went to a shop today that believes MSRP is competitive...

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Post by Cujobob »

I feel like a properly run B&M can be as effective as an online store with competing prices (except for states where you save in sales tax purchasing online). Internet companies are still making a profit at the prices they're selling for. You have to find ways to bring customers in and sell things they'll want to buy.
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Post by razorsharp »

Freman wrote:I do shop at local knife shops, although New Zealand has a limited range of companies selling over the counter (two locally). I do buy most of my knives online though.
That would be Top Gear and that phil dude wouldnt it? They are probably the only spyderco sellers in the whole country lol. But 8 hours drive away from me.
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Post by DunninLA »

Invective wrote: I could spend an hour and a half in there and not realize that any time had passed. I guess what I'm saying is, yeah it's cheaper online but is that worth losing the ability to go to a shop, chat with the employees, handle the knives to see how they feel and experience the knife before you buy it? To me it is. .
THIS. The problem with online buying is that you make mistakes in sizing, hand fit, and visual appeal by buying things based on a picture on a computer screen. Is it worth 10-20% more to be able to see how an item fits in your hand, see what it looks like in 3D, see what it looks like in your hand, etc. vs. a picture? What about the knowledge of the store owner or sometimes even, salesperson? How do you put a value on -- "Oh, you want to use if for THAT?? It will not hold up for THAT, what you need is THIS." That guy just saved you 100% of something that wouldn't have met your needs.

The worst person of ALL, is the one who will abuse the services of a brick and mortar store by going there to touch, feel, see an item, then walk out, and buy that same item online for 10-20% less. That person is the reason why in not too many years, there won't be any brick and mortar stores in which you can touch and feel stuff.

P.S. No, I don't own a store, or work in one.
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Post by DunninLA »

RanCoWeAla wrote: I have a Sage 2 that I paid $157.00 for and that's the most expensive Spyderco I own. It cannot possibly cost that much to make a knife when you're talking about two handle scales and a blade. It I was guessing I would say somewhere in the neighborhood of $35-$40 for an average G10 VG10 knife maybe even less. So if you pay full retail you're getting ripped off big time.
We live in a free market. IF companies were making a ton of money with their pricing, another company, or another person, who knew they could make a decent profit and still sell it for 10% oe 20% less, who open up shop. The reason we DON'T have a knife shop within 30 minute drive of most people is that they don't make enough money.

As for manufacturers and their pricing, there are probably 20 companies making folding knives, and probably another 100 who make custom folding knives. If the pricing were too high, people would just move to another company's knives. Not identical, but not really all that different either, and you could get used to it. So, NO, company's are not charging too much for their stuff. If they did, they wouldn't be in business two or three years from now.
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Post by Invective »

DunninLA wrote:
The worst person of ALL, is the one who will abuse the services of a brick and mortar store by going there to touch, feel, see an item, then walk out, and buy that same item online for 10-20% less. That person is the reason why in not too many years, there won't be any brick and mortar stores in which you can touch and feel stuff.
Yeah I always feel so guilty when I walked into the old store and they took the time to show me knives and recommend others based on what I had/liked. I remember someone at Bass Pro Shop pretty much had to talk me out of buying a Case Toothpick because I felt bad about being there for an hour just browsing, talking and looking over the knives.

I don't understand why people would go into a store to feel up a knife and then go buy from an online store. It's cheaper in the short run, but as you say, the long run will see the end of that. When I visit stores, I try not to use them just as a test area. If I see a knife I know I want to buy, I will either feel it up in store and then decide then and there, or pass over it in store and get it online.
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Post by The Mastiff »

I throw my B&M a bone here and there for letting me play with the merchandise. I very often go handle it there and then buy online though. They are usually $20 higher than online and often more than that
I wouldn't have a problem with that kind of markup. Around here, except for gun & knife shows full MSRP or higher was standard. Pretty much all eventually go out of business too. Even Becks.

"A Mastiff is to a dog what a Lion is to a housecat. He stands alone and all others sink before him. His courage does not exceed temper and generosity, and in attachment he equals the kindest of his race" Cynographia Britannic 1800

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Post by twinboysdad »

Well Mark's Outdoors in Vestavia, AL is b&m I shop at. I openly admit I don't buy everything there. I try to get my sprints from them as they have 2 of everything on perma-order. Where they get their clocks cleaned is on Salts and E4/D4's. They also have ZT, Emerson, BM, some Hinderer and Strider, and other customs. As I said, I go in and fingerbang every new model so I feel obligated to buy every 3rd knife or so from them. Randy behind the counter is probably one of the most sincere and nice people in knife retail period. He goes to Blade every year and grabs catalogs for us afi's. I have been trying to stay away until the Cruwear drops because that **** LAVA is going to follow me home if I touch it.
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Post by GreatSyxsuke »

My local B&M usually does around 30% of MSRP, sometimes a bit higher depending on the blade. He also does phone orders and online sales, which might be why it's still around. The guy behind the counter pretty much hates me because I browsed in there all the time and have bought a total of 6 knives but probably wasted so many more hours of his time asking questions.
Current carry: Spyderco Squeak or Spyderco Pingo (Back right pocket), Paramilitary 2 Black G10 (front right pocket)

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Post by Buendia518 »

Can anyone recommend a good store with a wide selection North of Chicago, or even in the city?
I know there's a regular here named Tony who lives in the area so if no responses here I'll seek him out for advice.
Do places like Bass Pro Shop sell Spydercos, and are there ANY BM stores that have hundreds or close to that many models? That would really be a destination for me provided I could handle them.
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Post by GoodEyeSniper »

just fly to golden, Co.

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Post by Buendia518 »

GoodEyeSniper wrote:just fly to golden, Co.

I'll pm you my information thanks for the ticket offer ;)
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