Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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Dreams Are Real

(Metaphysical channel)

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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Feral People in the Smoky Mountains: Attacked and Almost Taken

(DarkWilderness channel)

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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CERN: Demons Returning Through Dark Matter Portals

(Eredin channel)

An important thing to always keep in mind is that, whether or not YOU believe that CERN is opening portals to the dark realm, THEY certainly believe they are. They know exactly what they're doing, but they are playing with fire. Now, whether or not they are aware of the potential consequences of their actions, to the world AND to themselves, or if they even care at all, is another matter altogether.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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"Why I Don't Fear Death (and You Shouldn't Either)"

(Hospice Nurse Julie channel)

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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Humanity's Reset: Top Psychic Reveals What Not to Ignore in 2024 / Jen Bushman

(Next Level Soul Podcast channel)

I actually found her story (and this entire video) to be very interesting, much more than I had anticipated.

Keep in mind that the host, Alex Ferrari, does give his videos "click baity" titles. He has admitted to doing so, because when he had given videos "non-click baity" titles in the past, they tended to get fewer views. Even with the click bate titles, I find the content of many of the videos on his channel often far exceeds the exclamatory nature that the titles he gives them, or the thumbnail images, might suggest.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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Chronovisor: Mystery of the Vatican's Secret Time Machine

(Mr. Mythos channel)

This is an excellently researched and well-presented video.

Later in the video, there is mention of the Akashic Records during an *alleged* deathbed confession by Father Ernetti. As "Mr. Mythos" mentions, the Akashic Records are NOT some physical location that can be fitted into some device. Not by a long shot.

Ernetti supposedly claimed he created an earlier Chronovisor in a past lifetime, which he supposedly shared with Nostradamus. I don't know about that; decide for yourself. I KNOW that past lives and reincarnation are a reality; however, if Ernetti really did say that, I'm a little skeptical when someone claims a past life either as a famous historical figure, or having worked together with one. In the same way I don't believe the many people who claimed to have been Napoleon, Cleopatra, Alexander the Great, or to have been one of Jesus' disciples in a past life. That's just a personal hang up of mine. Many people want to be the reincarnation of a famous figure, or associated with one. Not saying it couldn't happen, just that it's a bit "sus," as younger people like to say nowadays.

Note: There is an ad for a sponsor from 1:20 to 2:30:

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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Journey Through Heaven / John J. Davis

(Next Level Soul Podcast channel)

This is a VERY detailed account.

I do believe that, although there are some commonalities among many near-death experiences, I also believe there are differences for each individual. John J. Davis' experience sounds very earth-like, only a much better version of earthly life. Others have reported experiences that were earth-like in some ways, and also very different in other ways, such as becoming like a vast orb of light/energy, as opposed to being in a human-shaped form on the other side. That doesn't negate the validity of one type of account over another; IMO, it's going to depend on the individual.

I've had a few experiences of very briefly visiting "the other side" (though not in near-death experiences), and most of the ones I experienced had similarities to earth. I suspect these were times I momentarily slipped into the astral or etheric realm, and not actually Heaven itself. There are countless different vibratory levels in the nonphysical realms. I do know they were NOT merely dreams, for various reasons I won't go into here.

But in one experience where I saw my father a few years after his passing, he and all the other beings he was with only looked like extremely bright beings of light, which barely had any recognizable humanoid-looking characteristics at all. I only recognized him as my father from this lifetime because as he moved forward towards me, he flashed an image of an old photograph of himself (my favorite pic of him) in front of himself, so I could identify that it was him. You would think we would have had some long, deep conversation about how much I loved him and how he was doing, but we merely embraced, as I thought in my mind, "I love you, dad," and then he receded back to stand among the other light beings, from which he once more became indistinguishable. I feel that this was at a higher vibratory realm than the ones that resembled earth. This happened in 2004.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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"They Almost Took My Mother"

(What Lurks Beneath channel)

This is an excellent interview. It's nearly 2 hours long, but if you are interested in someone relating his own lifetime of (very bizarre) paranormal experiences in detail, I highly recommend this one, even if you have to listen to it in chunks throughout the day. Oftentimes, some of the best information comes out in longer accounts / interviews.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

"Las Vegas is a Haunted Portal!"

(The Black Culdron channel)

Interesting stuff.

I've only been to Las Vegas 3 times; when I was 6, again at 8, and then for the last time at 15 (in 1978). There really wasn't much for a kid to do in Vegas back then, except playing in the pool, and going to Circus-Circus to watch the shows, and buy stuff from a novelty shop that was in Circus-Circus. We also visited the Hoover Dam that first time. As an adult, I've never had any interest in visiting Las Vegas again.

I never thought much about Vegas being so haunted, but it doesn't surprise me in the least. I had heard a lot about the Hoover Dam being haunted, though.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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How Reincarnation Really Works! (What You Need to Know!)

(Christina Lopes, DPT, MPH channel)

I came across this video randomly while scrolling. This is actually an EXCELLENT video discussing the process and purpose of reincarnation. Much better than I was expecting it would be. I don't think I've seen any video on YouTube that goes so clearly and in-depth into this subject, in such a short amount of time.

A lot of people become triggered by the concept of reincarnation. That's fine. We are all on different paths, and at different points in what we are willing to accept. As I've mentioned before, I don't have to believe in reincarnation, because I have seen and felt into some of my own past lives and KNOW that it's real. And since linear time is a construct that really only exists in this 3D reality, all incarnations are actually multiple aspects of your soul that are incarnating simultaneously. They only seem like past or future lifetimes. But that's a bit out there for most of us to even ponder.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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A Vampire Story

(Paranormal Round Table channel)

This is quite a good account. Unfortunately, it looks like it's been flagged by YouTube because of the subject matter (a possibly true account of a vampire-like being), even though the story contains no inappropriate content. Otherwise, it would have embedded here, instead of only giving a link to watch it on YouTube.

The subject begins from around 18:25:

https://www.youtube.com/live/upP9ygejhY ... _3pMoOidD1

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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Dogman's Interdimensional Portals

(The Confessionals channel)

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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Proof of Glitches in the Matrix

(The Black Culdron channel)

Very interesting stuff. I'm not sure about the one with the dog seeming to float across the big hole, but I've seen several videos of people and animals (and even airplanes, like in one of the examples shown here) frozen in place.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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Missing 411: David Paulides Presents the Case of a Missing Professor from New Jersey

(Canam Missing Project channel)

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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The Story of Robert Johnson and the 27 Club

(The Black Culdron channel)

Earlier, I posted a brief documentary in Joe/JD Spydo's 27 Club thread, but decided to post this one here, because it delves into the paranormal speculations around Robert Johnson.

She is wrong about one thing: Robert Johnson has been mentioned in several sources I've read or listened to about being the first member of what has become known as The 27 Club. I don't know about among millennials or Gen Z, but A LOT of people know about Robert Johnson.

Did he really make a deal with you-know-what at the crossroads one night to become a great guitar player and achieve fame? Who really knows? What doesn't seem to be in dispute is that he had been a terrible guitar player who, in an extremely short time, suddenly became a guitar prodigy. It's possible that he had been a guitar prodigy all along, and was suddenly able to hit his groove with it. Or it could have been as the legends say.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Werewolves and Mirror Portals

(Paranormal Round Table channel)

As you can see, this video cannot embed here, and the link can only be provided to watch it on YouTube. Because it's been flagged. The content itself does not warrant that at all.

He begins discussing mirrors and black mirrors from around 10:40:

The main story begins at around 13:00:

https://www.youtube.com/live/OOIo3PfcOa ... 1iXDDcySQg

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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The Disturbing Car Case of Arnold Archambeau and Ruby Bruguier

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Disneyland is a Haunted Portal

(The Black Culdron channel)

I'm not surprised. ANY location that has large amounts of people coming and going, along with the emotional energy they bring (and leave behind), will be a great attractor of spirit energy. Hospitals, schools, churches, shopping malls, prisons, amusement parks, stadiums/arenas, courthouses, theaters, hotels/motels, etc., etc.

As a kid, I LOVED going to Disneyland. We went every couple or every few years. The last time I went was at age 17 in 1980. That last time, I enjoyed it, but felt I was beginning to outgrow it. I have no interest in ever going back, and it's ridiculously expensive now, anyway. In addition, as I've gotten older, I find myself disliking crowded places more and more.

I never encountered anything (or anybody) that was weird at Disneyland, but I'm sure that most guests who go there do not. That doesn't mean the place isn't extremely haunted, or that there aren't more things going on there that shouldn't be.

I never went to Disneyworld, so I have no comment on that. Although I'm sure it's every bit as haunted as Disneyland in CA.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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The Most Mysterious and Unexplained Videos Caught in Appalachia


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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Hospice Nurse Dies, Reveals Shocking Encounter! David Parker, Part 1 / Near-Death Experience

(Tales Of Resilience channel)

After listening to him, I like David Parker a lot. His story is both heartbreaking and inspirational at the same time.

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