I Survived the MBC course!!!

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I Survived the MBC course!!!


Post by fannin »

Just made it back home from the MBC course at SFO. I can't begin to say enough about the great time I had there.

Day one was with Michael Janich who's zones of offense and defense really help to minimize confusion and give a great basic understanding to knife use. He really has a feel for what works.

Day two was with Bram and the Gunting. I don't think I've ever learned so much laying down on the mat in my life....;} I truly know how anyman feels. The Gunting is an amazing system once you see how your supposed to use it. Bram is a dynamic teacher who really loves to get things flowing. I was truly impressed with how quickly he was able to utilize the gunting in such an effective manner. (Take my word for it, it was very effective.)

The thing I loved most about the training is that both teachers practice the KISS principle and cut the fat,(& pork...you had to be there), giving you what you need.

To top it all off you get to hang out at SFO which is really cool. All those knives, I don't think anyone left without buying something. (I picked up the blue delica). Gail and Christine, along with the other spyderco people were extremely nice and helpful. And if all that isn't enough, the surrounding area of Golden/Denver has a lot to offer. Beautiful mountains, shopping, free beer at the Coors brewery. I'm seriously thinking of moving.

I can't reccomend these classes enough to everyone. I don't think you could have a better time learning something so important. I look forward to practicing what I've learned and hopefully soon taking more courses. Thanks spyderco for such a memorable time.


Frank Fannin.

This Spyder Bytes!!!
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Post by Ewok »

A good time was had by all. <img src="smile.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle> Funny, after I mentioned that I have a stainless steel, plainedge Harpy that isn't for sale, I got a lot of one-on-one, um, instruction , from anyman. <img src="wink.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle>

Now, when is that SF bay area class? <img src="wink.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle>

Edited by - Ewok on 4/25/2001 9:16:57 AM
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Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2004 10:33 am


Post by BRAM »

Mike and I both thank you for the kind comments.. We try to give you what you need not what we think would be cool to teach, there's not enough time or room for all the "extras" that "look cool"...

MBC is about reality training..
using what's there when its presented...
learning how to do moral & ethical responses in a lousy situation WITHOUT thinking or hestitation and we try to teach you things that will help in survival...physical , mental & legal...
There can't be a "script" to go off of cause ther BG or life usually hasn't seen the "script".

Gail, Christina, Bill, Christopher, & Patty are truly a great group!!! Without them the MBC seminars wouldn't happen nor would the truly "family" atmoshpere exist..
A big round of thanks to that group !!!!
I loved all the goodies to eat..

Hey..Mike and I were hopefully very kind & careful with everyone...I mean there wasn't any blood, guts or parts on the floor..hehehe....

Glad you all had a good time!
remember: without people who care enough to come & learn theres no MBC school..so thank you all for giving us your time and attention!
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Post by Gail »

Thank you for your very kind comments.
The dates for future MBC classes Patti posted on Tue.. June 9,10 are the next classes. Levels one and two with Mr. Janich. Space is limited so make your reservations early.
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Post by anyman »

Ewok, I'm a patient guy, I can wait. By the way, Southwest flys there, all I need is a days notice. Lessons for knives, I like that!

Michael Janich
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Post by Michael Janich »

Dear Frank:

Thanks for your post and the kind words. This weekend's class went exceptionally well and I sincerely hope that everyone came away with some good knowledge, new skills, and fond memories.

mike j
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