Electromagnetic Mental Reconditioning of the Human Mind?

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Electromagnetic Mental Reconditioning of the Human Mind?


Post by SpyderEdgeForever »

Alright, this may be too weird for some on here. But, let's take a look at the idea at least.

Someone I know who has computer science as a university major, and is into all that "Singularity" stuff (ie, the idea that the time will come, whether it be 40 years from now, or 400 years from now, when technology creates human level and greater than human level artificial intelligences, self replicating manmade nanomachines, etc and it totally changes life and civilization as we know it) and one of his ideas, though he is not the only one, is the concept of "Mental Re-conditioning".

Remember the other thread about Norwegien prisoners and rehabilitation? His idea is as follows (and I have read about neuroscientists and others who hit onto this same concept): What if, instead of humanity spending money and effort on prisons and programs and the rest, we eventually learn to completely understand and re-construct the human brain and the human mind, as well as animal minds and brains. This is not near, and would take very advanced nano and other technologies. But say it can be done (ignoring discussions about the human soul and spirit and things of that nature for now), say we can completely understand the human mind and brain down to the atomic level and below if necessary, and, learn to RE MAKE PEOPLE's entire personalities and reactions from the ground up.

You would take people who have histories of violent behavior, and anti social behavior, stick them in a machine for an hour or so, and the machine literally rewrites and remakes their entire mental self. They are transformed into sociable, personable, kind, caring, constructive persons who benefit society and others.

The idea can be extended. Once you have this level of control over the mind, you can upload or download entire new skillsets into people, electronically, so a man who previously could barely talk and walk, can now be a scientific or medical genius overnight. This would be achieved in the same way, or through "Skill Chips" that literally download the data for new skills into the very mind and from there the body follows. (we discussed this on a separate thread here before).

The only downsides I see, but I am sure there are others:

1 Who controls the mental reconditioner devices?
2 Who's right is it to decide that someone needs reconditioning? (I guess though in extreme cases, wouldn't it be right to force a murderous person or a violent offender or someone who attacks children to be reconditioned into a new personality that is safe and won't victimize others, or not?)
3 What about potential abuses of this technology? Imagine a Hitler or Stalin or Idi Amin with this. He could take individuals or entire masses of people and recondition them to be obedient slaves for life.
4 Spiritual issues. Ie, playing God, etc.

I welcome all views on this.

For a related question: What about you? Would you VOLUNTEER to undergo such "mental reconditioning" if it could be guaranteed that you would come out the other end an "Improved" person, or, with a whole new set of skills that previously would have taken you many years to master, at much cost, or, would you prefer to remain as you are and learn things the traditional way?

That's a hard one. Imagine if you could become a master knife designer at the flip of a switch.
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Re: Electromagnetic Mental Reconditioning of the Human Mind?


Post by SpyderEdgeForever »

There is another issue involved with the above stated: If this technology became common, and it was done to people from childhood, so that when you were born and started to grow up, you were tested and if you had any possibility of "dangerous traits", you would be reconditioned to be harmless, and productive, while it would weed out Charles Mansons and Ted Bundys, would it also weed out George Pattons and General Eisenhowers? As also mentioned, who would control it and who would define terms such as "productive" and "sociable"? I can see great uses and great abuses with such mind manipulation.

A side and related issue is this: bad memories. Many of us have been through experiences in life that are painful and hurtful, everything from having been rejected by someone we really loved and cared for, to horrific abuses that no one should ever have to go through. It brings tears to my eyes even thinking of all the wounded people out there. And if you are on this forum and have been through such things, please know, I for one care about you and what you have been through even if I have not experienced all that you have.

Some have told me if they had the ability, they would have these memories of such experiences erased forever, while others have said no, that while these things are painful, and have repercussions to this day, it is part of who they are in some sense and they would not want it erased, perhaps just the painful and negative reactions removed.
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Re: Electromagnetic Mental Reconditioning of the Human Mind?


Post by Dr. Snubnose »

Question #1: How does Electromagnetism play into all of this?
Question #2: How and Where can I sign people up?
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Re: Electromagnetic Mental Reconditioning of the Human Mind?


Post by Mad Mac »

Kubrick's 1971 A Clockwork Orange explored the topic. To a large extent, this is already happening, not so much with shock therapy but with drugs.

Whether through eugenics, ethnic cleansing, genocide or with a scalpel as in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, brainwashing as in The Manchurian Candidate, terror as in George Orwell's 1984, it is ultimately about power.

The risk of being enslaved is not worth the promise of emotional peace and synthetic happiness.

Good luck, everyone.
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Re: Electromagnetic Mental Reconditioning of the Human Mind?


Post by demoncase »

I find bourbon- in strictly managed medical dosages, of course- achieves many of the Op's requirements.

I definately feel better after a few.
I definately suddenly acquire the ability to dance like a star and become amazingly attractive to the opposite sex.
I certainly am not able to remember most-if not all- of what transpired the night before.

Your mileage may vary. ;)
Warhammer 40000 is- basically- Lord Of The Rings on a cocktail of every drug known to man and genuine lunar dust, stuck in a blender with Alien, Mechwarrior, Dune, Starship Troopers, Fahrenheit 451 and Star Wars, bathed in blood, turned up to eleventy billion, set on fire, and catapulted off into space screaming "WAAAGH!" and waving a chainsaw sword- without the happy ending.

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Re: Electromagnetic Mental Reconditioning of the Human Mind?


Post by TomAiello »

Tampering with someone's mind destroys who they are as an individual.
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Re: Electromagnetic Mental Reconditioning of the Human Mind?


Post by TomAiello »



That is all.
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Re: Electromagnetic Mental Reconditioning of the Human Mind?


Post by SpyderNut »

Interesting concept. However, free will is the key element that differentiates the human race from any other species. Despite the best of intentions, this type of technology would likely be misused/abused and thereby lead to tragic results. In the absence of free will, society collapses and anarchy and violence are soon to follow.
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Re: Electromagnetic Mental Reconditioning of the Human Mind?


Post by demoncase »

TomAiello wrote:Oh...and...


That is all.
No power in the 'verse can stop me.

Can I get a high five from a fellow Browncoat? ;)
Warhammer 40000 is- basically- Lord Of The Rings on a cocktail of every drug known to man and genuine lunar dust, stuck in a blender with Alien, Mechwarrior, Dune, Starship Troopers, Fahrenheit 451 and Star Wars, bathed in blood, turned up to eleventy billion, set on fire, and catapulted off into space screaming "WAAAGH!" and waving a chainsaw sword- without the happy ending.

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Re: Electromagnetic Mental Reconditioning of the Human Mind?


Post by OldHoosier62 »

demoncase wrote:I find bourbon- in strictly managed medical dosages, of course- achieves many of the Op's requirements.

I definately feel better after a few.
I definately suddenly acquire the ability to dance like a star and become amazingly attractive to the opposite sex.
I certainly am not able to remember most-if not all- of what transpired the night before.

Your mileage may vary. ;)
Ahhhh, the old "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy" gambit.....I heartily agree good sir.
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Re: Electromagnetic Mental Reconditioning of the Human Mind?


Post by MichaelScott »

First, no one has been able to successfully define (a rational statement that is supported by evidence and capable of falsification) consciousness so "reconditioning of the mind" will have to wait until we know what the mind actually is.

Second, magnetism is magnetism regardless of the way in which it is produced.

Third, mentally reconditioning the mind is a redundant statement.

Fourth, what, exactly is "reconditioning"?

Fifth, free will is not a defining characteristic of humans for two reasons. There are good arguments to be made by neuroscience, psychologists, philosophers and others much more learned than me on the topic that "free will" is an illusion; and other species, most notably chimpanzees with whom we share about 97% of our respective DNA demonstrate what can be defined as free will activities consistently.

I prefer Scotch or Colorado cannabis for my reconditioning needs.
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Re: Electromagnetic Mental Reconditioning of the Human Mind?


Post by Mad Mac »

We are in it up to our armpits now, folks.

That free will business probably has more to do with being the opposite of predestination, the notion that everything that happens is part of a divine plan which we cannot change.

Curing mental illness, paranoia, schizophrenia, depression, would be a wonderful thing. But the difference between mania and genius can be subtle. Scientific breakthroughs and the arts might be muted with cerebral tampering. Inspiration is sometimes the result of a tortured mind.

There are seven billion brains on this planet. It will probably be alright to take our chances, allow them to run amok and deal with the consequences afterwards.
1990: Endura SE, Delica PE, Mariner, Police. 2014: ClipiTool Bottle Opener. 2015: Kitchen Knife PE, Tenacious CE, Stretch PE, Moran Drop Point, Kiwi, 2 Byrd Cara Caras, Schempp Bowie, Native 5 Forum Knife, Police SE, Tenacious SE, 4" Paring Knife, 2" Paring Knife, Terzuola Starmate. 2016: The Spyderco Story, Terzuola The Tactical Folding Knife, USN Ladybug H-1 Hawkbill SE, Black BaliYo, Yellow H-1 Salt Dragonfly 2 SE, Hennicke Ulize, Pink Native 5 PE, Renegade C23PS and C23P, Gayle Bradley 2, Terzuola Double Bevel, Gayle Bradley Air, Cricket Blue Nishjin, Centofante Memory, K2, 2 Large Lum Pink, Carey Rubicon. 2017: Dialex Battlestation, Orange Southard Positron, Gray Baliyo, Native 5 CE, Tenacious CE. 2018: Schempp EuroEdge, Eric Glesser ClipiTool Standard. 2019 Calendar Contest Reinhold Rhino CF PLN. 2022: Byrd Robin 2 Wharncliffe, Byrd Cara Cara 2 Rescue Orange, Janich Yojimbo 2 CruWear.
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Re: Electromagnetic Mental Reconditioning of the Human Mind?


Post by Enkidude »

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Re: Electromagnetic Mental Reconditioning of the Human Mind?


Post by MichaelScott »

Enkidude wrote:"We can Remember it for You Wholesale" Philip K. Dick
"Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"
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Re: Electromagnetic Mental Reconditioning of the Human Mind?


Post by TomAiello »

demoncase wrote:Can I get a high five from a fellow Browncoat? ;)
My sig line on several other forums is "...I don't care, I'm still free, you can't take the sky from me..."
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Re: Electromagnetic Mental Reconditioning of the Human Mind?


Post by TomAiello »

Mad Mac wrote:Curing mental illness, paranoia, schizophrenia, depression, would be a wonderful thing.
There are many elected officials (and even more in the "public health" fields) who view knife collecting as a mental illness. Maybe they could "cure" all of us so we meet their standards.

Some dead white guy once said that "the state has no right to cleanse public debate to the point where it is grammatically palatable to the most squeamish among us." Imagine if, instead, it set about cleansing the very thoughts of the people, to remove "unsafe" or "improper" behaviors.
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