Please help a new Addict-Spyderplan

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Please help a new Addict-Spyderplan


Post by vaisforlovers »

My name is VAisforLovers and I have a problem. I like knives. There is something about the precision, quality, utility, and purposefulness of a well made knife that I like. Naturally I have developed an affinity for Spydies. This affinity by itself is not the problem. I feel I’m in good company here, among people of like mind. I’ve been reading your posts and feeding my addicition, but now I’m asking for your help, posting my first post ever.

The problem is not that I like knives, but that I do not have fiscal restraint. What started out 6 months ago as a Centofante 3 has turned into a full Spydiepac. And yet I still want (pronounced “need”) more. I can’t afford to keep filling this addiction willie-nillie. So in order to keep my family’s finances in order I made a resolution to buy only 1 knife/month. It will slow the mania and allow me to enjoy a knife a short while before throwing it the rotation. It will allow me to look forward to the 1st of each month.

I began this month by ordering CS’s Orange Para (but that really doesn’t count since it won’t be delivered until later, right?). My question to you all is where do I start the year and in what order do I continue?

Current Collection in order of favorite to least favorite (and believe me, it was like rank ordering my children): ZDP Caly 3, UK Ti Pen knife, Sage 2, Any one of 4 Delicas, Sage 1, Centofante 3, EDC GID Manix, Sage 3) My dyad stays in my desk and my Salt 1 and Pacific go with me to the beach/fishing/crabbing and I do not consider them EDC knives.

I generally prefer 3” ish in size but my sole Criteria is the Father-in-law test. Would I be embarrassed or scared to hand this knife to my Father-in-Law. In other words, is it too big, scary, etc AND is it too classy that I’m scared he’d mess/ding it up. If the answer is yes to either of these, I don’t want it in my pocket.

I have my thoughts on what I want but value your opinion on what I really need. Please help me. Give me something to look forward to. Help me compile my 2012 Spyderplan.
"The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself" John Stewart Mill