Byrd Hawkbill FRN handle Question

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Byrd Hawkbill FRN handle Question


Post by cosmo7809 »

I recently came across a thread on the JD Forums where a member was curious as to why his Byrd Hawkbill was not the same as he saw other places. A few days went by and no one could offer any advise. I asked the man if he would like me to post his question here at the Spyderco Forums and that maybe there would be more insightful responses, other people might have the same "problem" and maybe even a response from Sal.

Here is his post, copied and pasted from JD Forums:
"I was hoping you all could provide some insight to a knife I recently purchased off Amazon. It is the Byrd Meadowlark Hawkbill with serrations and bi-directional FRN handles . I did some research online about it before purchasing it and in many images and youtube videos of the knife I noticed that mine is different. It looks like everyone else's except for the little oval in the center of the handle that says byrd and the model of the knife. Every image and video I see of the same knife states the "byrd" brand and model titled "HAWKBILL 2" within the oval. The difference is that mine says "byrd" and the model is only stated as "HAWKBILL" without a number 2 by it. This is exactly what it says on the other side as well. Are there variants of the hawkbill in FRN? It looks like the real thing with all the stampings and the byrd box seems legit so I don't think it is a knockoff but you never know. I am wondering if anyone else who has one could clarify. I will post some pictures up later when I return from class tonight. Any help would be appreciated, thank you all.

This is what it should look like, but mine does not have a "2" after "HAWKBILL."

What mine looks like:


My reply is that it is strange.. Possible that there was a hickup in the FRN mold process and it slipped passed QC.

Though... if it is a mold problem, shouldnt there be more like it?

Thank you for any replies, Chris
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Post by araneae »

Well there was only one Byrd hawkbill built on that platform- that would make it a Hawkbill 1, I suppose. Perhaps they took the 2 off after they realized the error.
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Post by log man »


Just to compare the current offering.

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