Bush vs Kerry ..... The Future

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Post by thombrogan »


I feel very sorry that your job went to competition across the border. There's a good chance that my job could be moved to a nation such as India or Tejas at the end of my contract. While my family and I benefit greatly from it and I may lack competency to sustain our standard of living elsewhere, it does not justify any desire I may harbor to have to force my employer to keep my call-center open on American ground.

Your friend's believe that helping the stockholders isn't helping the consumers is slightly mistaken, but that may be too bitter of a subject to discuss with you at this time.


Thanks for posting Akerlof's interview (with ad to petition included). He may have won a Nobel prize in economics, but the argument he posed was frought with examples where he would state that his choice was superior without explaining why.

Could you please, in your own words, explain why you believe that Bush's policies, including those that eliminated certain taxations on investment vehicles such as mutual funds, make no economic sense?
"I knew you before you knew you had hands!" ~Tracey Brogan

"Ah-ha! A Spyderco moment!" ~Michael Cook

"Hawkbills - Sink in the tip and let it rip!" ~Axlis

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Java, you have a way with words.


Post by Ray.Hood »

A toast, coffee of course! Hey, it ain't Jamaican but it will do.
Very well said gentlemen. As for W.M.D? Oh, Saddam had them.
Buried, hidden, sold 'em, etc.Think about the Chemical and Biological
weapons his regime built or had access to. He should be dead and buried.
His regime will be remembered as a bloody past. The Iraqi Prime Minister
will need our help to keep the peace long enough to set up a new, Real
government. It's not the Muslim faith that I'm worried about.
It is the people who twist a religion, Islam, Christianity, or otherwise
for they're own use. Be it power or greed, they are out there.
God bless.
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and don't forget these...


Post by Indeed »

really allows you to size up the two.
compare3.jpg (52.15 KiB) Viewed 1260 times
compare2.jpg (60.51 KiB) Viewed 1284 times
compare1.jpg (71.1 KiB) Viewed 1261 times
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Post by java »

Someone's new and hasn't adjusted yet. They've been sized and selected. Welcome. Read the article. Seek treatment if applicable.

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All we can do here at the SATC is work on your Sydie addiction. Relax and enjoy.
When I said that mercy stood
Within the border of the wood
I meant the lenient beast with claws
And bloody swift dispatching jaws.

Death Before Decaf!
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