Bush vs Kerry ..... The Future

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Post by spyderknut »

dantecubit wrote:Granted I live in Canada, but I lived most of my life in Sacramento (California).And why are we still there?

"We?" :eek:
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Are you truly a voice of reason...


Post by java »

dantecubit wrote:Granted I live in Canada, but I lived most of my life in Sacramento (California). Are you people for real? Just because Bush got the country into a snafu of a war doesn't mean he has any more of a "plan" than Kerry. Kerry wants more troops and international cooperartion. And why are we still there? I thought it was "mission accomplished." Even if you believe that anyone who ever even had one thought that might lean towards supporting a terrorist should be killed, Bush's Iraq war doesn't make you safer at night. In fact, as Kerry said, less troops for the "war on terror" makes you less safe, if anything.

And let's lay off Kerry's service record. If the man says he saw atrocities in Vietnam, then that's what he saw. Going home and working to end the war was the courageous thing to do. This is America, after all, where we can believe what we want. AT least Kerry has a service record.

As stated, I am an Independent voter. I absolutely do not agree with everything Bush has done, however I am not swayed by the flood-storm of anti-Bush and anybody but Bush, rhetoric prevalent in our biased media. Kerry did not just say he saw atrocities, he said he participated in them. Kerry was a willing dupe of the press and the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, many of whom were neither veterans or served there as they claimed. Kerry even rose to the defense of its co-founder Al Hubbard when his records proved him a fraud. A man is known not just by his actions: but the company he keeps.

As to working to end the war how certain are you that the war was not close to being won until the protestors here gave hope to the communist North Vietnam. Try checking some of the recovered documents that detail the Vietnamese communists propaganda goals in regards to our protest organizations. Knowing full well we could not be defeated on the battlefield after the Tet Offensive, Kerry, his protester allies, and the media gave the communist Vietnamese government hopes that they could achieve their ends by breaking or will to support the war at home. It was not until Linebacker II drove them back to the peace talks in Dec 1972 that progress was made toward ending the war and securing the release of our POWs. John Kerry tried an end run in clear violation of violation of US Code, Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 45, Section 953. This was done without the support or knowledge of the US government while he was still an officer in the US Naval Reserve. This is treasonous clear and simple no matter the intent. I don't question his active Vietnam service but his service record covers the time period he met with the Peoples Revolutionary government and the government of the Peoples Democratic Government of Vietnam (North Vietnam) and as such is germane to the man's ability to make judgments and lead this country. Ergo his incomplete service record is not only open to question but in view of how JFK2 has wrapped himself in his hero's flag in several campaigns, but we should demand an accounting and an sincere apology to all Viet Vets for the false accusations he levied. Furthermore the POWs whose lives he directly impacted deserve to be heard and he owes them far more than can be discussed here. The nation owes them a debt of gratitude for staying the course over those years in prison and JFK2 should personally admit his error in this. He says Bush can't admit when he is wrong??? If he is truly a leader, he would have lived by his own advice and done this years ago.

I'll agree with you that working to end a war is courageous but once began, the soldiers are the ones doing most of that work. We are also the last people who want to go to war but we live up to the words of our oath - the same one that John Kerry swore to BTW - and are prepared to give our lives to that end.

Our withering support at home and lack of leadership and understanding in the Kennedy and Johnson administrations allowed the war to drag on. The war on terror is going to be a long one. If you look at John Kerry's service record, his actions after his Vietnam tour, his records as governor of Massachusetts and as a US Senator, his role as a leader or even a simple committee member is spotty and undistinguished at best. The picture of Kerry from the history of his actions shows a lack of integrity, an individual who was used by outside interests and who will say and use anything if it advances his own image and his personal goals. It also shows he lacks the commitment and the moral and political will to engage the elements of terror over the long haul.

The Mission Accomplished banner was not planned by GWB but was a heartfelt feeling from the crew of that carrier at the conclusion of immediate major operations. GWB himself has said the battle was not finished and the ferocity of insurgency was not fully expected. The DNC has latched on this and the political fallout is to be expected during a war of this nature. Kerry would have made the same blunders and we could be pointing fingers at his failures next. Just like Clinton, just like GHB, ad infinitum to include even the sainted FDR, Lincoln, and original JFK. They all made mistakes. So where does it stop? When do we come together as a nation and say enough of the blame, enough of the biased media, enough of the BS?

Bush may not be the best there is but IMO he's better than what is in the offering now. Remember well that the first casualty of war is the battle plan. In a fluid environment with unconventional forces, I'll bet the plan for the peace is just as much a casualty. The plan will morph as situations arise and are resolved. The CIC's job is to believe in his military and see that they have what they need to win. You think Kerry has a plan????? Kerry has no distinct plan in Iraq. But if he truly did, no true American patriot would hide a better "plan" while Allied lives are being lost.

I am not sure how the Canadian media leans but a lot more people should read more of each side before letting their emotions drive their choices.
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Post by wotanson »

This all I have to say about Mr. Kerry!
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Post by java »

Please don't think that by my previous post that all military or veterans oppose John Kerry. ;)
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Post by J Smith »

Is it just me or does anyone else think that Mrs. Bush is VERY HOT.Just think how hot she was a few years ago if she still looks that good now.
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Post by Stevie Ray »


Forget Laura Bush, here's what you need .. :D

<img src='http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-6/7 ... rry_sm.jpg' width=180 height=250 >
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Post by dialex »

I can't post any comment(s) regarding the "challengers" as I have close to none pertinent data about them. All I know is that Bush (much as his father) dragged America into war and the American dollar gets weaker as we speak (not that this would be necessarily a bad thing, a lower dollar means cheaper american products therefore more exports). The other candidate I heard is even worse :( But hey, we have the same problem here, in Romania; we're gonna have elections in a couple weeks and I really can't see a real candidate among those characters. :(
OTOH, I heard that A. Schwarzenegger (Schwarzenegger who?) :p has some lobbists who strive to modify the Constitution in order to allow citizens who were not born on American land to candidate for presidency. :rolleyes:
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Post by java »

Just an old picture and article. Not WMDs or nuclear explosives. Not a clear link to terrorists or Al Qaeda in particular. Just look at the horror Saddam and his sons subjected the Iraqi people to, the threat they were to their neignbors, the mass graves, the 12 long years of failed resolutions, how our "allies" subverted the UN Oil for Food program to keep this monster in arms and power, and realistically tell me this was the wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time. All wars are wrong but you've got to wonder after sifting through Kerry's voting record and current rhetoric - what would Kerry really do? And then if something befell JFK2 could John Edwards handle the task?
Marines discover Iraqi 9/11 mural
NASIRIYA, Iraq (CNN) --U.S. Marines searching Iraqi military headquarters in this southern city that was the site of intensive fighting came across a mural depicting a plane crashing into a building complex resembling New York‘s twin towers, a news agency photograph showed Wednesday.

The plane‘s logo and coloring resembled that of Iraqi Airlines, said Getty Images News Service executive Brian Felber, based in New York.

The photograph, showing two rifle-toting Marines in front of the mural, was shot by staff photographer Joe Raedle, who is accompanying the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force from Task Force Tarawa.

Getty is a news photo agency that distributes about 500 photographs from around the world each day and has 10 staff members embedded with U.S. forces in the Iraq conflict.

Felber said this photo was "causing a bit of a stir."
3rd-infantry-saddam-911.jpg (28.28 KiB) Viewed 2634 times
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Post by java »

Stevie Ray wrote:Jeff,

Forget Laura Bush, here's what you need .. :D

<img src='http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-6/7 ... rry_sm.jpg' width=180 height=250 >
Now that's scary!!! But then again so was this shot of Alexandra Kerry at Cannes this year:

BTW: If you read the article Kerry in fact is not divorced but rather had his first marriage annulled. This was done so he could remain a "good Catholic". Of course this means the church considers offspring from the union as bastards. At least the republicans had the wisdom not to bring this to the political campaign. Too bad the same courtesy regarding family members as off-limiuts was not extended to Cheney's daughter by Kerry.
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Post by Stevie Ray »

"BTW: If you read the article Kerry in fact is not divorced but rather had his first marriage annulled."

How does one get an 18 year marriage annulled? What grounds could he possibly have used? Good grief. :rolleyes: Well ... my wife and I have cast our ballots. "W" got the nod from our house. A vote for Kerry would likely be a wasted vote in Virginia .... even if ..., one's politics leaned in his direction.
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Post by wotanson »

Greetings from the land of bedwetting Liberals :mad:

At 7am me and the wife voted, I hope this thing is over soon, and no one attempts any kind of putsch! I am dishartened to know that in certain areas of Ohio there are more people registered to vote than live there, but I've gotten used to the dirty tricks employed over the past 37 years of my life. I hope our Servicemen get the commander in chief they prefer 3-1, Thats President Bush.

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Post by java »

Stevie Ray wrote:How does one get an 18 year marriage annulled? What grounds could he possibly have used? Good grief. :rolleyes: Well ... my wife and I have cast our ballots. "W" got the nod from our house. A vote for Kerry would likely be a wasted vote in Virginia .... even if ..., one's politics leaned in his direction.
Kerry is a lawyer after all. ;)

It does point also where his political and moral compasses point. The Church has its roots seated in anacronisms and hypocricies throughout its history. I was faced with a similar situation and actually had a priest call my son a bastard because my wife was protestant and the church did not bless our marriage. You can't fight with city hall and unlike Martin Luther in 1517, I didn't have any theses to hang on the door. I am now a practicing Lutheran and still have my moral compass properly aligned.
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Post by Stevie Ray »

In our age ... we have less appreciation for what people have done, lived for, fought for and died for in the name of religion and politics. 100 years or so ago, we might have been called out for a duel ... or much much worse ... (in an earlier age) based on what we've posted.

Gentlemen in politics dueled for much less ... Take Burr and Hamilton ... Did they REALLY have reasons to die for. The History channel has recently done a special on them and their duel. It became a matter of false honor and miscommunication IMHO. Read about it and then put yourself in either position ..... it does give one food for thought.

Sticks and stones ....... u know the rest. :)

GO "W"

and ps .... how do you guys do the "quote" boxes ???
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Post by jbake »

Stevie Ray wrote:and ps .... how do you guys do the "quote" boxes ???
Just click the QUOTE box in the bottom of each post

It will just add the correct bit of code. here's what it looks like for the above.

NOTE: It acutally uses SQUARE BRACKETS "[" "]" - not the parentheses I used below.

(QUOTE=Stevie Ray)and ps .... how do you guys do the "quote" boxes ???(/QUOTE)

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Post by Mr Blonde »

J Smith wrote:Is it just me or does anyone else think that Mrs. Bush is VERY HOT.Just think how hot she was a few years ago if she still looks that good now.

ehh...it's just you, unless the "stepford look" becomes fashionable again?! ;)

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Post by Spidernoir »

Four more years. Great. We're screwed.

~Jeff :(
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Post by thombrogan »

How so, Jeff?

Now that JFK is out of the running, can we explain to Michael J. Fox the difference between not allowing and not funding research and then deport him? Maybe not back to Canada, if they don't want him back, but anywhere but here?
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Post by java »

thombrogan wrote:How so, Jeff?

Now that JFK is out of the running, can we explain to Michael J. Fox the difference between not allowing and not funding research and then deport him? Maybe not back to Canada, if they don't want him back, but anywhere but here?
Interesting point Thom.

Not many people caught that difference. Bush may object to Federal funding of embryonic stem cell research but the administration still backs adult stem cell research, funds embryonic research with remaining supplies of embryos, and does not impede private organizations from their own research. To be truthful embryonic stem cell research proceded at a better pace under Bush than Clinton due to better funding through the NIH. If folks haven't caught notice, California voters passed Proposition 71 on Tuesday. Basically California is positioning itself as the major place to be for stem cell research. Prop 71 authorized the sale of bonds to raise $3 billion and establish the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. They will disburse $300 million per year to draw reaserchers to California and will make California one of the leading centers in the world for this research. The NIH currently spends $29 million on embryonic stem cell research and $190 million on stem cells derived from adult tissue by comparison. Several states are alarmed at the passage of this measure and are drafting plans of their own to prevent a "brain drain" of their own researchers to California.

Despite GWB's personal moral view on embryonic stem cell research, he has not taken action to prevent it. Kerry used Michael Fox to make this a political issue. It needed to be elevated but not necessarily a made political litmus test.
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Post by java »

Spidernoir wrote:Four more years. Great. We're screwed.

~Jeff :(
C'mon Jeff,

We've been screwed for a long time by politicians. The election is over. Time to pull together and work for the best. I didn't hear Nader or the other guys concession speech but Kerry and Bush realize this and called for unity. Why so glum, chum?? :confused:
When I said that mercy stood
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Post by J Smith »

We are going to get screwed one way or the other but Kerry was going to do it hard and long with a bigger-fatter-harder tool.
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