Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Voices from the Woods: “Did I Almost Become a Missing 411 Case?”

The person who posted this video gives full credit to David Paulides as the originator of the Missing 411 work; and points out that he is in no way, shape or form connected to David Paulides. He also points out that these accounts were posted on the r/missing 411 SubReddit, which is also not connected to David Paulides’s Missing 411. Therefore, I give the guy who made this video credit for being ethical. Also, these accounts of the “almost vanished” have the ring of truth to them.

There have been many accounts of paranormal “voice mimics.” I’ve experienced this myself once, but not in the wilderness. In my own studies, I have read that there are various types of entities that can do this. How they can mimic the voice of someone whom the intended target knows, but who is not present, is anybody’s guess. Perhaps they can scan the target’s mind, accessing their memories, becoming aware of people the person knows, their relationship to him/her, and how they speak(?).


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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“Pale Crawlers” (3 videos below)

There have been sightings of humanoid pale “crawler”-type creatures that far predate the internet creation of “The Rake,” and that also predate the 2005 horror movie The Descent.

I like that Hammerson Peters doesn’t automatically think the photo at 22:58 is a creature, but could possibly be a case of pareidolia.

Crawler Sighting in Canada’s Northwest Territories

Opening Credits (@ 0.00)
The CreepyPasta Phenomenon (@ 0:31)
The Legend of the Rake (@ 3:15)
Don Herbert’s Encounter (@ 6:54)
Don Herbert’s Own Account (@ 9:32)
Research (@ 12:15)
The Tracks (@ 14:15)
Identifying the Mystery Animal’s Tracks (@ 20:38)
The CreepyPasta Connection (@ 21:36)
The Search Continues (@ 22:45)
The Photographs (@ 22:58)
Newfoundland Signting, 2010 (@ 24:56)
Northern Ontario Sighting, 1990s (@ 26:13)
Ovens National Park, Nova Scotia, 2015 (@ 28:01)
Quesnel, British Columbia, 2018 (@ 30:08)
Missy Sterling’s Encounter (@ 32:19)


Below are the two videos mentioned by Missy Sterling as she recounted her encounter towards the last part of the first video:

The Richard Grebenik Video:

IMO this video is very interesting. At first it’s hard to see in the darkness, but starts looming into view past the chair on the right on the deck at around 0:38, and slowly becomes clearer as it comes closer. It later backs away into the darkness, then starts appearing again at around 5:20, past the table on the deck, and comes even closer to the house. If genuine, this is a remarkable video. It doesn’t sound to me like Grebenik or his pastor on speaker phone are acting. Actors, even very good actors, tend to speak in certain ways while acting that identify them as actors. In other words, to me, this feels like it could be real, or at least Grebenik felt it was real. I don’t think it was only a drug addict in his yard.


The Audrey Tanguay Frechette Video:

Note: At the time they were filming, they only saw the moose. It was only later, upon reviewing the footage, that they noticed the strange pale creature in the tree line, apparently stalking the moose.


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Fairies: Strange Encounters & the Missing 411 Connection

If you are interested in the paranormal, I highly recommend listening to the entire video. Many people think of fairies as a joke, or as fantasy images for little girls, due to the Disney character Tinker Bell. But that was not an accurate image of fairies, which historically were greatly feared. Nor was there only one kind, and such beings were never limited to Europe. It has been a worldwide phenomenon, including, but not limited to, the Americas, the Pacific Islands, the Middle East, Northeast and Southeast Asia, the African continent, Australia, etc., but given different names.

If the word “fairy” makes it all seem like BS, keep in mind that this is only one generic name ascribed to such beings by people. Throughout the world, they have been given various names. If “unknown” nonphysical, or semi-physical beings sounds more palatable to you, then think of them that way. Regardless, there are certain patterns that, if you follow them, share many close similarities the world over.

From 30:26, the narrator draws a comparison of patterns between many of David Paulides’ Missing 411 cases and disappearances ascribed to fairies in the work of early 20th-century author of fairy lore, Walter Evans-Wentz. But the narrator mistakenly says that these comparisons mostly apply in Paulides’s first Missing 411 book; the comparisons apply to disappearances featured in ALL of Paulides’ books. And only recently has David Paulides begun to recognize these comparisons to old fairy beliefs, and how identical many are to the actual Missing 411 cases that he includes as unexplainable disappearances. He has NEVER stated that he thinks fairies are responsible; he has simply acknowledged the similarities in many of the factors in the types of disappearances he investigates to those in fairy lore.

And lastly, the final disappearance case the narrator covers at the end, from 34:18, is indeed bizarre. And it does match the types of disappearances that Paulides covers in his work. However, as far as I know, Paulides has never covered this particular case. And compared to Paulides’ Missing 411 cases, this disappearance is very typical, and not unique, among bizarre disappearances (and recoveries) in the Missing 411 cases. The only exception is that the survivor in this account remembered details from the time he was missing, which is unusual in recovered survivors in Missing 411-type cases.


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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Bigfoot: Can The Hairy, Legendary Giants Read Our Minds?

I’ve read many accounts from credible-sounding people that imply that Bigfoot creatures are much more than just some species of unknown ape, something many so-called “serious Bigfoot researchers” angrily dismiss. But if you want to learn the truth (about anything), you have to go where the actual experiences point to, and not cherry-pick what you’ll accept to make something fit into your own agenda of how you WANT it to be.

 https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2021/12/ ... our-minds/

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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‘Tentacled Humanoid’ Mutilates Dog on Cherokee Reservation, North Carolina

I’ve never heard of anything like this before…

 https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com/202 ... og-on.html

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by Archimedes »

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Archimedes wrote:
Sun Dec 12, 2021 8:51 pm

Thanks for posting this, Archimedes!

It sounds to me like raspy whispering by multiple voices, in some kind of language; maybe even whispered chanting. It also seemed to stop and start again, as if purposefully. It certainly doesn’t sound like the wind, or snakes, or a bird, as he was trying to guess it as.

I wonder if he tells people where he’s going before visiting old mines. Personally, I’d be more worried about a mine collapse. It would be bad enough if someone knew where he was; he’d be a goner very easily if a mine collapsed on him, or on his exit route. I also wonder why he went there at night. The inside of a mine would be just as dark during the daytime.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by Archimedes »

I watch tons of mine exploration videos. One of my favorite type of shows. There are a lot of videos out there of weird experiences in abandoned mines. The Horton mine became pretty famous on You Tube as being haunted.
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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Archimedes wrote:
Mon Dec 13, 2021 9:34 am
I watch tons of mine exploration videos. One of my favorite type of shows. There are a lot of videos out there of weird experiences in abandoned mines. The Horton mine became pretty famous on You Tube as being haunted.

I recall seeing another mine video several years ago where something creepy happened. I don’t know if it was the same guy, or some other guy. I seem to recall the mine in that other vid I saw as having standing water in it.

I’m pretty sure that most abandoned mines have something weird attached to them. Whether it’s the old standard belief (the ghosts of miners), if it’s something else entirely, or a combination of things.

Watching videos of mine exploration is interesting, just for the history, and for the fact that I’d never go into one (for safety’s sake; many are ready to collapse, and some still contain old Dynamite). I should watch more of these videos.

Last edited by James Y on Mon Dec 13, 2021 6:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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The Superstition Mountains

“I Will Not Go Into These Mountains Alone” (The Story Of The Most Haunted Mountain Range In America)


I’ve long had a fascination for the Superstition Mountains. However, unlike some people who share that fascination, I have absolutely NO desire or obsession to actually go there. Although I have traveled through that area as a kid.

I could listen to Cory Daniel all day long. His knowledge of the area is encyclopedic.

Note: The video is interrupted from 13:38 to about 14:15, asking for subscriptions; but the video resumes after that.


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by Bdubs808 »

First time noticing this thread, its a super interesting topic that I enjoy researching, gonna dive in now.
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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Bdubs808 wrote:
Tue Dec 14, 2021 2:26 am
First time noticing this thread, its a super interesting topic that I enjoy researching, gonna dive in now.

Greetings, Bdubs808! Glad you’re enjoying it.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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Dogman Encounter: “There Was Blood Everywhere!!!!”

Another vetted, true paranormal account, presented and narrated by Dark Waters. The description of the “Dogman” in this story differs from the more common descriptions of long-snouted, canine-featured creatures with canine hind legs. The description of this one sounds more like a “Wolfman”-looking creature. This account also has a conspiracy angle to it.

Note: From about 15:42, Dark Waters goes into what he calls “inside baseball,” in which he discusses this story and exactly how he vetted it to determine its veracity. This part is quite interesting in itself, and is worth listening to.


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by JD Spydo »

Jim I think I remember sharing this experience with you privately some time back. But for some strange reason I've been thinking about it lately so I thought I would put it up for discussion in case anyone might have any input. There was a place along the Missouri River reasonably close to my home town but it was way away from Kansas City or any other medium sized towns for that matter. This place was very secluded for being here in the state of Missouri. I had hunted there before on 2 previous occasions but never alone.

Well anyway at that time I got two days off from work so I decided to go hunting that afternoon. So I got my gear together and thought I would just go hunting by myself and enjoy the solitude of the woods which I usually deeply enjoy. Hunting all alone is something I don't usually do often. It's gotten dangerous in some of these wilderness areas here in Missouri in recent years. But this happened years ago back in the mid 80s.

There was a set of active railroad tracks I would walk on for about 1 and a half miles to get access to the wilderness area along the Missouri River where I previously hunted at ( but never alone). I got almost a mile down the tracks and totally out of sight of any road, any house, any farms and close to very thick wilderness. I got to a particular place on the railroad tracks and I all of a sudden had an aura of total and complete fear come over me. I was close to being completely terrorized and was starting to shake in my arms and hands even though I had no rational reason to be afraid. I don't recall ever being afraid like I was that particular day in many years since. And I can't even say what I was afraid of and don't have any idea of what it could have been. There was no obvious reason for me to be afraid because I had on me an automatic high powered rifle and a .357 Mag pistol on my side. I was armed to the hilt. But the feeling of fear was so intense that I immediately turned around and started walking back to my truck. When I got back to where my truck was parked I was still afraid and had a creepy feeling that something was bad wrong. To this day I don't know what it was that made me so afraid but I could sense that I would have encountered something really evil had I not aborted that hunting trip. I didn't sleep well for the next two nights>> but again I have no idea what I was afraid of. But I do believe it must have been the spirit of GOD or guardian angel warning me of something horrible. This happened way back in the 1980s and I can still remember it like it was only a month ago.
To this day that experience has made me do a lot of thinking and soul searching. But I do believe if I had proceeded and gone to those woods alone it would have had a tragic ending. I do believe in the concept of ESP>> but I'm not at all claiming that I have it. But it was a feeling of fear like nothing else I've ever experienced. I've been careful talking about because I'm sure a lot of people would instantly label me mentally ill. But I had never ever been afraid of hunting by myself in the past at any time and I had no rational reason for aborting that hunting trip. I'll leave it up to you guys to see if anyone has any possible answers.
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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

JD Spydo wrote:
Thu Dec 16, 2021 3:29 pm
Jim I think I remember sharing this experience with you privately some time back. But for some strange reason I've been thinking about it lately so I thought I would put it up for discussion in case anyone might have any input. There was a place along the Missouri River reasonably close to my home town but it was way away from Kansas City or any other medium sized towns for that matter. This place was very secluded for being here in the state of Missouri. I had hunted there before on 2 previous occasions but never alone.

Well anyway at that time I got two days off from work so I decided to go hunting that afternoon. So I got my gear together and thought I would just go hunting by myself and enjoy the solitude of the woods which I usually deeply enjoy. Hunting all alone is something I don't usually do often. It's gotten dangerous in some of these wilderness areas here in Missouri in recent years. But this happened years ago back in the mid 80s.

There was a set of active railroad tracks I would walk on for about 1 and a half miles to get access to the wilderness area along the Missouri River where I previously hunted at ( but never alone). I got almost a mile down the tracks and totally out of sight of any road, any house, any farms and close to very thick wilderness. I got to a particular place on the railroad tracks and I all of a sudden had an aura of total and complete fear come over me. I was close to being completely terrorized and was starting to shake in my arms and hands even though I had no rational reason to be afraid. I don't recall ever being afraid like I was that particular day in many years since. And I can't even say what I was afraid of and don't have any idea of what it could have been. There was no obvious reason for me to be afraid because I had on me an automatic high powered rifle and a .357 Mag pistol on my side. I was armed to the hilt. But the feeling of fear was so intense that I immediately turned around and started walking back to my truck. When I got back to where my truck was parked I was still afraid and had a creepy feeling that something was bad wrong. To this day I don't know what it was that made me so afraid but I could sense that I would have encountered something really evil had I not aborted that hunting trip. I didn't sleep well for the next two nights>> but again I have no idea what I was afraid of. But I do believe it must have been the spirit of GOD or guardian angel warning me of something horrible. This happened way back in the 1980s and I can still remember it like it was only a month ago.
To this day that experience has made me do a lot of thinking and soul searching. But I do believe if I had proceeded and gone to those woods alone it would have had a tragic ending. I do believe in the concept of ESP>> but I'm not at all claiming that I have it. But it was a feeling of fear like nothing else I've ever experienced. I've been careful talking about because I'm sure a lot of people would instantly label me mentally ill. But I had never ever been afraid of hunting by myself in the past at any time and I had no rational reason for aborting that hunting trip. I'll leave it up to you guys to see if anyone has any possible answers.


Thanks for sharing!

We were ALL born with certain instincts and intuition for our own self-preservation. Some people pay more attention to it than others, but everyone has it to some degree. You don’t need to be a psychic medium to access it. A high percentage of people ignore their intuition and keep trudging headlong into dangerous situations, because they don’t want to appear silly, even if nobody else is present. Or because of pride, or stubbornness. There are many people who have walked right into dangerous situations and became crime victims (for example), and later regretted it. I’ve heard many people say to the effect, “I had a bad feeling about walking down that street, but I figured it was my imagination, and I was being paranoid. I wish I had listened to that feeling and gone the other way; it would have saved me a lot of pain and grief.”

Whether the sense of danger you felt was from a person with bad intentions, a wild animal (like a mountain lion?), a potential accident waiting to happen, or possibly even something outside of conventional explanation, the fact is you had the awareness and the intelligence to heed your instincts, and you left. I’m glad you did.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by Bloke »

SpyderNut wrote:
Wed Aug 11, 2021 8:00 am
Interesting thread. ...
G’day Michael, I read this when you first posted it and it can tell you it truly rattled me.

When I was 5yrs old, I remember because I was in kindergarten, my first year of school. I too had a dream about my dad that upset me. I can’t remember what it was exactly but it was about my dad and it wasn’t good. Not sure if I told anyone about it but I do remember being upset and prolly frightened.

That same day dad suffered a collapsed lung. Fortunately he made a full recovery and he’s now a spritely 88yrs old.

I very much feel for you and family at such a horrendous and irreplaceable loss.

Our second bedroom at our place here in Randwick, Sydney is haunted. It was our daughter’s bedroom. Anyhow, I snore and when beloved wife has had enough she banishes me to one of the other bedrooms. Same as when I drink rum, she hates the smell and tells me to piss off and stop breathing on her. Ah, hahaha!

I always go to the second bedroom as the third is set up for our grandkiddies. Most nights just as I transition into sleep someone/something screams in my left ear and I’m startled awake. I don’t feel threaten but it annoys me. On a couple of occasions it’s happened twice.

One night after being startled twice I had a dummy spit and yelled out “Just $#%@ off and leave me alone!”. There was a bit of a whoosh and someone or something chuckled just outside the window. I thought good riddance and went to sleep. A couple of days later it was back again.

Anyhow, it’s been a couple of months now since anyone/anything screamed in my ear and I hope writing this doesn’t bring it back.

Strange thing is I often fall asleep before I finish praying and that is generally when the scream startles me awake.

Just as strange I s’pose, is it’s never happened to beloved wife, or our son. I mentioned it to our daughter (now 35yrs old) a while back in conversation and her response was “Oh my God, someone/something was always whispering in my ear when it was little in that room. I didn’t tell anyone but that’s why I swapped rooms with Christopher (her brother).

Go figure!
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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by JD Spydo »

Very interesting you would mention "mountain lions" as a possibility Jim. Because that's about the time when Missouri farmers were just starting to see mountian lions trekking back into Missouri again. They are abundant now here in the year 2021 especially in the north part of the state. Back in the year 2007 I was on a lonely highway that isn't used much anymore heading to Lexington Missouri. I went by what used to be a popular restaurant ( but now abandoned) on that road and when I passed it I saw a pitbull dog ahead of me going across the road and you could tell that he had been hurt and hurt really bad. He could barely cross the road>> and then a most beautiful mountain lion in broad daylight was right behind him and I'm sure he finished the Pitbull's life at that point>> and probably had him for dinner as well. I couldn't believe how long of a tail that Mtn Lion had.

In spite of the Mountain lions being dangerous they are really pretty when you see them close up. I bet I was being stalked maybe by a predator or I was maybe about to run into a secret drug operation in the woods or something else equally as dangerous. All of those could have been possibilities. But it did actually haunt me for years. So I'm not completely dismissing something paranormal either.
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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by Bloke »

I s’pose this is may be paranormal but I’m certain the Good Lord has sent me a personal Guardian Angel.

I was for over twenty years what you in the US call iron workers. Here we’re called riggers or steel erectors. To say I’ve had a few close calls would be an understatement. In my early twenties I fell about two and a half floors because I was arguing with my boss. I didn’t break anything but a 32mm (1-1/4”) King Dick open end podger on my belt hit the ground first, must have stood upright, I landed on it and the jaws dug in and took a chunk out of my hip. It hurt but I laughed it off the other boys thought I was a hero and bought me beers. Ah, hahaha!

Another time we were demolishing a brewery. We had a 150t Favco (Australian) pin jib cane set up and we were skidding then lifting vats out of the partly demolished structure. The crane, from memory had about 240 feet of main boom (stick) and about a 40 foot fly (auxiliary boom for reach).

First thing one morning we lifted a little 6t excavator to the top of the building for the demolishers to break away concrete to expose the structural steel underneath for the engineers to see and calculate what would be the largest machine the structure would handle for the rest of the demo, once the vats were gone. All good.

Our crane driver went on leave the following day, usually no drama as most of us can operate cranes but we would have been short handed so they temporarily hired a causal to operate the crane. Not so good.

They finished with the little excavator and wanted it brought back down. I was the youngest so of course they sent me up the twelve double floors equivalent of about twenty floors up the stairs to sling it up and send it down. All good.

The hook was hanging over the load when I got there, I brought it down, slung the machine and jumped on top to ride it down. Not legal but back then we all did it. I was just about to blow two short for up on the hook when something told me to get off the load and don’t ride it down. I kind of ignored it but got off anyway and blue an up signal. I heard the crane rev and the chain tightened but nothing else happened. I stuck my head over the side a blew two short again, up on the hook. The excavator kind of jerked up just past the hand rail and stopped. I twigged to what was happening and was about to blow one long, down on the hook, but the crane slewed away with the excavator clear of the structure. Moments later there was a horrible screeching noise, followed by the sound of rope running over sheaves in free fall. I wouldn’t have thought a crane jig could make a figure S and the fly near flew off backwards. The excavator free fell to the deck from 200 odd feet.

The auxiliary winch on that particular crane was two speed. High speed, she was good for 3t from memory and low speed 6t. The kook operating had the machine in high speed so theoretically it shouldn’t have pick up the load at all but hydraulics can have power surges I believe and that’s how it lifted the excavator with a jerk. When he slewed it pulled oil from the winch pump and the load started to run through the brake, the screeching noise I heard. All the kook had to do was sit there with his hands off the levers and she would have run through the brake to the ground with little harm. Instead he panicked when the load started to run through the brake and pull the winch lever to lift. It was all over once the pulled the lever. It released the brake, everything turn backwards and the rest is history. The hydraulic hose connections to the winch pumps blew off like the nuts had been split with a laser and there must have been 200 litres of hydraulic oil on the ground. Ah, hahaha!

Anyhow, no one was hurt but had I ignored my Guardian Angel’s warning I would have died on a ****** demolition site in my mid twenties.
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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Thanks for sharing that, Bloke.

I am willing to bet it was your guardian angel that prompted you, and/or you listened to your own intuition. I'm glad that things have worked out for you. It seems that you've been blessed.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by Bloke »

James Y wrote:
Thu Dec 16, 2021 10:22 pm
Thanks for sharing that, Bloke.

I am willing to bet it was your guardian angel that prompted you, and/or you listened to your own intuition. I'm glad that things have worked out for you. It seems that you've been blessed.

Thanks mate! I have been bless with way more than I deserve, that’s for sure.

This is the rigger I was working with that day he was 17yrs older than me a mentor and good mate.


You couldn’t ride loads on mobile cranes but you could tower cranes. The thing in his right hand is his bell rope. That’s how you signaled the driver. Our beloved Sydney Harbour in the background ...

This is him being a billygoat. Ah, hahaha! Must have been some office girls looking out their windows. Ah, hahaha!

A day without laughter is a day wasted. ~ Charlie Chaplin
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