predict anything with 100% accuracy. If we have a caldera explode, a meteor big enough, or someone with a happy trigger finger on a nuclear button, it won't matter a bit what we are doing to the climate. And in the end Mother nature will be fine no matter what we do. Just look at chernoble, where life is thriving and nature is taking over everything in the "Inhabitable" zone!
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Re: Rising Ocean Levels?


Post by demoncase »

I'm alright.

Wolverhampton is on a hill. My house will be beach-front property when the rest of you are treading water. :D
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Re: Rising Ocean Levels?


Post by Mad Mac »

We vacation on Galveston Island. Some third row houses are now beachfront houses. Snow fencing creates artificial dunes. Earth movers scrape the beach for seaweed and dump it berms to create more artificial dunes. Galveston is struggling keep from sinking into the sea, like Atlantis.

We've also vacationed on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Beach nourishment projects dredge sand from the ocean floor into tankers day and night. The tankers nipple up to a pipeline that pumps the sand onto the beaches where it is spread by bulldozers.

John Stossel has had his beach house replaced three times.

Must be rising ocean levels. Must be human activity. My solution, fewer humans.
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Re: Rising Ocean Levels?


Post by JD Spydo »

soc_monki wrote:
Thu May 16, 2019 9:03 am
Global warming is kind of a misnomer. The term that should be used is global climate change. Weather will change around the world, and be cold where it was once hot, and vice versa. A very long time ago, many of the deserts of the world weren't deserts, Antarctica wasn't covered in snow and ice, there was an ice bridge between Alaska and Siberia (I think? My geography isn't the strongest).

The fact of the matter is climates are changing, the rate of change is accelerating, fueled by places that were once cold and trapped greenhouse gases in the crust. It will only get worse I fear.

I believe that mankind has had a hand in the acceleration of climate change. We never could have prevented it, because the earth always goes between periods of warm and cold. During the dinosaurs it was very warm, and oxygen content in the atmosphere was very high compared to our time. Huge insects, huge animals, lots of plant life. During ice ages the planet was a big snowball. We're lucky we've been in the middle for so long.

What can we do? I don't know. I fear we have passed the tipping point and just have to grin and bear it. I do know Mississippi has had some pretty mild summers the last couple years and that's nice, but hardly any snow during the winter. Not like we got a lot to begin with! Lol but it would be nice sometimes. I like driving my car in snow!
Now those first two sentences I can totally agree with. I do most certainly agree in "Climate Change" throughout the entire planet. That makes much more sense to me than does the cliche of "global warming". Because you've hit the nail directly on the head. And the changes in the climate are mixed and unpredictable at best. Just like that bulletin I shared with you all about Italy, Bosnia, and those other countries experiencing harsh winter conditions in the month of May for crying out loud. That is climate change and not global warming. Thank you so much "soc_monki" ;)
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Re: Rising Ocean Levels?


Post by soc_monki »

JD Spydo wrote:
Thu May 16, 2019 8:23 pm

Now those first two sentences I can totally agree with. I do most certainly agree in "Climate Change" throughout the entire planet. That makes much more sense to me than does the cliche of "global warming". Because you've hit the nail directly on the head. And the changes in the climate are mixed and unpredictable at best. Just like that bulletin I shared with you all about Italy, Bosnia, and those other countries experiencing harsh winter conditions in the month of May for crying out loud. That is climate change and not global warming. Thank you so much "soc_monki" ;)
no problem! i remember when there was big talk of "global warming" and now we see that that is just not the case. while the temperature of the planet on a whole is rising, areas that were once very warm are now experiencing unusually cold winters. or some places are getting more humid when it was a more arid environment. cold places are warming up.

i just hope we figure out how to cope with the changes, or slow the changes down. i have a 2 and a half year old son, and i really hope he has a world that is as nice to live in as i had growing up. time will tell!
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Re: Rising Ocean Levels?


Post by Doc Dan »

I can attest to one certain thing, the cutting down of so many trees is affecting our temperatures and our air quality. Trees, and a lot of aquatic plants that are now becoming less common, breathe in carbon dioxide and monoxide and breathe out oxygen. Here, they have cut down so many trees and the temperatures are on the rise, and also the storms are getting worse because of the high heat. The deforestation and the death of so many aquatic plants has to be factored into the global warming issue. I think if we plant more trees and more of the right kinds of other plants, we can scrub our atmosphere, reduce heat, ice melt, and storm severity.
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Re: Rising Ocean Levels?


Post by SpyderEdgeForever »

How to fix this in three steps:

1 Develop an advanced Molecular Manufacturing nanotechnology base. This will enable self replicating nano factories to be produced for mere pennies or less once the technology is developed.

2 Use the replicators to mass produce giant molecular carbon filter robots that are powered by the sun and released into the atmosphere. These will be programmed to collect all excess carbon molecules. The machines will use energy from the sun to chemically seperate the carbon from the oxygen in carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. The oxygen will be harmlessly released into the air and the carbon will be formed into diamond and graphene and carbon nanotubes/fullerene, and gathered to be recycled into billions of tons of fresh super strong rust proof building materials for humankind.

This will also solve homelessness for responsible people who lack a house because now that carbon can be assembled into near indestructable houses for people cheaply.

3 Rejoice that there is no more climate change. The only problem will be this: Now there may be too little carbon in the atmosphere, and someone will advocate putting some of the carbon back! LOL :)
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Re: Rising Ocean Levels?


Post by The Deacon »

The climate is changing. The climate has been changing ever since the earth was formed. There have been ice ages, but temperatures have been higher than they are today over 90% of the time. Locally, I've seen cooler temperatures year round for the past five years or so, but can accept that the overall trend worldwide might be going in the opposite direction. Man may be responsible for some of that, but whether that's mostly due to industry and vehicles or to the billions of folks in the third world cooking and heating with wood, peat, or soft coal is questionable. Ocean levels have risen, but not at the level many climate alarmists would have us believe. On the positive side, the lakes and rivers in many places have slowly returned to near normal levels over the last few years twenty some years of drought. We are told carbon dioxide is bad, except that plants need it, and plants are good.
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Re: Rising Ocean Levels?


Post by Bloke »

SpyderEdgeForever wrote:
Fri May 17, 2019 2:00 am
How to fix this in three steps:

1 Develop an advanced Molecular Manufacturing nanotechnology base. This will enable self replicating nano factories to be produced for mere pennies or less once the technology is developed.

2 Use the replicators to mass produce giant molecular carbon filter robots that are powered by the sun and released into the atmosphere. These will be programmed to collect all excess carbon molecules. The machines will use energy from the sun to chemically seperate the carbon from the oxygen in carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. The oxygen will be harmlessly released into the air and the carbon will be formed into diamond and graphene and carbon nanotubes/fullerene, and gathered to be recycled into billions of tons of fresh super strong rust proof building materials for humankind.

This will also solve homelessness for responsible people who lack a house because now that carbon can be assembled into near indestructable houses for people cheaply.

3 Rejoice that there is no more climate change. The only problem will be this: Now there may be too little carbon in the atmosphere, and someone will advocate putting some of the carbon back! LOL :)
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Re: Rising Ocean Levels?


Post by ferider »

I'm a strong advocate for environmental protection.

But I also recognize a hoax motivated only by money and power when I see one.

If US politicians really wanted to have positive impact on the environment, we could:

1) document and track the environmental status via peer-reviewable data and metrics (that's what science is)
For example, today, nobody knows if the Polar Bear population is decreasing or increasing.
2) call it what it is, don't just look for the best sounding Twitter hashtag
For example, does plastic in the ocean affect global temperature ? No, but it's a problem.
3) plant trees
4) build a working public transportation system
5) build nuclear power plants
Scared ? How about the many nuclear power plants in military vessels ?
6) Fund fusion reactor R&D
7) document environmental impact of consumer goods.
For example, where does your Starbucks coffee come from ? How was your iPhone made ? What's the environmental impact of manufacturing and recycling your Tesla batteries ?
8) include environmental protection (similar to worker protection) in trade deals and tariff considerations.


And as a politician or other public figure, "walk the talk". Don't fly a private jet to Davos, etc.

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Re: Rising Ocean Levels?


Post by JD Spydo »

ferider wrote:
Fri May 17, 2019 8:18 am
I'm a strong advocate for environmental protection.

But I also recognize a hoax motivated only by money and power when I see one.

If US politicians really wanted to have positive impact on the environment, we could:

1) document and track the environmental status via peer-reviewable data and metrics (that's what science is)
For example, today, nobody knows if the Polar Bear population is decreasing or increasing.
2) call it what it is, don't just look for the best sounding Twitter hashtag
For example, does plastic in the ocean affect global temperature ? No, but it's a problem.
3) plant trees
4) build a working public transportation system
5) build nuclear power plants
Scared ? How about the many nuclear power plants in military vessels ?
6) Fund fusion reactor R&D
7) document environmental impact of consumer goods.
For example, where does your Starbucks coffee come from ? How was your iPhone made ? What's the environmental impact of manufacturing and recycling your Tesla batteries ?
8) include environmental protection (similar to worker protection) in trade deals and tariff considerations.


And as a politician or other public figure, "walk the talk". Don't fly a private jet to Davos, etc.
Thank you "ferider" :) I can't disagree with hardly anything you said. In some respects I want to get up and ask "Why Did Some Of This Environmental Disaster Get As Bad As It Did In The First Place"???? Because the people in power were filling their wallets while no one was watching the store so to speak. OK I don't want to go down the political rabbit hole and I've said enough in that regard as it is. But also some of the blame belongs to Mr & Mrs. John Q. Public as well. Most people have dropped the ball severely when it comes to the overall "recycling efforts" that could at least put a dent into this growing problem.

Now Mastiff and a couple of others have made valid points that Mother Nature's events in the past and those to come are for the most part completely out of our control. I doubt if there is anything we the public can do to prevent earthquakes, monster tidal waves, volcanic eruptions and shifts in weather patterns. But with the horrific amount of plastic and other trash in the ocean is just flat out inexcusable IMO.

And when we as people who are given "stewardship" of this planet are not responsible or caring of the potential consequences then Mother Nature in most cases with have the final say.
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Re: Rising Ocean Levels?


Post by Mad Mac »

This is not deja vu. I've said it before. The fastest, cheapest, easiest way make the planet sustainable is through zero population growth. Two hundred years ago, there were one billion people on this planet. One hundred years ago, two billion. In the mere 70 years I've been around, the population doubled to the more than seven billion we have today.

We can only hope that through education people will limit themselves to families of two, one or no children. Less than zero population growth would lower the oceans, cool the seas, stop global warming, decrease pollution, restore coral reefs and we will continue to have polar bears to hug.
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Re: Rising Ocean Levels?


Post by soc_monki »

Hug a polar bear? What madness is this?!
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Re: Rising Ocean Levels?


Post by Mad Mac »

Nissan Leaf commercial with man hugging polar bear.
Isn't that what we all want?
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