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Re: Martial Arts Experiences Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed May 01, 2024 7:24 pm
by James Y
Stuff the "Masters" Won't Tell You


Re: Martial Arts Experiences Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed May 01, 2024 10:40 pm
by James Y
Naperville wrote: ↑
Tue Apr 30, 2024 1:39 pm
James Y wrote: ↑
Tue Apr 30, 2024 11:59 am
Naperville wrote: ↑
Mon Apr 29, 2024 2:40 pm
James Y wrote: ↑
Sun Apr 28, 2024 11:53 pm

I would say I'm in decent shape. Especially compared to back when I was a training junkie. I still have a 6-pack, but it's hidden under a little bit of flab, even though I'm approaching my ideal weight again. I look pretty good in a shirt, though...


One of my former training partners was about 5' 6", and he told me over the phone that he had ballooned up to 240 pounds, and it wasn't muscle weight. He had been at a lighter weight than I was, back when I was between 160 to 165 lbs.

Over the years, I noticed that many martial artists become pear-shaped, or even obese, when they hit middle age and old age. A few notable exceptions include Bill Wallace, Chuck Norris, and Benny Urquidez. Of course, both Wallace and Urquidez are still active professional martial arts teachers; but I've seen a ton (no pun intended) of obese professional martial arts instructors.

I can see a 4-Pack. If I want to see a 6-Pack I have to open the refrigerator! :winking-tongue

Just joking. I only drink 1 to 2 times a year and right now this house is dry. Drinking will not help me when I am cutting calories. I'll celebrate when I hit 170lbs!

You will reach your goal, I'm sure of it.

I'm very careful about the using the word "old" when referring to myself. I'm turning 61 in a few days, and I don't consider myself old, but I know that I am old(er). Most people have a subconscious association between the words "old" and "feeble." IMO, this creates a situation in which every time we think of, or refer to ourselves as "old," we are subconsciously creating the conditions in our reality that reflect our beliefs. This might sound "woo-woo" to many or most people, but I don't care. There's a lot of examples I know of that support it.

Of course, when you're in your 20s, you think EVERYONE who's past their 20s is old. Being 50 is considered ancient. Then when you're 60, you think 50 is young.

To anyone who considers turning 40 as really old, I give you this caveat: It's gonna come and go so fast your head will spin. Then you'll be the one pointing your finger at the young "whippersnappers" and snarling through clenched teeth, "Get off my lawn!" in a Clint Eastwood voice. Not referring to you, Naperville, but a collective "You."


Well, don't stand there Jim. Get off my lawn!!! You're the young whipper-snapper in this conversation!


I agree with everything you said 100%!

To say that I will hit 170 is an understatement. Ozempic is weird. I realized this morning that on the small mg starter shot that I will be taking for the first month that my appetite is almost completely gone. What popped into my head is that one may eat for pleasure, because they are hungry, or because they have been eating for X+ years and eating is just something that everyone is expected to do 2 to 3 times a day.....SO GET EATING! As I am trying to lose weight my dilemma is, what is the amount that I should be eating not to collapse!!!

I am not light headed and there are no signs at the moment that I need or want anything to eat.

It is 2:30PM here and I've only had a cup of tea and I am not hungry at all. I'll be giving myself the maximum strength shots in ~30 days. I assume my appetite will be non existent at that point and I'll be force feeding to avoid death. I ate food and drank a can of pop yesterday and afterward realized I was not hungry and it was something that I did (consume food/beverage) because I always do it!

I've heard that some people had to stop taking this drug because they could not stop losing weight! For me that would be if I dropped below 160lbs.

I am thinking also that soon I will have to be exercising to lose the loose skin and tighten everything up.

Just be very careful that you're not starving your body.


Re: Martial Arts Experiences Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed May 01, 2024 10:46 pm
by Naperville
James Y wrote: ↑
Wed May 01, 2024 7:24 pm
Stuff the "Masters" Won't Tell You

I don't know that I ever called it the bounce, maybe the tap. It's advanced. It is used a lot in knife arts while sparring with rattan, which in reality is a machete. Machetes and knives are too dangerous so those training work with wood, aluminum, or plastic trainers.

There are a lot of advanced movements in escrima, arnis and kali and you do not have to train with 2 blades at once to be advanced.

Whenever I see anyone grabbed when they have a knife, I hold my breath and wait to see if they know how to use a blade. It is very tricky to deal with anyone who has anything sharp and pointy on them.

Re: Martial Arts Experiences Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed May 01, 2024 10:52 pm
by Naperville
James Y wrote: ↑
Wed May 01, 2024 10:40 pm
Naperville wrote: ↑
Tue Apr 30, 2024 1:39 pm
James Y wrote: ↑
Tue Apr 30, 2024 11:59 am
Naperville wrote: ↑
Mon Apr 29, 2024 2:40 pm

I can see a 4-Pack. If I want to see a 6-Pack I have to open the refrigerator! :winking-tongue

Just joking. I only drink 1 to 2 times a year and right now this house is dry. Drinking will not help me when I am cutting calories. I'll celebrate when I hit 170lbs!

You will reach your goal, I'm sure of it.

I'm very careful about the using the word "old" when referring to myself. I'm turning 61 in a few days, and I don't consider myself old, but I know that I am old(er). Most people have a subconscious association between the words "old" and "feeble." IMO, this creates a situation in which every time we think of, or refer to ourselves as "old," we are subconsciously creating the conditions in our reality that reflect our beliefs. This might sound "woo-woo" to many or most people, but I don't care. There's a lot of examples I know of that support it.

Of course, when you're in your 20s, you think EVERYONE who's past their 20s is old. Being 50 is considered ancient. Then when you're 60, you think 50 is young.

To anyone who considers turning 40 as really old, I give you this caveat: It's gonna come and go so fast your head will spin. Then you'll be the one pointing your finger at the young "whippersnappers" and snarling through clenched teeth, "Get off my lawn!" in a Clint Eastwood voice. Not referring to you, Naperville, but a collective "You."


Well, don't stand there Jim. Get off my lawn!!! You're the young whipper-snapper in this conversation!


I agree with everything you said 100%!

To say that I will hit 170 is an understatement. Ozempic is weird. I realized this morning that on the small mg starter shot that I will be taking for the first month that my appetite is almost completely gone. What popped into my head is that one may eat for pleasure, because they are hungry, or because they have been eating for X+ years and eating is just something that everyone is expected to do 2 to 3 times a day.....SO GET EATING! As I am trying to lose weight my dilemma is, what is the amount that I should be eating not to collapse!!!

I am not light headed and there are no signs at the moment that I need or want anything to eat.

It is 2:30PM here and I've only had a cup of tea and I am not hungry at all. I'll be giving myself the maximum strength shots in ~30 days. I assume my appetite will be non existent at that point and I'll be force feeding to avoid death. I ate food and drank a can of pop yesterday and afterward realized I was not hungry and it was something that I did (consume food/beverage) because I always do it!

I've heard that some people had to stop taking this drug because they could not stop losing weight! For me that would be if I dropped below 160lbs.

I am thinking also that soon I will have to be exercising to lose the loose skin and tighten everything up.

Just be very careful that you're not starving your body.

I blew it today, ate 3 small meals and felt stuffed. My stomach is shrinking. I need to cut it down to 1 small meal or skip eating every other day. I'm built like a polar bear with a layer of fat all over my body. I have to force autophagy to burn the fat, some of which is very deep.

I found a chart from the Cleveland Clinic that said I have to get down to 160lbs to not be considered overweight for my height. It cannot be done quickly or I'll definitely have problems.

Re: Martial Arts Experiences Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu May 02, 2024 11:49 pm
by James Y
'What Would You Do in this Scenario?'

*Video below*

The question is rhetorical. There is no real answer, because no one knows, unless or until it happens to them. And even then, every situation, and the people involved, are different.

I'm willing to bet that a large percentage of the guys who always post online that "If someone tries to attack me, I'll just run away," or "One inch of shoe sole rubber beats 5 inches of steel for self-defense" probably wouldn't fare much better than this gentleman did. As you can see, he clearly isn't dressed to run away. Even if he was dressed in running shoes, I'm pretty sure the attacker could have easily caught up to him. Not to mention he wasn't alone, but was with a wife or girlfriend. Now take into consideration the effects of surprise/sudden aggression of the attacker, adrenaline, environmental factors (including objects that might trip you up, like that bench), etc.

This is not to blame the victim. He had every right to enjoy a night out with his wife/GF without getting attacked by some violent, entitled thug. But many people out there who think they know all about SD solely through watching YouTube videos and MMA fights, tend to be very smug when it comes to the concept of being attacked on the street. If/when it ever does actually happen to them, it would no longer only be a theoretical concept; it would be an immediate, ugly reality.


Re: Martial Arts Experiences Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu May 09, 2024 1:09 am
by James Y
'Invisible Elbow -- the Perfect Technique'


Re: Martial Arts Experiences Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 11:50 pm
by James Y
Deadly Muay Thai Elbow KO

Set up perfectly. Short and sweet, right on the chin.


Re: Martial Arts Experiences Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 7:35 am
by Naperville
If and when the bullets run out there will be the martial arts of escrima, arnis and kali.

Re: Martial Arts Experiences Discussion Thread

Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 5:47 pm
by James Y
"This Self-Defense System Surprised Me - Expert Analysis"

A lot of good points made here.

I'll add a few comments (mostly on a few things the host says, or doesn't say).

"Just running away," as he says, is not always a viable option, but for more reasons than he mentions. If you are older, or have any old injuries or other condition that prevents you from running track and field, you can forget even considering running away as an option.

Secondly, what if you're with a loved one(s)? You can't just bail on them to get away from danger, unless you are a SOB.

Another problem with that is you may be outnumbered, and/or the attacker may be in good enough shape to catch you, even if you are a young, athletic male who's in good running shape.

As far as collapsible batons, since they are very illegal, probably in most states, then for all intents and purposes, they are useless. If I cannot own, much less carry a weapon, then I'm not gonna have it if I ever need it. I've also seen videos of cops striking suspects with batons, including collapsible ones, with little to no effect. Adrenaline in real-life situations is a real thing.

I do carry a hickory walking stick when out on walks, but admittedly, I don’t carry it when doing other chores. I carry a Comtech Stinger, which doubles as a foot massager. I've been carrying one for over 20 years. Impact from that anywhere on the body can definitely do damage.

I'm also considering ordering a Cold Steel Mini-Koga SD2. I would NOT use it for "joint control" or "pain compliance." I'm not a LEO. For me, it would only be used as a striking instrument for hammer fist and reverse hammer fist, etc., type movements, which I am very familiar with.

As for emphasizing open-handed strikes for SD instead of knuckle punches, IMO, that is very wise. But NOT ONLY "if your hands aren't conditioned," as the host says. If you plan on using open-hand strikes, you still better TRAIN them as hard and as consistently as most fighters train their punches. Because for MOST people, especially males, striking with open-handed blows, other than an occasional "insult slap," is not natural. Palm heel and edge-of-hand blows, and proper targeting under pressure, must be trained assiduously. And when you do that, the open hand does achieve some level of hand conditioning. Maybe not "Iron Palm" level conditioning, but higher than someone who doesn't train their palms.


Re: Martial Arts Experiences Discussion Thread

Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 11:57 pm
by Co Pilot
The problem with ASP Batons, besides legality, is how they're trained/taught/used by Law Enforcement, they don't have much wait so really can't generate "fluid Shock" the way our, HEAVY wood or solid polycarbonate batons good on the "non lethal" areas LE is taught and restricted to using them to use them. A strike to the thigh, an "allowed" are of LE with one is not going to have much effect on a resisting subject. Which is why you're seeing the repeated strikes with no impact on the subject, pun intended.
LE IS, generally, depending on Dept allowed to use them to strike lethal "zones" if lethal force is warranted. When such is warranted cops usually go for or already have the gun out.
These batons can be useful for private citizens, where legal, in either a lethal, again if warranted and legally justified, or non lethal way
Some of the best non lethal strikes are to knees, elbows, wrists, and clavicle perhaps. LE in general ISN'T allowed to strike there. Why? Administrations/Gov't want the "Goldilocks" PERFECT non lethal response which magically stops the criminal perpetrator but doesn't hurt him 'TOO" much, lol. The fact that ALL of these things, not just the batons, and besides pepper spray DON'T WORK. But Admin and Govt's are to scared of a broken wrist.
This is a real quandary and problem as it creates a situation where cops aren't left much besides ineffective non lethal and then going lethal. This is the cause of many shootings that are seen as unjustified. It's the Dept's, Admin"s and Govt's fault for limiting Tham this way for fear of hurting any one.
Back when cops would bust a guys kneecap who they couldn't subdue he had a broken knee, sure but he was alive!
Back to private citizen use, they can be effective if used on the targets mentioned for non lethal force and others, like the face/head/groin when LF IS required and LEGALLY JUSTIFIED. Where legal of course.

The old Mag Lite's 4-6 C or D, depending on what you can handle or prefer are legal everywhere and have the weight of the old wood batons and will work on the side's of the thigh and other non lethal areas. As well as lethal. AGAIN WHERE AND WHEN LEGALLY JUSTIFIED AND REQUIRED.
You can probably find them on eBay or yard sales, flea markets etc. My favorite is the 5 or 6 C cell. The D's are to heavy to swing with good recovery. But then again are so heavy they rarely require multiple strikes.
Sorry for the length of this, hopefully it was somehow helpful.

Re: Martial Arts Experiences Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 12:53 pm
by James Y
Thank you for contributing, Nick. Great info there. Your post is very helpful.


Re: Martial Arts Experiences Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 4:16 pm
by Co Pilot
James Y wrote: ↑
Mon May 20, 2024 12:53 pm
Thank you for contributing, Nick. Great info there. Your post is very helpful.

No problem James, sorry it was a little incomprehensible there in the beginning, it was late her, lol.

Re: The Mag Lites try looking on youboob for vids on the use of the Dan Bong, It'a a short stick, about the size of a 3,4 cell Mag Lite, used in a Korean martial art, Hapkido I think. It has some very practical strikes for short "batons", especially if you can't find an old Mag Lite and can only get the 3,4 cell's I think are the largest they still make. I would say the strikes with the Dan Bong using a lanyard to flick and swing it it aren't applicable.

Re: Martial Arts Experiences Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 7:16 pm
by James Y
Co Pilot wrote: ↑
Mon May 20, 2024 4:16 pm
James Y wrote: ↑
Mon May 20, 2024 12:53 pm
Thank you for contributing, Nick. Great info there. Your post is very helpful.

No problem James, sorry it was a little incomprehensible there in the beginning, it was late her, lol.

Re: The Mag Lites try looking on youboob for vids on the use of the Dan Bong, It'a a short stick, about the size of a 3,4 cell Mag Lite, used in a Korean martial art, Hapkido I think. It has some very practical strikes for short "batons", especially if you can't find an old Mag Lite and can only get the 3,4 cell's I think are the largest they still make. I would say the strikes with the Dan Bong using a lanyard to flick and swing it it aren't applicable.

Thanks, Nick!

I wouldn't think that flicking and swinging a stick using a lanyard (like a single-stick nunchaku?) is very practical.

Thanks for the info on Mag Lites!

The straight 51" rustic hickory walking stick I carry on walks is essentially a short staff. I trained quite a bit in staff fighting, mostly long staff. But for me, the short staff is much easier to maneuver, and is easy to use in fairly close quarters. For that, I do not use the fancy twirls, baseball bat-like swings, or single-handed grips that I've seen in "walking stick self-defense" or "cane self-defense" videos on YouTube. The method I use with the walking stick is simplified Southern Chinese-style staff fighting that I trained in. Mostly very compact, single-ended strikes using the harder, thicker handle end, with a changeable two-handed grip. Very difficult to avoid, block, grab, or disarm.

Note: I emphasize mostly single-ended staff methods. Double-ended methods are mostly the big, wide, fancy, circular swings and twirls you see in many staff forms demonstrations. I would never say that such movements cannot be useful; I personally prefer a simple and more direct skill set that I know can work under stress against an uncooperative opponent, and even in fairly tight, narrow spaces, with far fewer chances of failure, for myself.


Re: Martial Arts Experiences Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 2:16 am
by Co Pilot
James Y wrote: ↑
Mon May 20, 2024 7:16 pm
Co Pilot wrote: ↑
Mon May 20, 2024 4:16 pm
James Y wrote: ↑
Mon May 20, 2024 12:53 pm
Thank you for contributing, Nick. Great info there. Your post is very helpful.

No problem James, sorry it was a little incomprehensible there in the beginning, it was late her, lol.

Re: The Mag Lites try looking on youboob for vids on the use of the Dan Bong, It'a a short stick, about the size of a 3,4 cell Mag Lite, used in a Korean martial art, Hapkido I think. It has some very practical strikes for short "batons", especially if you can't find an old Mag Lite and can only get the 3,4 cell's I think are the largest they still make. I would say the strikes with the Dan Bong using a lanyard to flick and swing it it aren't applicable.

Thanks, Nick!

I wouldn't think that flicking and swinging a stick using a lanyard (like a single-stick nunchaku?) is very practical.

Thanks for the info on Mag Lites!

The straight 51" rustic hickory walking stick I carry on walks is essentially a short staff. I trained quite a bit in staff fighting, mostly long staff. But for me, the short staff is much easier to maneuver, and is easy to use in fairly close quarters. For that, I do not use the fancy twirls, baseball bat-like swings, or single-handed grips that I've seen in "walking stick self-defense" or "cane self-defense" videos on YouTube. The method I use with the walking stick is simplified Southern Chinese-style staff fighting that I trained in. Mostly very compact, single-ended strikes using the harder, thicker handle end, with a changeable two-handed grip. Very difficult to avoid, block, grab, or disarm.

Note: I emphasize mostly single-ended staff methods. Double-ended methods are mostly the big, wide, fancy, circular swings and twirls you see in many staff forms demonstrations. I would never say that such movements cannot be useful; I personally prefer a simple and more direct skill set that I know can work under stress against an uncooperative opponent, and even in fairly tight, narrow spaces, with far fewer chances of failure, for myself.

Jim. you'd be surprised they have some interesting strikes with the Dan Bong using the "lanyard" that, if trained would probably work pretty well, they're VERY fast, kind of "whipping" motions. Either way interesting to check out on youboob, opened my eyes to some effective use of very short, 12-14" sticks.
The training aspect of it is, like most weapons necessary, and also where cops fail with the ASP type collapsible's, they don't train, except perhaps once or twice a year in service mandated by most Dept's. Which is why the ASP's, etcetera are ineffective in their hands, they usually haven't trained to where any effective strikes allowed are ingrained and generally resort to simple, cave man type swinging repeatedly at the same, very likely ineffective target under the stress of real combat. You, or anyone who wants and does train regularly in an effective baton system like Arnis could probably make an ASP work.
No knock on Law Enforcement, I was for 22 years.

Re: Martial Arts Experiences Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 10:18 pm
by James Y
Co Pilot wrote: ↑
Wed May 22, 2024 2:16 am
James Y wrote: ↑
Mon May 20, 2024 7:16 pm
Co Pilot wrote: ↑
Mon May 20, 2024 4:16 pm
James Y wrote: ↑
Mon May 20, 2024 12:53 pm
Thank you for contributing, Nick. Great info there. Your post is very helpful.

No problem James, sorry it was a little incomprehensible there in the beginning, it was late her, lol.

Re: The Mag Lites try looking on youboob for vids on the use of the Dan Bong, It'a a short stick, about the size of a 3,4 cell Mag Lite, used in a Korean martial art, Hapkido I think. It has some very practical strikes for short "batons", especially if you can't find an old Mag Lite and can only get the 3,4 cell's I think are the largest they still make. I would say the strikes with the Dan Bong using a lanyard to flick and swing it it aren't applicable.

Thanks, Nick!

I wouldn't think that flicking and swinging a stick using a lanyard (like a single-stick nunchaku?) is very practical.

Thanks for the info on Mag Lites!

The straight 51" rustic hickory walking stick I carry on walks is essentially a short staff. I trained quite a bit in staff fighting, mostly long staff. But for me, the short staff is much easier to maneuver, and is easy to use in fairly close quarters. For that, I do not use the fancy twirls, baseball bat-like swings, or single-handed grips that I've seen in "walking stick self-defense" or "cane self-defense" videos on YouTube. The method I use with the walking stick is simplified Southern Chinese-style staff fighting that I trained in. Mostly very compact, single-ended strikes using the harder, thicker handle end, with a changeable two-handed grip. Very difficult to avoid, block, grab, or disarm.

Note: I emphasize mostly single-ended staff methods. Double-ended methods are mostly the big, wide, fancy, circular swings and twirls you see in many staff forms demonstrations. I would never say that such movements cannot be useful; I personally prefer a simple and more direct skill set that I know can work under stress against an uncooperative opponent, and even in fairly tight, narrow spaces, with far fewer chances of failure, for myself.

Jim. you'd be surprised they have some interesting strikes with the Dan Bong using the "lanyard" that, if trained would probably work pretty well, they're VERY fast, kind of "whipping" motions. Either way interesting to check out on youboob, opened my eyes to some effective use of very short, 12-14" sticks.
The training aspect of it is, like most weapons necessary, and also where cops fail with the ASP type collapsible's, they don't train, except perhaps once or twice a year in service mandated by most Dept's. Which is why the ASP's, etcetera are ineffective in their hands, they usually haven't trained to where any effective strikes allowed are ingrained and generally resort to simple, cave man type swinging repeatedly at the same, very likely ineffective target under the stress of real combat. You, or anyone who wants and does train regularly in an effective baton system like Arnis could probably make an ASP work.
No knock on Law Enforcement, I was for 22 years.

Thank you for sharing your observations, Nick. That makes a lot of sense.


Re: Martial Arts Experiences Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri May 24, 2024 12:23 am
by James Y
GSP Teaches Side Kick to Knee, that Doesn't Work, According to Many MMA Fans. Interesting.

Of course the side kick to the knee is dangerous to the recipient. So is the oblique kick. Anybody who says not very intelligent. The couch potatoes who say it doesn't work would be crying in agony, and would likely suffer permanent injury if they received a full-force side kick to the knee joint. Any time the opponent puts weight onto his forward leg, that knee is vulnerable to a stamping or thrusting type of kick. I've seen men brought down by side kicks (and oblique kicks) to the knee that weren't even delivered at full force.

GSP knows exactly what he's doing.

Many martial arts people (as well as people who don't train in anything, but are fanboys of certain methods), are more interested in defending some type of dogma than in what actually works in real life, outside of sport.


Re: Martial Arts Experiences Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri May 24, 2024 6:24 pm
by zuludelta
Co Pilot wrote: ↑
Mon May 20, 2024 4:16 pm
... if you can't find an old Mag Lite and can only get the 3,4 cell's I think are the largest they still make.
I don't know if it's been mentioned here before, but a steel water bottle can make for a decent improvised blunt impact defensive tool in non-permissive environments or where the carry of collapsible batons is illegal, as an alternative to legacy D cell Mag-Lites, which are increasingly harder to find. I carry a cheap 1L bottle in my pack that has a bit of a "neck" that can serve as a handle. I also attach a carabiner and a small velcro strap to the cap... it not only extends the improvised handle and provides a retention loop, but it's also quite practical... it lets me hang the bottle on hooks or branches if I don't want to set it down on unsanitary or sloping/uneven surfaces.

You can generate quite a bit of force even with the empty bottle (I've used one to stop an aggressive dog attacking a smaller dog on the trail while backpacking). A full bottle could likely break a person's clavicle or a kneecap if swung fast & accurately enough. And of course, staying hydrated is always important LOL

Re: Martial Arts Experiences Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 9:19 am
by James Y

I never thought about a steel water bottle as a weapon before. Good idea for places where 'weapons' may be forbidden but water bottles are not. I may be wrong, but I imagine that with a partially-filled water bottle, the water inside could potentially increase the centrifugal (?) force of the blow, almost (but not quite) like a sap.


Re: Martial Arts Experiences Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 7:48 pm
by Naperville
James Y wrote: ↑
Sat May 25, 2024 9:19 am

I never thought about a steel water bottle as a weapon before. Good idea for places where 'weapons' may be forbidden but water bottles are not. I may be wrong, but I imagine that with a partially-filled water bottle, the water inside could potentially increase the centrifugal (?) force of the blow, almost (but not quite) like a sap.

I am always looking for more.

Last year I bought a leather tool belt with a leather pouch for nails, and a hammer holder with an Estwing steel ball-peen hammer. NOTE: if you buy a ball-peen hammer they have a smaller width at the top and a std "steel-hook" hammer holder for your belt will not work(the top of the hammer falls through the hook), you have to buy the leather sleeve hammer holder.

I also bought a leather sap, and I'm looking at a model that has a longer body to it, say 9 inches to 1 foot that is spring loaded.

I agree with kicks to the knee and it is great that GSP is out there teaching it.

Re: Martial Arts Experiences Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 8:32 pm
by zuludelta
James Y wrote: ↑
Sat May 25, 2024 9:19 am
I may be wrong, but I imagine that with a partially-filled water bottle, the water inside could potentially increase the centrifugal (?) force of the blow, almost (but not quite) like a sap.
I think so, but the water sloshing around might also make it slightly more difficult to handle.

A full 1L steel bottle could do a fair amount of damage. IIRC, the Mythbusters show back in the day tested the movie trope of using beer bottles as improvised clubbing weapons in bar fight scenes & what they found was that an actual longneck industry standard 355 mL beer bottle (instead of a movie prop bottle designed to break on impact) can generate enough force to cause a concussion and multiple skull fractures.