Soo... BladeHQ put up a pre-order listing for the Janisong, about when the Reveal 17 listings were added to their site. I figured it was an operator error. But now DLT Trading has a listing up as well. Does this mean we're going to be able to get our...
I’m not sure what changed compared to spydercos past refusal to import the janisong unless the janisong knives are now USA made or spyderco is taking a consent decree and regulatory gamble with DOJ under the friendlier Trump administration, but DLT has...
I'm sure I'm sounding like a broken record by now but, if it would be possible to put a Plunge Lock into a Bodacious, I think it would make an excellent Autonomy 3.
I think it differs enough in the grip shape, particularly at the butt end of the handle,...
I’ve been thinking about how the Autonomy(2) is such a great design, but what would be neat is a big Autonomy. Perhaps an Autonomy XL. Squint a bit at the picture below and imagine how great a big Autonomy would be.
I just joined your forum and love Spyderco products as much as you guys. However, I would like to respectfully inform Spyderco and you guys that I served as a federal law enforcement officer as an ICE Agent prior to joining the US...
Hey all, I posted this on the restricted section originally, but nobody goes there... So I just obtained a 92mm Citadel, and after playing with it for a few hours I have discovered that the safety is too lose. It can be moved on or off just by tilting it,...
Hello everyone!
I have an autonomy 2 lc200n that I love. I actually bought a 2nd PE satin blade because I liked this knife so much. However, i find myself carrying this one almost every day. I work for a marine towing and salvage company, so a rugged,...
I recently purchased an autonomy 2 as my first auto. After carrying the knife for a few weeks It’s been one of the toughest and straight-up utilitarian knives I have owned. For its size it carries well in jeans and work pants. It would be nice to have a...
Looks like Virginia is repealing its automatic knife ban, effective July 1.
I have been eying the Autonomy 2 since I got into Spyderco years ago, and I'm wondering if it's worth splurging for being an auto over say, the Caribbean or an Atlantic Salt...
Just got my first Autonomy 2 and would like to know how to close the blade without putting unnecessary wear on the lock and button. Should I press the button and hold it until the blade is fully closed, or release the button when the blade is 1/3 closed?...
Edit : After the great Photobucket mess I lost the photos in this post. I did find one of them today on an old hard drive while looking for something else - 1 photo is better than none.
I picked up a Janisong when I was in South Africa last week...
I have a chance to buy what is claimed to be a Coast Guard autonomy. Seller claims it was one of the knives that BladeHQ accidentally sold and tried to have buyers send back. It indeed has no safety, but it does have a silver wire pocket clip. The box has...
I don't understand automatics. The Autonomy is a beautiful knife but what does automatic really bring to the table? So I have to unlock it, and then press a button. By now I've got my non-auto Spydie thumbed open. What am I missing?
It's that peculiar feeling when a knife you didn't pay much attention to for years suddenly climbs up your wish list. Perhaps I can partially blame Evil D for this... In reality, I don't need a new knife, especially since I've been trying to stick to...
A boy can dream right? I know it's not as simple as stuffing whatever lock you want into whatever knife you want, but I was daydreaming this morning about a few that I would really love if they were automatics like my Autonomy, particularly the Shaman and...
I've only had this knife apart one time in 5 years, so I figured it was due for a thorough cleaning and inspection. I've been wondering about the button wear concern ever since seeing this thread
Also to be clear, I did not do all this because my spring...
I received the Autonomy Second from Arizona Custom Knives.
Being a Second from Spyderco got me a much lower price and there are still a few left if you are looking for the Autonomy 2.
Here is a photo for size comparison.
The Caribbean, Autonomy, and...
This is a Reconnaissance Mission.
Doing a search for the Autonomy and its variants was interesting to me.
I found one that I like and more than likely it will be the next in line to purchase.
I do like the idea of a safety if I choose to use it tromping...
Just about every other company that makes an automatic makes some kind of double edged option, Spyderco need to get into that arena. It doesn't necessarily have to be a dagger style knife, just something with a proper Spyderco SE pattern on one side and...
The governor just signed a bill lifting the restrictions on owning, purchasing and carrying automatic knives in Pennsylvania that takes effect January 2023.
I just received the Autonomy 2 combo edge from Knifecenter after a long wait. I was super excited to finally get this. To my dismay I hurried up and opened the package and pushed the button and boo. Only flung open half way. After about 20 pushes it opens...
This would probably be my dream knife. It still keeps the edge and tip fairly low while making the blade more versatile than a sheepsfoot. If I thought I could do it right I'd try to modify one myself but it wouldn't turn out as well as the factory could...
Any love for the Spyderfly and Smallfly series? I can't legally carry a live bladed version here, but I managed to track down a Smallfly Trainer! This thing is so short and quirky, but its uniqueness makes it really fun to flip and fidget with. I would...
In wrapping up at work last night, I was wiping down my blade and handles with alcohol and noticed a line on the tang coming from the pivot area of one of the handles.
Turns out it wasn't a scratch or line of dirt but...
I need this to happen!!!!! Bring on the ORANGE!!!!
I love my autonomy 2 and every time I think of buying a new knife I wonder if there will be an orange variant. It’s simply one of the best designs they make in Golden!
My citadel is working OK but have had trouble with other makers auto and assisted knife Springs. Are springs available for the Citadel? I would like to get one just in case.
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