My Byrd Tern that I got from the Seconds sale is so stiff in in, it requires the use of two hands to safely close the blade. Is it normal or is it because it's a Seconds? And any ideas on how to smoothen out and break it in so it can be...
I have a linered G10 Robin that I really like, I was thinking of getting a wharncliffe FRN version to swap the blades. Does anyone know if this can be done successfully? I assume I'll have to swap the lockbar too.
Hello, friends!
Initially, before going Byrd I thought of it as a transition towards getting a Spyderco knife. In order to better understand myself, am I a knife person or not.
The shopkeeper, young muscular guy with gorilla-type large hands kindly showed...
I have this crazy idea of maybe getting an all stainless Robin and having a Robin engraved on the handle. The engraver offers their own artwork that the customer can choose from if they want to.
Does this look like a Robin to you folks? It does to me...
I already had a G10 Robin 2 that I really like (in fact, I like it much better than my G10 Dragonfly, owing to the better, more Delica-like ergonomics). I wanted to see if I could swap blades from the FRN Robins, since they are about half the price and...
Since I'm a person who's always out looking for good value, I've ended up with Byrd knives before. I work an office job and often find myself in a suit (and in my environment, medium to large knives are often, let's say quite difficult to...
I've owned dozens of the Seki made Spyders since 1995 or so. Absolutely the best carry knife and my all time favorite. Just got interested in what they offer now and it's really sad and sobering to see they have to go the Chinese route to stay...
From what I saw on Blade HQ's youtube interview with Eric Glasser I made an assumption that there'll be no new Byrd models for 2024 in sight. Please, correct me if I'm wrong .
Is that so, no new models this year?
So I'm cruising through some social media and I see this knife company about to drop their new model with what looks to be a pretty darn close representation of the Byrd opening hole. Now I realize the patent has probably expired but there's been a level...
I get this is the budget line and no where near as popular and trendy as the mid and upper end Spydies.. I guess what I am saying is how about some new blade designs? Even if the steel stays the same?
I was thinking of a larger fully serrated 4 inch...
Hi guys, I recently purchased a Robin 1 and crossbill both SS , both had no clips, I’ve purchased 2 clips but I can’t work out what screws they use as I’ve tried a few from other knives and there either too big or to small, does anyone know what I need to...
I just realized that the comet hole on the Byrds makes me hesitant to carry them over a Spyderco. It looks cool, it's functional, and it's not entirely uncomfortable. It just somehow doesn't quite feel right when opening the knife. So I'm just wondering...
Never thought to be a collector of knives, but quite impressed with the Byrd lineup. Don’t get me wrong I love my Manix, but a lineup of creative everyman knives, not outrageous or exotic but useful tools, appeals to me. So in collecting all the Byrds one...
I have a byrd meadowlark 2 combo, stainless steel handle, I've been using it for years every day at work, it has taken a little slack in the blade, is there a way to tighten it?
A while ago I purchased a Byrd Robin 2 Ti for the purpose of experimenting with some different ano patterns on a Chinese produced Spyderco . This became quite the project but overall I am pleased with the results.
I’m curious if there would ever be the chance of a Byrd variant of the shaman? Same ergos but I wouldn’t expect the compression lock. Give it a lock back so the price point stays low. Maybe there’s something similar that I’m not thinking of. I handled...
I have owned many Spyderco knives, but only 2 Byrd knives including this Byrd Tern I picked up today. What intrigued me about this design was the common features it shares with many Spyderco knives I love:
Opening Hole
Finger Choil
Wire Clip...
I'm looking for scale options for my Hawkbill Meadowlark. The titanium scales are great, but too thin for heavier work. Are the Stainless Steel scales much thicker (at least similar to FRN)? I can't find thickness measurements anywhere.
Can someone identify this byrd knife please. First one, I got it in a seconds box and don't collect or use them. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
I just found out about the Flatbyrd but much to my dismay they're nowhere to be found. It's a cool design that takes the thinness of the Spydercard and delivers it in a more traditional knife. Will we ever see a Flatbyrd 2 or maybe a run of the original...
Hi, I was wondering if the Bird Flight SS will continue to be produced? I see it's still there but with the previous series design. I really like this model with this blade and notches in the handle.
I seem to have lost my favorite Byrd, my trusty Hawkbill, Monday. When I work in the Garden Center I wear a lined flannel shirt that is great at blocking wind. It has a loop of material inside that two spare buttons are sewn to. Occasionally that loop...
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