Spyderco Counterfeits, Clones, Replicas, etc. A place to list and reference all Spyderco counterfeits, clones, and replicas that are found. Anything that isn't a legitimate Spyderco fits in this area.
SE are the bees knees and you need to get with the program. Just as with PE knives, not all SE knives are created equally and different combinations perform better than others. Towards the end there's a bit of why I'm bothering with all this if...
This forum has some of the most kindhearted people that I have ever met . So many of you are always willing to help someone in need. It is for that reason that I felt I had to post this.
Recently there was someone who posted about challenges they were...
There has been some discussion and fair amount of frustration on the question of Spyderco choosing not to ship internal parts. The subject is far more complicated than it might appear on the surface. Some of the questions that...
I’d like to thank all of you for the great information on the issue mentioned. My primary purpose for the thread was more to raise awareness that it is a problem and hope that just the greater awareness would help contribute...
Well, I feel like a little kid right now just waiting for Santa, in this case the Mail person. I am waiting on 3 Spydercos: a Delica super blue, Cat G10, and Pacific salt spyderedge. What's in the mail on your side of the woods?
I was browsing the Native Chief line up on Knife Center yesterday and was quite surprised to find that the lightweight BD1N and Spy27 models were exactly the same price. Same for the standard size lightweight Native and pretty simialr price between the...
Hello all ..... this was posted on one of the FB groups. I am curious if anyone has any information on this one. My take is that it was modified aftermarket The sellers remarks are in the pics. Thanks in advance!!
So after the discontinued model redo thread, a few of us put together a list to vote on. This is just to take the pulse on certain models mentioned and maybe give Spyderco a clear request. Obviously a poll is not much more than a pulse. We will need to...
Every week I see some really great pics on this forum so I thought we could have a weekly competition. The competition will last from Monday to Sunday and the winner and runner up will be announced on Sunday evening. The winner will be the judge for the...
Over the last couple of years my collection has grown. Traditional folders, SAKs, modern folders, and fixed blades. I have some safe queens, but for the most part I'd like to think that I do a decent job of rotating them out. That is until my son was...
It may be time for a dedicated thread to Sal's fantastic story drops. A place to reference them all. Here are some recents. I will try to find as much as I can, but if you know of some, please drop them here.
Well, I got this one about 6 months ago and have been carrying it everyday on the kayak since. I’ve probably cleaned a couple hundred fish with it and it’s been subjected to the normal hard life of my kayak fishing knives. Very positive opinions overall...
Just wanted to say hi to old friends and new acquaintances. I used to spend a ton of time here in the forum but life ended up getting really full on me. That’s a good thing but sometimes I miss the simplicity of my life a decade ago when the high point of...
The hamaguri HP Delica. THAT ONE is going to be a game changer, at least for me. It’s going to be indeed a high performer even more than the high hollow ground one, at least from my, not quite limited, experience. Now, the anticipation is killing me !...
I have been interested in wharncliffes for a while now, but I always end up steering away from them because of a perceived limitation in function. However, the two things that I tend to be afraid that they can't do well are tasks not done very often, and...
I am aware this is NOT an issue for many; in fact, I'm certain there are many who prefer that the spot on the handle scale where the clip presses down is roughly textured.
But for myself, I prefer that the landing spot for the clip be smooth enough to...
To kick off this thread, I'm going to use 10V from the rivers edge run on the pm2. I tested the more recent Para 3 and it matched the pm2 in terms of wear resistance. The 10V runs have been compared to the bento...
In July of 2022, I was contacted by Sal Glesser and asked if I would be interested in trying out an early production specimen of the upcoming Lil' Temperance 3 Lightweight folding knife. His exact words were, “I'd like you to beat the **** out of it.” I...
The newest Byte just arrived in my mailbox. Like all the others, it's really informative. I especially liked the article that was inspired by a recent topic here on the Forum. It talks about the Lightweight knives, and their evolution. Cool stuff! Thanks!
I'm new to knives and worried this may not be real based on what I've read about counterfeits. I've watched many videos and am confused. Would appreciate your help/advice. The box does say 'Printed in China' and it's missing the blade line markings I see...
I chatted with another knife user and he is very familiar with Spyderco. I told him I love the Endura Delica etc using VG10 and how they make use of cutting edge steel alloys. He told me we are steel snobs and he only uses 8Cr13MoV and 420 440 400 series...
In my spare time lately I have been testing different knife steels edge retention using 1/2 sisal rope over a cutting board. I try and use a specific portion of the edge of a blade (usually the belly-most portion) and try to keep the...
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