Vocal minority louder with Spyderco than others?

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Vocal minority louder with Spyderco than others?


Post by thombrogan »

We brought poor Papa Spyder to a near-boil over at the other forum because we've all heard about a few first-run Dodos with less-than-perfect Ball-Bearing Locks a whole lot. It made me wonder if other brand new locks have had similar or more problems and the users just didn't pipe up. Maybe <img src="spyder.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle border=0>'s culture of open information that allows us to get such quick and repetitive reports (which I'm guilty of parroting).

I know that another knife company came out with a latest, greatest lock a few years ago and the number of reported failures were low for a long time. During that time, I even received a private email from a user of that knife saying that his lock failed the spinewhack test, but he was afraid to post it at that company's forum for fear of backlash. Recently, more people have come forward claiming the other company's lock failed on them (in use and during simple tests such as the spine-whack test). In response, the company's faithful, who used to use the spine whack to prove the company's lock's suitability over other locks, now insist that the spinewhack has no real-life merit (uncut, unsevered fingers no longer mattering).

So I'm guessing that while some of us may tempt Sal to tear out his hair, it's only because we're free to discuss our <img src="spyder.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle border=0> in forums that have a culture of free idea exchange or because some other companies, who shall remain nameless and become obscure, seem to encourage a culture of intimidation.

-Thom Brogan <a href="http://www.tntbrogan.com" target="_blank">Pictures</a> of our daughter, Cynthia
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Joyce Laituri
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Post by Joyce Laituri »

Hi Thom,

IMO- I have to say ALL the comment/feedback we (Spyderco) receive on the forums whether positive, negative, constructive, vengeful, silly, fun are taken seriously and acted upon if the need is there.

I've heard Sal say before "pobody's nerfect". There have been times we've had a problem or question about a model or design that we might not otherwise have known we had a problem without comments from the forum community. The day we stop listening to our customer and begin intimidating them is the day we should find another business.

Keep speaking freely, it's what makes this an interesting place to visit.

Joyce @ Spyderco.
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Post by thombrogan »

Hi Joyce,

There are a lot of custom makers and a few manufacturers that have lots to learn from your company. Most custom makers and manufacturers are great people and companies, but the few that aren't sure stick out.

We'll try to keep it interesting on these forums. Hate to hear that any <img src="spyder.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle border=0> reading these boards are cramping with boredom.
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Post by Jurphaas »

Hear, hear!!

Hi Joyce we were suppose to meet Germany!!

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Post by Civilian »

thanks Joyce That's why I love Spyderco! Oh yeah they make great knives too.
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Post by Jeff/1911 »


Very well said! Thank you for writing this! I greatly respect Sal's obvious humility and approachful-ness (if that's a word).

Oh, I guess it's approachability. In any case Sal and Company are great! However, if I didn't think so i'd still feel comfortable saying so in this forum.

Thanks Sal, Jeff/1911.
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Post by Jimd »

Yes, I've had problems with other locks. On a Strider I recently acquired, the frame lock was slipping a bit. It never failed or failed a spine whack test, but it would slip just a bit before seating itself.

I sent it back to them and they made it right so quickly it made my head spin. I emailed them a few days after I'd sent it off to make sure it got there, and the reply was, "It's fixed and headed back to you".

Yes, I had one of the defective first Dodo locks. It caused me no injuries. I sent it back, Sal personally corresponded with me (on the boards here, no less!), and Spyderco made it right.

In both cases, I couldn't have asked for anything better.

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Post by CKE »

jim, can't go wrong dealing with either of these two GREAT Companies.
<img src="spyder.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle border=0> is the path which all other knife companies should follow<img src="smile.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle border=0>

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Post by Mr Blonde »

Well, I've been on the boards since say '98 and have been a Spyderknut since about '99 I think. Back then there were two companies who's on-line customer communication stood out: Spyderco and Chris Reeve Knives. They still have an excellent on-line presence. Actually, the Dodo lock failures are, at least in my memory, the only structural knife problem Spyderco dealt with on-line. AFAIK 'Dodo-gate' <img src="wink.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle border=0> is the only repeated technical problem Spyderco faced with the introduction of a new model. Linerlocks for example, another tricky lock to make, have consistently met with on-line customer approval. Other companies have not been so fortunate.


Spyderco photos and reviews at: <a href= http://www.geocities.com/mrblonde50>Mr Blonde’s Blog</a>
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Aloha Thombrogan!

The inmates here call people who only tell people what they want to hear "Plastic".

I cannot think of another place besides here, where the majority is composed of "real" people...and man, I am BLESSED in that some of them have become close friends of mine...closer then the friends I see on a daily basis!

I recall that one of my very first posts was applauding Sal for his ability to LISTEN, and not just "hear". I agree w/ what Joyce said also...period.

Again, that saying comes to mind, "Only a TRUE friend will tell you when there is dirt on your face." <img src="spyder.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle border=0> appears to have MANY true friends! And so far, the only "dirt" I have heard about is the Dodo lock, and not enough kick on the Centofante III...

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Edited by - DAYWALKER on 7/21/2004 5:00:25 AM
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Post by Jimd »

I don't really see the Dodo lock issue as being very huge (and I had one of the defective ones).

Any company can have a bad item, a bad run, or just plain "lemons". The number of defective Dodos seem to have been pretty small. Spyderco must have jumped right on the problem, too, or the number would have been larger.

In the end, Spyderco corrected the situation, and all is well. As was mentioned, if that was their only flub-up out of all their knife designs, out of all the thousands of runs of knives they manufacture, then they're doing **** well! Better than many other companies out there, that's for certain!

By the way, I have a female acquaintance that's in the market for a self-defense blade, and I recommended that she take a look at the Spydie line. Great price, great function.

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Post by yog »

I think the reason Spyderco get so much feedback is that time and again they have proved that they listen.

Also unlike some companies that will blast you for the lightest hint of critism, Spyderco have always welcomed "constructive" critism. I belong to a couple of art orientated online forums and the most useful sections are those that are set up to offer constructive critism of your work because we know it is the best way to improve.

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Post by dialex »

This is one of the many reasons why Spyderco is what it is <img src="smile.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle border=0>

<a href="http://users.pcnet.ro/dialex"><font color=blue>(my page)</font></a>
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